Viewing 3 reply threads
    • Christopher Johnson
      Post count: 3
        #4924 |

        This is the Mystic Heart Book Club Forum, to continue our discussion of our current book. You must sign in to your Mystic Heart User Account to participate. If you do not yet have an account, you may create one here.

      • Diana Johnson
        Post count: 1
          #4929 |

          Good afternoon, all. Welcome to the Forum. I look forward to our Conversation!

        • Chris Netto
          Post count: 1
            #4948 |

            Good Afternoon,
            Welcome to bookclub forum. Let the Conversation Continue! This is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts that inspired you, to dig deeper into ideas that resonated or challenged you or would just more in depth discussion with other classmates about a class topic. We look forward to your participation with your comments and postings should you choose to!

          • Christopher Johnson
            Post count: 3
              #4968 |

              If you get an error message saying that you must be logged in to participate, please log in at the bottom of the page. If you have not yet created a user account, click on the Register link and follow the instructions. Staying logged in will allow you to participate in any of the Mystic Heart Forums, and to “like” or comment on blog entries, Sunday recordings, or other pages.

          Viewing 3 reply threads

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