I sit in prayer this morning, bringing to mind our Beloved Community and all the ways we are individually and collectively supporting the lifting of the global consciousness right now…through prayer, meditation, study, positive mental focus, and right physical action. What a blessing…I Am so grateful.
As I open my copy of Fasting and Feast 2020 this morning, I read, “I fast from chaos.” How perfect. At the beginning of the California’s Stay at Home period, in response to the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, there was another outbreak…an outbreak of chaotic human behavior, no doubt stemming from our fear. This is a new experience for the vast majority of us, and it was a little bit scary. Many of us rushed out to stock up on supplies so that we would have our needs met once the stores reduced their hours. This is understandable, but it did create some irrational behavior…in a word, chaos. As I ponder this morning’s reading, in light of recent events, it makes complete sense. “Most people think life is lived from the outside in, that outer conditions cause inner experiences. There very well may be chaotic conditions around us, but the outer does not cause our inner chaos. Our chaotic thinking and feeling cause our inner experience of chaos.”
It goes on to say that “There is a better way to live. It comes from the realization that we live from the inside out. The first solution is to let go and release any power or importance given to the chaotic world around us. Then we must let go and release our chaotic thoughts and feelings.” I feel as though this is happening, that our period of chaos has passed as we settle into staying at home. Now what I am seeing is beautiful…families out riding bicycles, people out walking their dogs, and folks reconnecting with home. I am also seeing another outbreak…of human ingenuity and generosity like I have never seen before. People are offering their talent to entertain others. They are looking for new ways to connect in person and to do business as usual in ways that are anything but usual…myself included. What is driving this change? I believe at our core we are loving, generous, and very social beings. Each of us is an intentional and perfect expression of God, and so Love is what we are and what we’re here for. And it is this Love that moves us to find new ways of connecting and supporting one another.
In Unity’s Daily Word this morning, I read this: “In the world of human interaction, there may be times when the expression of love changes.” We are certainly seeing changes right now. It goes on to say, “Knowing this, I make the decision to love generously. When I commune with the spiritual presence expressing as me, I can open my heart wide and share the limitless love of God with everyone. As my awareness of God within lifts me, I am a channel of that love to the world.”
Let this be an affirmation for today: I Am the presence of God in form, in service to the world through my every thought, word, and action. Today I offer my generous spirit, my loving heart, and my joyful presence for the purpose of revealing Radiant Health and Wholeness. I offer my prayer of healing to our planet and each one who inhabits it. I do what is mine to do as I walk through my day with gratitude for all of God’s many blessings.
May the words of Saint Teresa of Avila bring comfort as you live this grace-filled and beautiful once-in-a-lifetime day…
“Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you, all things are passing; Patient endurance attains all things: one whom God possesses wants nothing for God alone suffices.”
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…