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A Leap of Faith

Having awakened before 4:00 am, I have been blessed with a long, relaxed, prayerful morning. I had the rare opportunity of seeing a Moon Flower (a Morning Glory that blooms large and white at night) in full bloom on my back fence as the sun was just beginning to rise. We are surrounded by little miracles every day. My prayer is that you are showered in little miracles as you move through your day.

As I opened one of my morning devotionals, 60 Days of Prayer, I read this: Time to Take a Leap of Faith. There was a quote cited from the book of Joshua in which the priests sounded the trumpets seven times, letting Joshua know that it was time to take the city of Jericho. There was no visible evidence that he would be successful, and yet the walls came tumbling down. While this story may or may not be factual, it points to a great Truth – that which we have faith in has the tendency to come into form and experience in our lives.

What is a leap of faith? It involves following a heart’s desire or soul’s calling with no visible evidence that you will reach your destination. It starts with an intuitive feeling that there is something you must do and a willingness to do it, even when it doesn’t make logical sense. And there is a knowing that you will be supported, although no idea of how. I like to think of faith as the space between the leap and the landing. And living in that space requires an expectancy that all will be well.

In his delightful book The Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman speaks of faith as “our direct link to universal wisdom, reminding us that we know more than we have heard or read or studied – that we have only to look, listen, and trust the love and wisdom of the Universal Spirit working through us all…(faith is) an attitude that whatever happens serves a higher good, despite appearances to the contrary.” In addition to the Law of Faith, he addresses its close cousin, the Law of Expectation. He reminds us that “Energy follows thought; we move toward, but not beyond, what we can imagine. What we assume, expect, or believe creates and colors our experience. By expanding our deepest beliefs about what is possible, we change our experience of life.” And so, faith and expectation go hand in hand.

I have taken many leaps of faith in my life…we all have. Going to school to become a schoolteacher, a single mother of an infant with no apparent financial support, took a leap of faith. So did going back to school to become a Minister…an expensive proposition…again, with no visible means of paying the bill. And yet I knew that if I was supposed to do the Work, a way would appear. And in both cases, it did.

Take a moment to think about your life. What actions have you taken that demanded a leap of faith? How were you supported in your journey? One more question…how long has it been since you took such a leap? My morning reading suggested that it was time for me to take another one. How about you?

It occurs to me that we are all being called to a greater level of faith as we move through this time of pandemic, ecological challenge, and global unrest. We are being called to live differently, and that definitely requires a leap of faith. We are not sure how the future will look, and yet every morning, we get up and face the day. Each of us is doing what we can to make positive changes in our own lives, which in turn, has a positive impact on the Whole. And if you’re like me, you’re a little bit uncomfortable with not knowing how it’s all going to turn out. But that’s okay…it’s actually healthy to stretch, to learn to live contentedly with uncertainty, because guess what? If we’re really honest with ourselves, we don’t have a clue what tomorrow will bring! Why not settle in and get comfy with the Truth? It is our expectation that all will be well, and our faith in a loving and supportive Universe that will carry us to our Next-Yet-To-Be.

As I prepare to wrap up today’s sharing, it occurs to me that I am once again in the space between the leap and the landing…I have already leaped, with the support of my Beloved Spiritual Community. We have chosen to place our faith in the future and are remodeling a new addition to our Gathering Place, and with no visible evidence that there is a need for such an expansion. But here is where the faith comes in… we expect that sometime in the coming year, we will be able to safely gather again; and that people of all ages will be drawn into community; and in God’s perfect time, we will be prepared to welcome you should you choose to join us.

Know that today and always, I am here to support you.

Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.

Know that today and always, Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon you, and upon our world.

May we all recognize, welcome, and willingly receive the gifts that are showered upon us. Life is most certainly Good…

May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!

And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…

Rev. Diana

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