As I spend quiet and prayerful time this afternoon with God, and with the readings that are presented, I find myself drawn to the topic of Clarity. Each of us wants to feel clear as we move through our days, but with so much that is new before us, it can feel a little discombobulating. (Is that a word?) At least that has been my experience as I allow my schedule to shift and change as needed, and learn different forms of communicating and being in the world.
In honoring the Lenten Season, today’s Fasting and Feasting 2020 entry invites me to “Feast on Clarity.” It is speaking to mental clarity, the elimination of doubt and confusion, and the making of “wise and loving choices.” It invites me to open my eyes and ears to the guidance I receive through all that I read and listen to. And it reminds me to listen inwardly, as well, for the Inner Guidance that is available in every moment.
When I picture something that is clear, like a piece of transparent glass or a crystal-clear stream, I am witnessing something that is unclouded, free from any film, fog, silt or grime…something that allows me clear vision of whatever lies on the other side. As I expand my contemplation of clarity still further, another seemingly-related word comes to mind…purity; this causes my definition of what it means to be clear to stretch a bit, including that which is unadulterated and free of any contamination. Why is Spirit bringing these two words up together as partners? Perhaps it is that by practicing purity, I gain clarity.
The practice of purity has been a part of many spiritual traditions, in numerous cultures, throughout human history. Of course, what it means to practice purity varies according to the context. What about for me, and in times such as these? I’m sure each of us could come up with a unique set of ideas to answer this question. Maybe you want to ponder this question for yourself before reading on…what might it mean for me to remain pure in order that I can experience greater clarity in my daily living? A worthwhile question, to be sure.
Perhaps it means that as I open my eyes and ears to what the world is offering in terms of information, I practice care and discernment in allowing in only information that is accurate and balanced. It may mean limiting my daily intake of news to that which keeps me well-informed, from dependable sources that offer non-sensational presentations of data. And of course, by filling my heart and mind with plenty of Spiritual Truth, I bring balance to the relative conditions I am experiencing; I experience greater mental clarity and a sense of deep spiritual connection.
We have become a culture that is somewhat addicted to the sensational, that is drawn toward the dramatic. While our personal responsibility leads us to be careful, as is appropriate, it is easy to allow ourselves to drift into the statistics and images that reflect the negative aspects of what is occurring, and to simply not see the positive. How good it is to be awake enough to keep our sights set on the panoramic view of what is unfolding…allowing our wide-screen Field of Vision to reflect all the good that is being birthed. Each of us is witnessing new opportunities, new possibilities. We are perceiving a kind of a re-set that is happening both individually and globally; this we have already noticed. In addition, let us give acknowledgment and prayerful attention to the many, many people who are remaining healthy. Let us consciously place our deep faith in the Divine Template of Wholeness which guides and assists those who are regaining Complete and Radiant Health after a journey through physical illness. Let us remember that Spiritual Law directs us to give attention to what we wish to experience, for whatever we attend to will flourish
As we actively participate in this season of renewal, may our growth be rooted in conscious awareness and active participation. May our commitment and love for one another, and for our shared spiritual journey, fuel our every motive, thought, and action. May we celebrate new life, with our spirits renewed, experiencing every day to its fullest. Just as the leaves of spring show forth a crispness and clarity, a radiant purity, may each of us experience a purification of all that no longer serves us, so that we, too, may shine forth with the Radiant Light that we are.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…