As we move into this beautiful day, I am so grateful for the blue skies and gentle breezes of this once-in-a-lifetime November morning. I hold each of you in prayer and meditation, knowing the Peace, the Joy, and the Beauty of Life as the atmosphere of your day; knowing the Radiance and Wholeness that you are is forever expressing in your experience.
During my morning study, I was presented with a question that worked its way into my contemplation: How will you come to me, Lord? How will I know you? As I sat with this question, it drilled its way into my soul. I hope that what came is helpful, or insightful, as you move through your day.
It occurs to me that you may not use the word Lord when referring to the All-That-Is, to the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe. With my decision to no longer be triggered by old terminology, I have come to a definition for Lord – Loving and Lawful Presence. Perhaps this, or something similar, might work for you, as well. Also, I had to look at the word know. What does it mean to know something? Is this referring to the intellectual understanding of a concept, or to something deeper, more intrinsic?
As I rearranged the language, so that it felt true for me, the question became this: how will I recognize, align with, and experience the Loving and Lawful Presence of God in my life? How will I come to feel, to embody and express Infinite Intelligence? Here is what I know…Infinite Intelligence is always at work, always present and available. So, my knowing is more about my awakeness, my awareness, than anything else.
At this point in my contemplation, I began to address the All-That-Is directly, as though I was having a conversation with the Divine. You, too, may have had such an experience. For me, it was a new way of talking to my Higher Awareness. I would like to share a bit of my part in the dialogue, as it might make the reading more personal, and more accurately reflect what was ‘said’.
You come easily when I am looking for You. And You come stealthily, by Grace, when I am not. Your Grace is the flow of Infinite Intelligence in me…the Higher Self emerging from the chaos of my human thoughts. Or maybe, since You are always present, you are not emerging, but rather “clearing Your Heavenly Throat”, reminding me of what I already know. (Some might call this conscience. Why does this happen?) I have set a conscious intention to wake up, to know and to live as Who I truly Am. You are always ‘listening’ and ‘watching’ because you are the Highest and most conscious aspect of me, responding to my intention to grow.
Sometimes it feels as though I am being tested, that You are helping me to learn lessons. What I have come to know is that any testing that I experience is simply the presence of Your infallible Law, doing in my life what It does in and through all of creation. It simply is…It is simply responding to whatever cause I set in motion. This is one of the ways You will come to me…this is one of the ways I will know You.
By way of closing today, I acknowledge the Lawful Presence of a Loving God. I know that the seeds that I sow are forever bearing fruit in my life, and in the life of our Beloved Community. And so, for the month of November, I invite you to join me in planting the seeds of Gratefulness for all that is…the seeds of gratitude and thanksgiving for Life Itself. I offer this prayer, that it may serve to uplift and enrich your day.
In the silence I become grateful for what is before me…for the many blessings in my life…for the many gifts in every moment.
I am grateful and give thanks for those people and circumstances that I love, appreciate, and enjoy. And I gratefully acknowledge and give thanks for those who have grown me…are still growing me…by offering opportunities to have compassion, forgiveness, and love in the light of challenge.
It has taken every person, every circumstance, every experience in my life to bring me to this glorious moment. I give thanks for all of it…thank you, Infinite Intelligence for my life.
I consciously acknowledge the abundance of Life…knowing that there is One Source, pouring Itself forth as all of Creation…expressing Itself intentionally and perfectly as each and every being. As I turn to that One, I Am so incredibly grateful.
As I turn to that One, I know that Its Presence, Power, and Intelligence are what I Am.
As I consciously place my faith in that One, I recognize all of Life as an incredible blessing.
As I offer myself whole-heartedly to the work of giving thanks for all that I have been given, I am showered with blessings…ever-growing, always multiplied by my gratitude…by the attention given to acknowledging the One in all that I have, in all that I see.
In knowing this Great-Fullness, feeling deep gratitude, and offering thanksgiving, I become a beneficial presence on the planet; I am lifted up. And as I Am lifted, so are we all lifted…for truly, we are One.
As I lean into the Radiant Light, the Infinite Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, Powerful Presence, and Limitless Love that is God, I cannot be led astray; for it is by God’s infallible Law that my life unfolds.
As I choose to know with all that I Am that all is well, I align myself with Spirit…I Am at Peace…Harmony reigns in my life.
And so I, as part of a global web of gratitude, give thanks for all of the blessings of this day. I give thanks for the presence of mind that allows me to live each moment fully and mindfully.
I acknowledge the Goodness of Life…and I consciously stand in the flow of Grace that lifts me, lifts each of us, and carries us on our Way.
In deep faith that Divine Order guides the cosmos and all of Creation, I release this prayer…to continue its Good Work…and knowing it is so, I simply let it be here… I let it be now… I let it be. And so it is. Amen!
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
Know that today and always, Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon you, and upon our world.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…