Event details
- January 30, 2025
- 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- 3613 Bechelli Lane Redding, CA 96002 Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/931097698?pwd=YzdSdnlsNGxmR0FPY0xCUTdRdldTdz09
- 530-355-5209
Shining Light on Scripture: Metaphysical Bible Study
- When: Thursday Afternoons
- Time: 3:00 -5:00 pm
- Where: The Gathering Place, 3613 Bechelli Lane, Redding, CA 96002
- Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/931097698?pwd=YzdSdnlsNGxmR0FPY0xCUTdRdldTdz09
- Facilitated by Chris Johnson, RScP and Rev. Diana Johnson
Join Chris Johnson, RScP on Thursday afternoons from 3:00 – 5:00 pm for a fun and enlightening study of one of the most read, yet most misunderstood books, or collections of books, in the world. We began with the Creation myths of the Hebrew Scriptures – or Old Testament, looking at each story and character through the lens of mythology and symbolism; within its historical and cultural context; and according to its literary genre and qualities. We are now considering how these stories shaped the teachings of the Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth and the formation of the early Christian Church.
We are studying the noncanonical gospels, and we are currently reading
The Gospel of Thomas
Recommended Reading
The Gospel of Thomas: the Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus, by Jean-Yves Leloup
A brief synopsis from bookseller.org (supporting local independent bookstores):
In this translation of the Gospel of Thomas, Jean-Yves Leloup shows that the Jesus recorded by the “infinitely skeptical and infinitely believing” Thomas has much in common with Gnostics of non-dualistic schools. Like them, Jesus preaches the coming of a new man, the genesis of the man of knowledge. In this gospel, Jesus describes a journey from limited to unlimited consciousness. The Jesus that Thomas presents invites us to drink deeply from the well of knowledge that lies within, not so that we may become good Christians but so we may attain the self-knowledge that will make each of us, too, a Christ.
No prior knowledge of the Bible is required… only an openness to learning how to interpret this great Sacred Work for yourself.
This is a drop-in book study group – come whenever you like.
We meet at the Gathering Place, Suite H, and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/931097698?pwd=YzdSdnlsNGxmR0FPY0xCUTdRdldTdz09
Donations graciously accepted.
Bible Study Resources
- The Beginner’s Guide to the Bible by Jeffrey Kranz
- The Bible Project: a website with free Bible study resources and terrific videos
- Five Gospel Parallels: Shows parallel passages from the four canonical gospels and the Gospel of Thomas (from the University of Toronto
- Metaphysical Bible Dictionary: Provides metaphysical meanings for names of people and places in the Bible (from TruthUnity)
- The Gnostic Society Library: a treasure trove of non-canonical Christian gospels and apocrypha, including the Nag Hammadi Library, Hermetic Literature, and more
- King James Version of the Bible with Strong’s Concordance: Contains links to the original Hebrew and Greek words for a more in-depth exploration of other possible translations (from godrules.net)
- King James Version of the Bible with Apocrypha: Includes the Apocrypha, which are books contained in the Catholic Bible, but not the Protestant Bible (from the University of Michigan)
- Revised Standard Version of the Bible with Apocrypha: Includes more Apocryphal books in a more modern translation (from the University of Michigan)