Happy Easter! May we each create and experience something new on this beautiful Spring day! I hold each one in my morning prayer and meditation.
Thank you to those of you who attended our Release and Renewal Celebration and Ceremony this morning. I truly enjoyed creating and offering it.
As I got up early today and did not finish the writing I began, I am leaving its completion for tomorrow. Instead, I want to share a short passage from Marianne Williamson that appeared in today’s reading of Prayers for Healing, edited by Maggie Oman. She says: “All powerlessness stems from failure to understand this point: The key to empowerment, personal and collective, is the understanding that, although darkness stalks light, the light will always reassert itself. No matter what is happening, the universe is invested in healing. Night is followed by morning. Crucifixion is followed by Resurrection. God always has the final say.”
May these words of wisdom help to ground you in your deep and abiding faith. May our planet and every being that inhabits her return swiftly to perfect health and balance. May each of us, and society as a whole, master the lessons that are here before us, so that we might Gracefully evolve into our next-yet-to-be. Have a beautiful sunny Easter Sunday. I’m heading outside now to play in the dirt!
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…