March 19, 2020
Today is the first day of Spring and I celebrate new life! I choose to treat my participation in more thoughtful and purposeful physical interactions as an opportunity to be still…not as a social distancing. Socially, we can easily all stay connected, even as we give ourselves extra time to simply be. I am reminded as I move through my daily reading and quiet time that (from Unity’s Daily Word) renewal is taking place throughout Nature. I recognize that, even as we face challenges, there have been a number of positive effects from this global COVID-19 pandemic. I see people questioning and reconnecting with what is truly important…time with family, time for meditation and going inward. The planet is experiencing a time out…blue skies are emerging over China for the first time in a long time, and the general decrease in pollution resulting from less travel on a large scale can only be beneficial to our Beloved Mother. We are allowing ourselves to look at our values and to make more conscious choices for our lives. I am moved by this quote, again from the Daily Word: “…my spirit needs time to recharge. My quiet times of prayer and meditation are a way of deeply connecting with God within. I come away from times in the Silence resilient, refreshed, and ready to blossom radiantly into a new way of being.”
Some of us are honoring the Prayer Practice of Fasting and Feasting for the Lenten Season. We are using Fasting and Feasting 2020, also published by Unity. This morning’s reading is even more potent in light of our current situation. It says, “I feast on moving forward.” It reminds me that in times of feeling stuck, for whatever reason, I can consciously turn my attention to God…I can simply spend time in quiet and solitude. Solitude is different from isolation. The etymology of the word solitude take us to being alone; the roots of alone hearken back to the old English for all-one. So in solitude, we are in conscious recognition of our Unity. The history of the word isolation, on the other hand, takes us to being like an island; held apart. So let us be consciously holding ourselves in solitude, knowing our inherent Oneness and connection to God and with all that is, rather than creating separation between us. Our daily Practice reminds us that whether we are physically alone or together, we can “feast on being alive. Spirit’s life force surges through my veins like rushing waters in a mountain stream.” (Fasting and Feasting 2020) I invite you to hold this as your Truth for today.
Another part of my morning Practice is to read, contemplate, and journal with 60 Days of Prayer, a daily devotional published by Guideposts. Today’s reading dovetails nicely with the others. It reminds us that no matter “what challenges we face, we can be filled with joy because of our growing relationship with God.” It is important to remind myself on a daily basis that the more I rely on my Spiritual Connection for my Joy, the less I will be affected by the surrounding conditions of my life. My written response to my reading this morning can serve as an affirmation for any who choose it: My Joy is my own and no one can take it from me without my permission. I direct the course of my Life; I direct my frame of heart and mind as I move through this beautiful, Joy-filled, Graceful, once-in-a lifetime day!
And finally, my morning would not be complete without the wisdom of Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith. His 40 Day Mind Fast, Soul Feast (also in honor of a metaphysical celebration of Lent) reminds us that when we “send out a real soul-call to God, Omniscience responds…when both eyes are placed on God, you find your transportation to transformation.” This means that we cannot have one eye on God and one eye of the world of effects. Of course we keep ourselves aware of what is practical and serves our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Metaphysically, keeping the eye single, or on God alone, means to realize that God is all there is and takes up all space. This means remembering that even a new virus is God in form and is here for our Highest Good. Our job is to find the blessings and opportunities. He invites us to use this affirmation as we move through the day: “I joyfully release all vestiges of false belief and surrender my whole attention to the overshadowing presence of Truth within me. Conscious communion with Spirit is my way of life.”
It is my sincere hope that this message has served to lift your heart and mind; and that even as we may choose to physically distance ourselves, we do so from a place of Love…Love of self, Love for our neighbor, Love of Life. May we also make wise choices as to where and when we will choose to physically gather or make contact with others. We are social beings, and so maintaining social contact is important to our well-being. The blessing of social networking is truly a gift at times such as these. Newness is springing forth in wondrous and unexpected ways…join me in celebrating New Life.
May you all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may you know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…