What a beautiful day, and what a blessing to have mild temperatures and sunny skies. As I sit this morning, I am in awe of the beauty of Nature. I am grateful that God shows up in so many colorful and animated forms. And I am grateful to have spent time in prayer and meditation, holding each of you close as we move into the month of June. I know that each of us is blessed in countless ways, and I know only Wholeness, Joy, Harmony, and Abundance for each of us individually, and for our Mystic Heart Community, as we move into a brand-new day and a brand-new way.
In case you didn’t know, yesterday, May 31st, marked the Christian celebration of Pentecost. The word Pentecost (pen’-te-cost from the Greek) means the fiftieth (day), and is the Greek rendering of the Hebrew “Hag-ha-Katzir”, or festival of reaping, harvest of grain. The first Pentecost occurred after Jesus’s ascension in the Christian Resurrection story, and commemorates the first recorded Holy Spirit baptism upon his disciples and immediate followers in the Book of Acts. I can almost hear you asking…so? Why are you telling me this?
As you know, I believe that the stories offered in Sacred Texts always have a deeper meaning. And as I prepared to write today, I found a connection between the Truth Teachings of Pentecost and my message for today. The metaphysical meaning of the day of Pentecost is that, as the spiritual mind unfolds and develops within each of us, there are periods of apparently sudden revelation and embodiment. What has actually happened is that the ideas “we have meditated on, and accepted as true, spring forth into consciousness, becoming living realities in our life instead of mere mental concepts. In this awakening we get the fruits of the ideas that we have planted in our mind; we have escaped from darkness (Egypt) and have entered into light (Promised Land).” (Charles Fillmore, Unity)
We have filled our minds with true ideas about God, and about our Oneness with It. And over time, these ideas have taken root. Our devotional nature, combined with our thirst for knowledge, have lifted us in consciousness until we realize Spirit’s urge for expression in, through, around and AS us. We begin to see the Divine Spark in ourselves, in other people, and in our world. We begin to use all the faculties and activities of mind and body to acknowledge and celebrate Spirit. What begins to occur is that the human thinking mind and the Christ Mind merge and we are infused, body, mind, and spirit, with the Presence of Divine Life. This is where true faith in God becomes the Light in which we walk, and the place from which we live, move, and have our being. Inherent in our newfound faith, we discover a new power to express Truth in our lives, to manifest according to the measure of our faith and trust. We are harvesting the Good from the seeds we have sown. For those practicing principles of New Thought, Ancient Wisdom, or The Perennial Philosophy, this is the opportunity for celebration that Pentecost offers.
And believe it or not, this is where my original message was to begin. As I opened my daily devotionals, I found ideas that spoke to my heart. They spoke of faith, of optimism, and of being anchored in Spirit. This is the perfect frame of heart and mind with which to approach the days and weeks ahead. With the Sanctuary at Home mandate gradually being lifted, we are faced with many questions. Is it safe to leave my house? Under what conditions and for what purposes? We have followed protocols set in place for our protection, and now we are once again faced with a greater degree of choice than we have had in many weeks. It may feel a little strange for some…this not knowing the right thing to do. This is where Spiritual Principle and faith come in.
As I contemplate The Law of Expectancy it occurs to me that an attitude of optimism, an expectation of Good unfolding, will serve me well as a starting place. I can be transformed by the renewing of my mind…consciously acknowledging that I am in alignment with all that is Whole, all that is Loving, all that is Harmonious, and all that is Free. I can know, with Psalm 121:5 that “The Lord is (my) keeper,” and with Hebrews 6:19 that “(I) have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.” What is my steadfast anchor? My faith in a loving God and Its infallible nature. And where does hope, or optimism enter? Through my prayer and communion, as I connect with the Christ within…the place within me that recognizes and aligns with the Good that is always present, with the miraculous nature of every moment. As I spend time listening, I am Guided to what is right for me, and I trust that I am held and protected always.
I am being Called to make trusting God a habit. How about you? Isaiah 26:3 tells us that “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.” When the unexpected arises, and I am uncertain what to do or which way to go, I stop. I breathe. And rather than allowing my mind to wander into worry or concern, I redirect my thoughts and feelings. I focus on letting go and letting God. I ask for direction, in faith believing. I listen for the voice of my heart, that Still, Small Voice that never leads me astray. I consciously place my faith in God…and grounded in the Peace that passes understanding, and the Love that never fails me, I return to my normal life. And what’s more, I find that my normal has shifted somewhat. I am more thoughtful about the purchases I make. I pay attention to what is causing me to want to get in my car and go somewhere. I am more discerning in how I spend my time, and with whom. I am more comfortable in my own skin, more in touch with who I am, and more thankful for the things in my life that bring me comfort and joy. And I am profoundly grateful for the people that love and support me.
As I move prayerfully into the days ahead, I find that I know what is right for me. As I notice the story that tells me I need to be cautious and concerned for my welfare, running in the background, I replace it with a more empowering tale. I am choosing discernment, care, and Communion as my way of being. I allow myself to be Guided and Guarded as I move into a new phase of life. I affirm, with Unity’s Daily Word, that “New doorways to good are now opening before me.” As I choose which doorways to enter, I do so with confidence in myself as a Divine Expression…and with deep faith in the One whose Life I Am living.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…