Advent Series #25
I am getting a slow start this morning…how nice to have time to just sit. I hold each of you in consciousness as I offer my morning prayer…that all are finding Peace and a sense of deep Contentment with what is during this beautiful holiday season.It is true that we are in a time of waiting…for the arrival of Christmas, for the unfolding and revealing of the Christ in every being. Sometimes, looking at the world around us, it is difficult maintain a sense of hope, or even deep Faith. The Christmas story calls us not only into waiting patiently, but also expectantly. A picture is painted for us by the two versions of the birth of Jesus. In this picture we find shepherds, who in their great expectation of what is to come, break camp in the dark of night and travel to Bethlehem so that they might witness the miraculous birth. Traveling at night was not a common practice. They must have had great certainty that their journey would not be in vain. And the wise men (nowhere except the Christmas song does it say there were three of them) journeyed even further. They were likely prophets and priests, and astronomers who were aware of the prophecy that a great ruler would be born in this time and place. They, too, travelled with great expectation that what they would find might be life-changing.
This ancient tale speaks to us of the Law of Expectancy. It invites us to reflect on our attitudes as we live our daily lives. Do we generally expect that the best outcome will inevitably occur, or are we uncertain? Is there a tendency to be doubtful, an attitude that says, “Prove it to me…then I’ll believe it?” One of the most important lessons that I take from these age-old stories is expect a miracle. Because what we expect, we are likely to find. What we believe is what we will see. And what we place our faith in is likely to be our experience.
I would like to close by sharing a short story. Once upon a time, there was a man who for a variety of reasons, chose to relocate. He moved from one large city in the eastern US to another large city on the west coast. One day, he got on a bus and took an available seat next to a Rabbi. He felt comfortable enough and struck up a conversation. He asked the Rabbi, “I am new to this city. Are the people here friendly?” The Rabbi smiled and replied with another question. “How did you find the people in the city where came from?” The man said, “Oh, they were terrible – rude, dishonest, nothing but idiots everywhere I looked.” The Rabbi smiled again and said, “I think you’ll find the people to be the same here.” We find what we expect to find. It is our perception, our interpretation, not the facts of the matter, that determine our experience.
Wishing you a day filled with Joyful experiences, resulting from your expectation that Joy is yours by Divine Birthright.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
May we each live from our Radiant Light…be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And…may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day, as Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon our world.