As I sit in prayer this morning, I know that we are all One in God…that through this experience of sheltering at home, we are growing Spiritually and coming to know our Unity. I trust that at the other end of this situation, each of us will be better acquainted with what is really important to us and willing to give more time to those most meaningful aspects of our lives.
My meditation this morning brought three words to my awareness: evolution, Intelligence, and surrender. As I begin to write, I cannot help but wonder what message Spirit has for us this morning.
I have come to believe that there is, in fact, Divine Intelligence at work everywhere and in all things… that within every cell, every atom, and in what we believe to be the space between even the smallest sub-atomic particles, there is a sentient, knowing, directive force or energy. This is not even quite accurate, because both force and energy imply something physical and measurable, and I believe that this something is a Power far beyond anything that can be measured. As I consider our current experience, the emergence of a new and potentially harmful virus, I can only assume that there is Divine Intelligence at work here, here to redirect humanity as we prepare to evolve into our next-yet-to-be.
Sometimes, as human beings, we become distracted. Have you noticed? Our amazing brains are so curious. We have developed the ability to explore and to question everything. This quality that we share is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, our questioning leads us to making advances in technology, medicine, and education that are empowering us as a human family seeking to co-exist on planet earth. On the other hand, we sometimes use these advances in ways that are harmful to us as individuals and societies, and detrimental to our Divine Mother. It seems that even as we enjoy the initial benefits that come to us from our discoveries and technological advances, we slip into the assumption that more is better. Perhaps Infinite Intelligence is here to show us the err of our ways.
What if Spirit, cleverly disguised as COVID-19, is here to redirect us? What if it is an expression of Divine Mind, come to show us that we have gone too far…become too busy, too distracted, and too disconnected from our Source? What if it is nothing but a tool, a human experience, that Spirit is using to show us that more is not always better, and to evolve us as spiritual beings? Unity’s Daily Word speaks to this idea this morning: “Through my human experience I am evolving as a spiritual being…I am patient as I remember that evolution is a gradual process. Spiritual evolution is lifelong (maybe eternal?) and its rewards are beyond measure.” Perhaps, in deep gratitude, I might simply say, “Thank You God, for showing me where I can realign myself and my behavior with my Divine Identity and your Divine Order.”
As yesterday, I chose to fast from chaos, today…Day 32 of the Lenten Season…I choose to feast on order. (Fasting and Feasting 2020) I allow myself to remember and have faith in the presence of Divine Order in all things and at all times. Rev. Michael Beckwith tells us that “It is wonderful to realize that we live in a universe that offers us a continuum of transformational experiences. It is always working on Its own behalf for greater expression of what It is.” And right now, it is doing its work (in part) as a virus.
And so, in response to this expression of Divine Intelligence, I make conscious use of my inherent Power, that Power given of Spirit. I recognize and work in conjunction with Spiritual Law as it is made manifest at every level of existence – physical, mental, and spiritual. I am discerning in my choices as to whether or not to go, where to go, and for what purpose I leave my home. I trust my Inner Knowing to guide me. I allow myself to gratefully receive this gift of time and to listen for what Spirit is calling me to develop. Is it a skill or talent that I have left unattended? Is it a relationship that has not been given sufficient attention? Is it self-care? Deep spiritual connection? With patience, I surrender to a deeper listening than ever before.
As I prepare to close my sharing for today, I find myself wondering what the true meaning of surrender might be. I realize that in my fascination with words, their roots and etymological meanings, I have never researched this word. I find it interesting that sur, as a prefix, refers to super, expanded, or greater. Add that to render, meaning to give back, translate, or cause to be, and you get surrender as a means of allowing Divine Intelligence to expand what life can offer. As I let go, God translates my current experience into something greater. Isn’t that awesome?
I walk in the Light of Spirit, giving thanks for what is unfolding in my life and in our collective life as one human family…in full surrender and deep faith that God’s Highest Good is present and ever-expanding, always and in all ways. And so it is…Amen!
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…