Advent Series #8
I sit this morning, the sun not yet risen above the horizon line, my thoughts and prayers flowing to each of you. As I approach this 8th day, and the start of the 2nd week of Advent, I am called to pray for Peace…to know that Peace dwells within every heart and mind, and that each of us is consciously abiding in, and living from, a state of deep Peace.
We are all familiar with the story of the baby Jesus. This is what our culture has taken as its reason for celebrating the return of the Light in the month of December. At another time, I will speak more about the Christmas Story and its metaphysical and evolutionary significance to our lives in the 21st century. For today, I would like to pose a question. Acknowledging that the birth of Jesus is only one in the long line of virgin birth stories, what is significant about Jesus coming into the world as a newborn baby? You may be thinking to yourself, “What else could it be? He was born of a human mother. Of course he was an infant.” But this is not true of all virgin birth stories. For example, in the Ancient Hebraic tradition, Melchizedek was said to have been born of the virgin Sofonim, the wife of Nir, a brother of Noah. The story has it that the child came out from his mother after she had died, and sat on the bed beside her body, already physically developed, clothed, speaking and blessing the Lord, already marked with the badge of priesthood. So why, in the story of Mary and Joseph, is it significant that Jesus is an infant?
This timeless story is really about the revealing of the Christ, the Divine Spark that is present in every man, woman, and child. It calls our attention to that place within us where our humanity meets our Divinity. Fr. Richard Rohr tells us that “The Christ comes again whenever we are able to see the spiritual and the material coexisting, in any moment, in any event, and in any person. All matter reveals Spirit, and Spirit needs matter to show itself!” And so, the season of Advent asks that we recognize the birth of the Christ as something that is happening within us, in a very physical and tangible way…in a way that will transform our very lives.
And the baby Jesus, representing the Christ in everything and everyone…the Christ in you…must come as an infant. Is there anything else in the human experience that demands such constant attention, so much of our time, focus, and nurturing as a new baby? Is there anything else that inspires such absolute love and adoration as the coming of an infant into our lives? We are absolutely captured and captivated by this new little miracle. We know and accept that it is completely dependent on us for its sustenance. Only through our loving care and nurturing will it continue to grow and thrive. And we are willing and faithful in our task. We surrender our schedules and our sleep to ensure that the baby is cared for. We would not even dream of saying, “I’m too tired. Let the baby go hungry,” or “I don’t feel like feeding him right now. Maybe later…if I’m not busy doing something else.” That would be preposterous.
This ancient tale reminds us at this time every year that there is something in us, seeking to be born. And this something is in its infancy. In order to grow and thrive, this Christ child…the Christ Consciousness within each of us…must be tended. In order that we come to experience the fullness of Life that was intended by our creator, we must give our constant time and attention to the nurturing of this Divine Spark. We must give our love, adoration, and devotion to this aspect our ourselves that is seeking to grow and develop. We must allow ourselves to be captured and captivated by the miracle of who we are meant to be and what we are here to do. We must be faithful to our task, willing to grow and change, willing to spend time in the silence, surrendered to the process of becoming.
This is the call of the Christmas Story…this is why is draws us in, why we cannot help ourselves. We sense that there is something special happening, something sacred and miraculous unfolding. And there is. Let’s celebrate this season of Advent, this birth of the Christ within, this revealing of the Light of Consciousness. Together, as one Beloved Community, as one human family, let us support one another in rising to our full potential as Divine human…stepping into our shared future, grounded and abiding in the qualities of Advent, the qualities of Spirit…Faith, Peace, Love, and Joy.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
May we each live from our Radiant Light…be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive! And…
May we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day, as Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon our world.