As I sit in meditation and prayer this morning, I hold each of you in Love, in Peace, and in Radiant Health…physical , mental, emotional, and spiritual.
I am flooded this morning with the Voice of Spirit, and it has much to say. I will begin with a question asked by one of my teachers (Dr. Tom Sannar) during a class I attended last night. “During this interesting time, am I letting go and letting God, or am I letting go and allowing race consciousness to carry me along?” An important question, to be sure. How do I know which direction I am going, and why does it matter?
Letting go and letting God means that I am completely grounded in Love, trusting that all is unfolding for a particular set of reasons and with a specific purpose. I have complete faith that all is well in the world, and so I am relaxed and joyful as I move through my day. I experience a complete acceptance of what is happening, even as I use my Powerful Prayer (or Prayerful Power) to grow a culture of Love on the planet, making it impossible for the current situation to continue. I know that my own body, mind, and spirit are thriving and I take steps to maintain my Wholeness. Healthy food, fresh air, exercise, meaningful work, connection with others, meditation, and prayer provide a framework for my day.
In Psalms 91:9-11 we read, “Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge—no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” As we contemplate this passage with metaphysical interpretation, we understand that LORD refers to Spiritual Law…the Most High is that which governs all, and so it is my refuge…I can trust It to work on my behalf, for my Highest Good and the Good of the planet. But I must remember that It works in conjunction with the angels. Metaphysically, my angels are my thoughts and their resulting intentions and feelings. And so, I must command my angels to guard me in all my ways…I must make conscious use of my thoughts, intentions, and feelings to create the mold for my desired experience, and for what I know can be True in the world.
If I am not actively engaged in creating my experience in and of the world as I would like it to be, and as I know it can be, I get swept away by race mind. I take on the global fear; I take on the worry that is created by my engagement with too much media. And rather than adopting a loving acceptance of what is occurring, and responding from that Love, I react from a place of fear, forgetting that, “Everything that out-pictures in the universe is created out of energy that emanates from One Source, the Creator-Sustainer of the universe we call God.” (Dr. Tom Sannar) We forget that “there is a Presence and Power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine…” I forget to consciously “know that this Presence is All knowing and All Power and is Always right where I am.” (Ernest Holmes) And when I am being swept up and carried along by the predominating consciousness, I forget that this Power is mine to use…that I am, in fact, using it all the time. In this state, I am not helping to reveal Health and Wholeness in my life or as a global experience.
So, what to do…I maintain my deep conviction that the Spiritual Principles that I have learned and endeavor to practice are the Ultimate Truth. I choose to remember who and Whose I Am. I make conscious use of the Power and Presence of God, affirming the Truth back of all conditions…that God is experiencing Itself in, through and as ALL of creation…in, through and as ALL situations and conditions. I know that God’s Will is being done through me as I align myself with Its Highest Idea of what life on Earth can be.
In Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers us this wisdom: “I know that any seed words that are planted in omnipresent Spirit substance will germinate and grow and bring forth fruit ‘after their kind’.” And so I turn to Unity’s Daily Word as it offers this affirmation today: “I take action to support world peace.” It reminds me that “Peace (can only) be to the whole (global) community” (Ephesians 6:23) when I am at peace within myself. It takes all of us, and I Am part of the All. I add to this a willingness to take verbal, physical, and prayerful action to reveal the Health, Wholeness, and Renewal that is inherent in the world, and in each member of the human family. I know this Truth for the four-legged, the winged, the swimmers, the crawlers, the plant life, and all smaller life forms, as well…trusting and knowing that we are all connected. There are no accidents.
In closing, I offer this wisdom from Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith: “When you solidly embody the realization that ‘Ye are the temple of the Living God,’ you cause the transcendental, transformative, infinite presence to so powerfully move within and as you that any seeming contradiction to this truth is removed from your consciousness…Take the highest vision of consciousness that you can hold and embody it in your consciousness right now. In this instant allow for the holy site of the infinite to be your inward sight. Then no longer will you be under the karmic influence of human law; rather, you will be governed by grace.”
May you recognize, claim and embody God’s Grace today…
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…