Advent Series #7
I am taken by the stillness that fills and surrounds me on this, the 7th Day of Advent. Perhaps it is the contemplation of Peace, as I prepare for tomorrow’s Taizé that has left me in this quiet place. I hold each of you in my prayers for Peace, for Wholeness, and for the recognition of our Oneness as we move into this sacred time of year.
Today my attention has been captivated by this quote: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” These were the words, attributed to Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew 18:3-4. What does it mean to turn and become like little children? As I continue my contemplations on Faith, as a way of acknowledging and celebrating the first week of Advent, I am drawn to the idea of childlike faith. Perhaps this is what the master was trying to tell his disciples.
Why is it so easy for a child to have faith? A child lives in the moment, and gives full attention to what is before her. There is no need to think about what the next moment will bring because the child is fully engaged in this moment. For a child, there is a fullness in the experience of now, just as it is. This sense of presence creates an openness that invites new opportunities, that makes room for the impossible to become possible. There is no sense of limitation, and no room for doubt in a mind that is so engaged, in a heart that is so open. There is an expectation that all will be well, that all needs will be met. And there is no concern, no question, as to where that support will come from. Although a child cannot put his feelings into words, he seems to accept himself as part of something bigger, finding wonder in big things and in small.
In addition to being present to whatever is before them, young children are innocent. Something within them remembers who they are. They know that the Kingdom is at hand, that life is inherently good, and that joy is a natural state. Have you ever heard the uncontrolled laughter of children? It is contagious. Until they learn otherwise, children are naturally compassionate and loving. They have not yet been tainted by the fear, pessimism, cynicism, and pain of the world. In their naivete, they believe in fairies and otherworldly beings. And they believe in miracles.
I invite you to take some time this afternoon to consider how you might seek to “turn and become like children,” that you, too, might “enter the kingdom of heaven.” Heaven is a state of mind, a condition of the heart. The Kingdom of heaven is within and at hand. And it is available to all who practice a childlike faith.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
May we all look to the Light…be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive! And…
May we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day, as Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon our world.