The Music of the Spheres

As I sit in meditation and prayer, I feel the presence of all who may be reaching out, seeking to feel the comforting feeling of Oneness, knowing our Connection in Spirit. May each of us find the Peace we are seeking.

I awakened this morning with the phrase The Music of the Spheres running through my mind. Where have I heard this phrase before? I am reminded that the music of the spheres, or harmony of the spheres, is an ancient philosophical concept that looks at the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of music. This music is not thought to be audible; rather, it is an invisible, inaudible relationship showing how the universe is arranged in a logical and orderly manner, consistent with the principles of musical harmony. We may know the ‘Ohm’ or ‘Aum’ as the sacred sound that is recognized as the sound of the universe.

Interesting that as I open my first reflective reading, Brother David Steindl-Rast spoke these words: “ God’s singing can be as jubilant as the red of God-made tomatoes, as the soaring of a kite or the splashing of children in a pool. But it can also be as heavy as the fragrance of lilies in a funeral home, as heavy as the news of a friend’s grief. God’s singing can be as light as harpsichord music or a spring outing, as sad as the howling of a night train or the evening news. It can be cheerful, enchanting, challenging, amusing. In everything we experience, we can hear God singing, if we listen attentively.” This is a beautiful reminder that God is not only in all of it, all of it is God. Mine is to recognize and live my life from this Truth.

One of the affirmations that I have been using as I move through this time of creating Sanctuary at Home is I Cultivate Harmony. Even as I cultivate the soil in my garden, making it ready for new seeds and plants, I Cultivate Harmony in the soil of my mind. One of Yeshua’s quotes from the Gospel of John that encourages the cultivation of harmony in my life is, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Rather than reading this as Jesus claiming to be the only way to spiritual enlightenment, metaphysical translation suggests something else…that Jesus is speaking of the I Am…the All That Is. Seen in this light, we might interpret this passage to mean that when I live from my Highest Self, from my Christ Consciousness or I Am, I experience and emanate Love (the way), according to Law (the truth), which uplifts my interactions with Life from strictly material to those that are more spiritually-centered. My conscious recognition of Who I Am lifts me and I Am carried by Grace into a more harmonious experience. My Life vibrates in accord with Truth, which is Love, which is God…Divine Intelligence.

Brother David’s quote evoked a profound sense of gratitude that there is a Divine Intelligence at work behind all that appears as craziness in our world. There is an inherent Harmony. I feel it in the quiet morning. I hear it in the crowing of the neighborhood rooster. There is a rhythm to the way Life unfolds. It is when I listen for that rhythm and align myself with it that my life is consistently peaceful. And by peaceful I do not mean quiet or still, although there are periods of silence and stillness. I mean that there is a sense of All is Well that serves as my foundation. There is a feeling that Life is Good and it permeates my day.

When I attune myself to the Song of Spirit, my experience of life is Harmonious. This does not mean I am never sad or frustrated, disappointed, hurt, or angry. These are normal human emotions. It simply means that I fully experience everything that comes as a message from God…without the resistance that causes discord. I allow it all to flow gently and Gracefully into the song of my life. I recognize that every song…and every life…is beautiful and perfect in its own way, and in its own right. I accept my life exactly as it is, as the beautiful and perfect Creation of a Loving God. I let it be…and so it is. Amen.

May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!

And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…


  1. Reply
    Lady Shamla Rose says:

    💦💦💦Beloved Diana Johnson💦💦💦

    You beauty magnetized me soul Today.

    I feel deep love and gratitude.


    In love, with love, from love
    Lady Shamla Rose

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