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God Is Present

As I emerge from an extra-long meditation and prayer time this morning, on a day that is more or less a day off, I see the amazing blue of the sky emerging…what a blessing. Holding each of you in my daily Practice, I know that Radiant Health and Wholeness abounds, and that each of us is an expression of that Perfection in form. I have been deep in preparations for the Fall classes and other activities, as well as exploring some new resources and teachers for my personal growth. I am excited to be writing this afternoon.

I was reminded of a quote this morning…the one written on Carl Jung’s headstone: “Summoned or not, God is present.” This is such an important thing to remember. In the midst of global challenge, in the midst of personal suffering, whether we remember or not, whether we believe it or not…God is present. Source…Infinite Intelligence…Spirit…the Ground of All Being…is all that exists. We are swimming in a Sacred Sea of Spirit, enveloped and comforted, held and buoyed, infused with, and filled to overflowing by Its Presence. Even here, even now. It is important to take the time to remember that no matter what is happening in my life, in my community, my country or the world, there is this one Truth that I can always return to.

As I sifted through the numerous emails in my boxes this morning, I was once again reminded to be careful what I choose to engage with. Over the years, I have gotten more and more choosy about what I allow into my consciousness. I notice that people have become more and more discerning about the foods they are putting into their bodies, and this is awesome. But I have to wonder as I look at what floats through the media…are we being as careful about what we allow into our minds?

As I reflect, I am reminded of the image of a sponge and how it soaks up water upon contact. If there are dyes or other contaminants in the water, these are infused into the sponge as well. It seems like this is a great analogy for how consciousness works. Consciousness is like a vast sea with over seven billion little sponges floating along, bumping into one another. Each of these sponges represents the human mind or consciousness, connected by the sea water that infuses each one. The water itself contains remnants of all that has ever contacted it, and by the process of osmosis, these remnants enter the sponges, as well.

Human consciousness, and by association our individual consciousness, is shaped by our ancestors, by our parents, by our DNA, our culture, and our conditioning. The patterns of thought that make up and infuse the mental atmosphere have existed for millennia and are continuing to be formed by everything we think, say, and do as a human community. This is both the good and the bad news. It draws our attention to how important it is that we keep our attention focused on what we want to see more of in our lives and in the world. Wherever our awareness is focused, especially when coupled with feelings, creates an imprint in the race consciousness. It contributes to either the peace or the violence, the love or the hatred. This is merely a cause and effect relationship. Once again, this principle doesn’t care whether we are aware of it or not, or even whether believe it is real. It simply is…and it does what it does.

Why is this such a challenge? It seems so simple. The problem seems to be that most human beings at this of our evolution are addicted to drama and excitement. If it doesn’t exist, we will create it, we’ll seek it out or invent it. Am I wrong? As human beings, our neurochemistry is still programmed to crave drama. We don’t seem to have developed our taste for the slow discipline of the virtues. We have not built the awareness, determination or consistency required to engage in the deep soul work of cleaning our lenses. And yet, this is what is required if humanity is to evolve into its next-yet-to-be.

It is so exciting to be part of a spiritual community, both locally and globally, that is actively engaged in the conscious evolution of the planet and of humanity, bravely shining the Light of Spirit into the deepest recesses of our personal and collective shadows. It is such a privilege to support one another through study, practice, celebration, and service, and to have the technology available to expand our connections all over the globe. It is wonderful to be a part of such a gathering of souls that consciously attends to thoughts, feelings, words, and actions as each of us approaches relationships with greater respect and grace.  And it is absolutely amazing to realize that anyone, anywhere on the planet, who is engaged in such deep and dedicated soul work, is part of One Community. We are, in fact and in Truth, one.

I would like to close with a quote from Reconnective Healing Practitioner Jill Brennan: “We are doomed to perfection. We are inevitably on this journey back to Source, but how long it takes will depend upon how we use our thoughts…” I would add how we use our feelings, our heart, as well as our minds…and how we express all of the qualities of Spirit, inherent in who we are. The invitation this week…pay attention to where you focus your attention and intention. Notice where and when strong feelings arise, and redirect where necessary. Be purposeful in your actions…and take it easy. Take time to simply be…

May we all come to know the essence of who we are and why we’re here.

May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!

And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…

Rev. Diana

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