Advent Series #17
I trust that these words of connection find you well. As I sit in prayer and meditation this morning, I hold each of you close in heart and mind. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Joy is the Truth of our being. It is ever available in any moment that we choose to feel gratitude for the many blessings in our lives, and to give heartfelt thanks.
As we make this journey together through the Advent Season, today marking the 17th day, we are giving our focused attention, prayer, and contemplation to the quality of Joy. It occurs to me that, in every human life, there are times when the feelings and expression of Joy come easily, and times when they do not. This year, it seems we have had to make a more concerted effort to find the Joy in this Holy-Day season. We are becoming aware, perhaps more than ever, that the Joy inherent in this time of year is a quality of Spirit that lives in each one of us. It doesn’t come from anything outside of us. It is who we are born to be. But what if I am not feeling Joyful? That is perfectly fine…unless you wish to experience Joy and can’t seem to access it.
I can always and only write from my experience of Life. When I have lost sight of the Joy that I know is mine, I must admit to myself…I have Work to do. What I need at times like these is a change of heart. What does it mean to have a change of heart? And where do I begin so that I may create such an experience in myself? In contemplating this question, it occurs to me that a change of heart begins with a change of mind…both in thought and attitude. And a change of mind requires the willingness to let go of previous thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and judgments. I must be willing to change my perspective about a person, event, or condition. I must be able to conceive of something new happening. I may even have to acknowledge that I have addictive tendencies to drama, or other deeply entrenched thought patterns that may need to be addressed. But I’ll save that topic for another time.
Once I have acknowledged the need for a change of mind, and determined exactly what it might look like, I begin to look at my desire for such a change to occur. Does my heart truly yearn for this change to occur, considering the effort and Practice it will likely take? Am I willing to do the Work? Do I want a change of heart enough to be willing to let go of hurt…to truly forgive another? Am I willing to look from another perspective, to put on another’s shoes as the saying goes? To let go of all I held as true? Will I bring sincerity and deep intention to this Work, allowing Loving, Grateful thoughts and feelings to gradually replace the old ones? These are big questions.
In my own life, I have found that it is always beneficial to do this Work. I will not pretend for one minute that it always happens immediately. In the past, it has taken time, and sometimes gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) promptings from Spirit. These days, I am more willing to address situations and conditions as they arise. I use Joy as my indicator; whenever I lose touch with my Joy, I know there is something I need to look at. I use my prayer time to consciously connect with my Inner Wisdom and Guidance…the God within…and ask to be shown where I am unconsciously blocking the flow of Joy in my life. When I am truly open to hearing, I always get an answer. Sometimes I need a little bit of time to build up to a change of mind and attitude, and a change of heart comes later. And sometimes I recognize the inevitability of this Work, and I feel a deep need to return to Joy. And so I begin in that very moment. Often I take out my journal and write. I allow a flow of consciousness to come through my pen, not stopping to make changes of any kind. I write and write and write until there is nothing left. Then I stop, re-read, reflect, and usually write some more. This helps me to clarify my thoughts and feelings, and to let them go. And it almost always offers insight. I invite you to try this Practice. I think you may be surprised at the results.
Finally, as I prepare to close today’s contemplation, and recognizing this as the season for acknowledging the Christ within, I am moved to look up Christian Scripture that speaks of a change of heart. Here is some of what I find. In the book of Romans 12:2, Paul says this: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Paul was advising that we not fall into, and be informed by, race consciousness, but rather, think for ourselves. In this way, we come to know what is good and true through consequences or effects of our actions. He was implying that such a change would return the Joy to our lives. Interesting that in ancient times, across cultures, a change of heart and a change of mind were synonymous. We had not yet become so brain centered. Science had not yet become our religion. We somehow knew that the heart and mind were intertwined. We relied on feelings and intuition to guide us more naturally than most of us do today, trusting in God…the Inner Wisdom…to show us the way.
Next in Revelation 2:5, I find this: “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works…”. The word repent may be sending warning messages throughout your body and mind right now. It has unfortunately been misused in Western religious culture. From it’s Latin roots, it simply means to think again, to change one’s mind or perspective. This is exactly what we have been talking about. So the message here is reflect on where you have gone wrong. Change your thinking and your actions. Realigning ourselves with Goodness, always brings a renewed sense of Joy.
Finally, how about this one, from Psalm 51:2? “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin.” Uh-oh, there’s another one of those words…sin. The message that we were born as sinful beings, with no hope of salvation without the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, was an interpretation of Scripture by the early Catholic Church. It served the purpose of maintaining power and more easily controlling the masses. It was not the intended message of the Hebrew Scriptures or the Gospels and other New Testament writings. Taken metaphysically, or symbolically as the Eastern writers would have intended it, we can see another perspective on this verse. In this Psalm, the story brings us a contrite King David, having committed many grave offenses, living the consequences, and seeing the error of his ways. He knows that he is capable of better than this – he is seeking a return path to Joy. The verse may just as well say, forgive me for my wrong doing, both consciously and unconsciously committed. In modern psycho-spiritual terms, David was coming to terms with forgiving himself…allowing himself to let go of self-judgment, so that he could realign with his Higher Potential. He was repenting…changing his mind and attitude about himself, so that he would have a change of heart…a new way of experiencing himself, his life, and his Joy. With this new lens through which to view Scripture, we can still reap the gifts it has to offer us today.
Thank you for joining me for this spirited romp through Scripture, and for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. It is my heartfelt hope that you find it beneficial, or at least mildly interesting. I never know where Spirit is leading when I begin. Uh-oh, God says that I should leave you with a chuckle, in the name of Joy…I think you will understand why it finds its place in this sharing. You have all heard you that you can’t judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes? This added piece was shared with me the other day… “Walking in my shoes may not tell you much; instead, spend 30 seconds in my head. That will blow your mind.” I think we can all identify. Filled with a deep sense of Joy and Gratitude, I thank you for listening, and for sharing this Joy-filled journey with me.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
May we each live from our deep and abiding Joy.
May we be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And…may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day, as Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon our world.