As I sit, preparing to write, I feel the presence of Spiritual Family. I pray that each of you is experiencing Grace as we move through this time. And I pray that this journey into possibility consciousness that we are making together is fruitful.
We are exploring Spiritual Liberation this month; more specifically this week, we are Opening to Possibility. Yesterday we talked about how stepping into possibility consciousness is like preparing the soil of the mind before planting new seeds, so that our harvest might be fruitful. By consciously preparing for a journey of awakening, one can reveal and systematically remove any assumptions of limitation. In this way, a clear and unshakeable intention to awaken is generated. The resulting clarity and depth of intention serves to fuel and empower one’s Practice; no longer is there a need to experience limitation created by subconscious assumptions. Another way to talk about this process is shining Light into the shadows of our subconscious. We all recognize the sensation of relief and release when we turn on a flashlight in the dark, revealing the nothingness of our imagined monsters, and freeing us to take the next step. So, here is the first step toward Opening to Possibility…bringing our own assumptions of limitation into conscious awareness.
Have you ever had the experience that, for no particular reason, something feels out of sorts? There is a sort of restlessness, an impulse to do something different, go somewhere new. It might be accompanied by boredom, impatience and irritability, or confusion. It is at these times that the Evolutionary Impulse or Divine Urge is moving within us, gently prompting us forward. We often mistake this Impulse as an indication that something outside of us needs to change so that we will feel better. People do all kinds of things in response to this Urge…move to new homes, end relationships, start relationships, buy new cars, start new careers, go shopping. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these activities when done for the right reasons, they can lead to an even greater sense of emptiness and confusion when our motivation is out of alignment. When we fail to realize that what is going on is an inside job, we can distract ourselves with all manner of diversions and miss the Spiritual Path to Awakening altogether.
To narrow our focus, there are two aspects of Enlightenment that I would like to explore today. (While I am choosing to do this in the first person for the purpose of affirmation, please know that this is the Truth for you, as well.) The first is awakening to my True or Divine Nature. This is the process that brings me first to the possibility, and ultimately to the realization that there is a dimension of me that is already awake. I first explore the idea that I already have the full potential of Spirit within me…that there is nothing outside of me that needs to be added. I’m already one with Source. This is who and what I’ve always been. There is no separation between me and what I am seeking. And so I come to believe that my higher capacities already exist as part of my Divine Nature. I already have a limitless capacity to love and care for all beings. I already have access to a wisdom faculty that is more profound than I have known before. Once I have come this far, I begin to experience a greater sense of freedom from fear and limitation. I begin to develop trust. So many things that used to hold me back no longer affect me. There is an experience that ultimately all is well. And there is a graceful flow that begins to permeate my life. As I awaken to my inherent Divinity, I begin to willingly step into possibility consciousness. And then something even more amazing begins to happen.
I begin to recognize the Evolutionary Impulse, the Creative Principle, at work in my life and my world. I begin to sense that there is a Force that is driving the Universe, an impulse toward Truth, Love, Beauty, Peace, Freedom. It begins to awaken in me a sense of Purpose…not the kind of purpose that one has in the world to do this or that, not a vocation or a calling. This may also happen, or it may not. But the kind of Purpose I am speaking of is more like finding my True North in consciousness, and It attracts my attention… It draws me to follow it. This is a deeper, more profound sense of Purpose. As my personal life begins to come into alignment with Source Energy, Wisdom, Power, and Grace, I feel an easing of resistance, a releasing of concern, and a deeper sense of trust or faith. I become more present, am more aware of what is seeking to happen moment by moment. And I am compelled to align with Inner Wisdom, to live from the highest place I can see.
Can you see that the personal sense of self does not disappear or become less important when the Divine Self emerges? It is just the opposite…the event that I call my personal life is happening in a much greater context. I still have personal experiences, relationships, responsibilities and commitments. But everything I do in every arena is more significant than ever before because I recognize myself as the Energy of Life expressing Itself as me. Once I have even the slightest idea that I Am one with my Source, I begin to realize that I am also one with everything and everyone else. All of a sudden, my choices matter. My thoughts, words, and actions are significant. In my interdependence with all of Life, I now have a responsibility…an ability (and an obligation…uh-oh, not the ‘o’ word!) to respond in ways that affirm the Life that I Am…that we all are. When I begin to truly experience that I and my Father are One, I see the importance of doing my part to bring heaven to our earthly experience. This is a huge shift for most of us, and one not so easily made.
Now, imagine what happens when a person who is full of beliefs in limitation starts to encounter something as boundless and revolutionary as these two aspects of Awakening…that I am, and have always been, an expression of Divinity, AND that the Divinity that I Am is compelling me to step into that Divine Nature. It’s like oil and water. There is no way for these two states to coexist peacefully. So, what do we do? We as individuals need to make room for something that big to happen in our lives. We need to shine the Light on, and let go of anything that might prevent it from happening. And what is blocking our experience of Awakening? Our insistence that it is not possible.
Have you ever had the experience of getting a glimmer of Enlightenment? It feels like we have finally arrived. We have it all figured out…life is feeling great, the world is beautiful, and there is a feeling of such deep connection with all of Creation…for a minute. Then it’s gone, and we find ourselves back in the muck and mire of daily experience. Have you ever wondered why these experiences don’t seem to last? I believe that before we even have time to think about it, we pull back. Our unconscious assumptions of limitation take over. Our human wiring is not set up for such things. Most of us have trouble opening up to that which is greater than we can imagine. We struggle with the belief that something extraordinary, even miraculous, could actually happen for us. There is the well-disguised cynic that lives within us, that says, “It could never be that good.” What to do, what to do…
Of course, you already know the answer. We can use our daily Spiritual Practice to literally change our minds, to shift our perspective to one of Spiritual Optimism. We can learn to be a person who makes a habit of saying Yes to Life. I invite you to spend some time in contemplation. Are there places in you that believe something as big and glorious as Spiritual Liberation could never happen in your life? Is there a place within you that believes that things can change slowly, gradually, a little bit, but not in a huge way? Don’t be afraid to look at these parts of yourself. If we’re not paying attention, they might actually be running the show. And finally, how has it served you to have the beliefs you have? How has this limitation actually served you in the past?
I step fully, willingly, consciously, into Possibility Consciousness, knowing that in God, there are no limitations. And in Truth, I Am a perfect and intentional expression of the Divine. So there are no limitations on my ability to live a life of Spiritual Liberation. Let the journey continue!
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…