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Anchored by Faith…

As I sit this morning, you are with me in consciousness. I call you into my prayer and meditation time, knowing the presence of Joy that is ever available, trusting that each of you is finding that Joy in your own way, as I am in mine.

I was given a quote this morning: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19) While this passage is very short, it has me wondering…what is it that gives us hope at times like these? Is hope a strong enough word for what is called for right now? What is it that serves to anchor my soul? This simple verse from the Christian Scriptures leads to some powerful questions.

I can only speak for myself. The word hope leaves me feeling powerless, as though there is a chance that everything will be okay, and a chance that it won’t…I can hope it will turn out for the best. I realize that not everyone feels the way I do about this word. Some people use the word hope to mean something more closely related to what I call faith, trust, or even deep knowing.

And how would I define soul? I understand it to be a container for consciousness; it is that part of me that is eternal, that stays with me, or maybe that is me, from one lifetime to another, or one plane of existence to another. It is the non-physical yet evolving aspect of my being…consciousness individualized as me.

Looking back at the verse from Hebrews, I find that it is my deep faith in the constancy of Good unfolding that is the anchor for my soul. Good, not in the sense of a judgment – good or bad – but Good as it refers to that which is Life-Affirming. In other words, Life Itself is always unfolding or evolving towards greater complexity and organization, and towards greater unity and cooperation. It doesn’t always look the way we might like and is often messy…but Good nonetheless.

I also find that my deep faith in humanity serves as an anchor for my soul. There is nothing like a crisis to bring out the loving, compassionate, and caring nature of my brothers and sisters. I have seen it over and over again, through times of disaster and suffering. We were made in the image and likeness of the Divine; and when it comes down to it, people show up for one another. At some very deep level, we feel our Oneness and we recognize our interdependence. We know that we are accountable to one another, and responsible for one another.

Here is what I know to the core of my being…I, as a human being, am a self-reflective part of Life expressing. Through my thinking, feeling, and choosing, I set Good in motion; and with deep faith in the Divine Order, I trust that this Good ripples out to affect the Whole.

My faith in God, the Good, creates a sense of safety and security, of confidence and connection. As I surrender to Life’s endless activity, I Am moved. As I surrender to Its ever-present Stillness, I Am grounded. And in my letting go, I become a willing and conscious participant in this dance called Life.

May each of us recognize and remain firmly attached, by our faith, to our soul’s anchor…

May we all choose to be Awake to the Infinite Possibility, available here and now…

May we be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!

And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…

Rev. Diana

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