March 22, 2020
As I sit in prayer this morning, I hold each of you in my heart. I trust that despite the challenging appearances we are faced with, all is well. Today I am drawn to the subject of generosity. Here is what I believe about God and generosity…
God is generous by nature. Its self-givingness, Its willingness and ability to show up as all of Creation, shows me that this is so. God provides a world of opportunity and abundance. But humans, because of our limited perspectives and experiences in the world, can experience the world as a place of scarcity. When life is going smoothly, it is easy to look around and see the Goodness and Abundance of God. But when challenges appear, it takes a little more effort.
Many of us learned at a young age that me must take care of ourselves…and this is true. We are indeed responsible for getting our own needs and desires met. But in times such as these, it is easy to forget that we are also responsible to and for one another. It is natural that our survival instincts kick in…our brains are wired to react first, think later. But evolving as humans means consciously rewiring our pathways, allowing ourselves to respond rather than react. This is what we are doing as we choose meditation, prayer, spiritual study and service.
Generosity calls us to first recognize, and place our faith in, the Infinite Abundance of God as the Absolute Truth. There is always enough. Generosity invites us to create and live by a different story, one that is built on trust in God’s Goodness. The Master Yeshua gives us an example of one who lived with the conviction that there is always enough. His mindset of abundance allowed him to live sacrificially and generously, even toward his enemies.
Yeshua taught that he was not any different than we are; that what he could accomplish, so could we; that we are all created in God’s image and likeness…of the same essence and substance as the Creator. So, what gets in the way of our natural generosity and kindness? Fear. When we allow fear to take root, something inside of us changes. We close down…we self-protect…and we forget who we really are. Isn’t it good to know that we don’t have to go down that road?
In my Practice this morning, I Am reminded of the Truth…that Love is all that is real, all that really matters; and that fear is only False Evidence Appearing Real. I Am reminded that I get to choose where to place my focus. “By keeping my thoughts and attitude positive, I am choosing a vantage point in my consciousness that serves my Highest Good. I center in on God, and the picture is unlimited.” (Unity’s The Daily Word) When my picture is unlimited, generosity becomes my natural response to the world. I Am free to give the best of myself, and by exercising that freedom, I Am living from my Divine Nature. I am reminded in a powerful way that “no matter how constricted and confined life may feel, I stand in my freedom to choose how I will use it to reveal more of my divine self.” (Fasting and Feasting 2020) My Freedom is inherent, mine by Divine Birthright…as is my Generosity and deep Faith. Nothing and no one can take these from me without my permission.
And so, in moving into my day, I direct my focus to Spiritual Truth. Even as God is forever expressing Itself as change, I know that It is changeless and eternal. I willingly place my faith in Divine Freedom and Generosity, knowing that all beings hold this Potential and seeing all beings in full expression of that Potential. I know that “Spirit delights in bestowing heavenly treasures” upon each of us (Michael Beckwith)…that in fact the heavenly treasures we seek are already present within us, waiting to be released. “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) And “the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21-22) It has already been given, and today I direct my thoughts, words, and actions towards experiencing heaven on earth.
May you all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may you know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…