Life Visioning - Michael Bernard Beckwith

Life Visioning Overview

Join Rev. Diana for a quick overview of the Life Visioning Process, created and developed by Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith.  Rev. Michael used this process in the creation of Agape International Spiritual Center, possibly the most successful New Thought ministry in history. We meet from 2:00 – 5:00 pm...

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SQ21: Spiritual Intelligence

Body, Mind and Spirit: Advanced Spiritual Study Class, Unit 3 SQ21: Spiritual Intelligence with Rev. Diana Johnson, RScM The third unit of Body, Mind & Spirit: Advanced Spiritual Study Class Starts Wednesday, April 8th, from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. This is the second class in the Advanced Spiritual Studies unit...

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Shadow & Story

Body, Mind and Spirit: Advanced Spiritual Study Class, Unit 2 Shadow and Story with Rev. Diana Johnson, RScM The second unit of Body, Mind & Spirit: Advanced Spiritual Study Class Starts January 16th, from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. This is the second class in the Advanced Spiritual Studies unit for...

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Sunday Gatherings

Sunday Morning Gatherings: Please Join Us for Taizé & Conscious Conversations We offer two back-to-back services each Sunday morning. Taizé begins at 9:30 and lasts for forty to forty-five minutes. After a short bio-break and/or coffee refill, a Conscious Conversation begins at 10:30. Both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation will...

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