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Infinite Wisdom Guides Me!

As I sit in Practice this morning, I Am led to consider Wisdom; for it is Wisdom that must guide our activity as we move through this compelling time.

But what is Wisdom? This word carries a plethora of meanings. One basic modern definition says that wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. A more philosophical definition would add prudence to its list of qualifiers and would use the word wisdom to describe the character of one who is reasonable, or who exercises moderation in desires. Wisdom is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgment, compassion, experiential self-knowledge, self-transcendence and non-attachment, and virtues such as ethics and benevolence. Allowing Wisdom to guide us is indeed a tall order.

To add to the definitions given so far, we are told that wisdom can be divided into two categories. First there is the conventional wisdom, which is the body of ideas or explanations generally accepted as true by the public and/or by experts in a field; the dominant consciousness, or race consciousness, of any culture. Then there is alternative wisdom, ‘the road less travelled’; ‘the narrow way’. This form of wisdom often questions and undermines conventional wisdom and offers another path. Examples of alternative wisdom are the teachings of Lao Tzu, Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Ernest Holmes, and Charles Fillmore, just to name a few.

It is my sense that we are being called to draw from both conventional and alternative wisdom at this time. Or maybe it is more useful to see conventional wisdom as a subset of alternative wisdom…that there is, in Truth, an integration, or overlapping, between the two. It is useful and practical to respect the material laws at work in our environments which can serve to help us stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. And because Spiritual Law governs all of creation, it makes sense to extend our awareness and seek to understand the unseen and non-measurable aspects…the Spiritual Nature…of our lives, as well.

This statement from Ernest Holmes seems to integrate the more conventional and the alternative wisdoms: “Spiritual Wisdom says that God manifests through everything and is incarnated in all (humans); that all is Divinity and that Nature herself is the body of God. The mechanical laws of nature are set and immutable, but the spontaneous recognition of these laws gives us the power to bring them into practical use in everyday life and experience.” He refers to God as the Infinite Knowingness that “becomes our wisdom only in such degree as we embody Its Intelligence.” What does this mean to me in my day-to-day life? It means that as I acknowledge myself as an expression of the Divine, consciously aligning myself with and listening to Its Infinite Intelligence, I am guided in all that I need to know to live a healthy, peaceful, joyful life. Sometimes this Inner Guidance aligns with what society is telling me is true, and sometimes it doesn’t. This is where I must be discerning…I must spend enough time in Practice to be in touch with the Still, Small Voice within me, so that I know what is right for me, what is mine to do or be…and so that I have the determination and strength to follow through.

In my travels through the Daily Word this morning, I am led to this passage from Proverbs 2:6. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” In mythology, the mouth represents communication. And in metaphysics, Lord represents Law and dominion. So this passage suggests that if we pay attention to how physical, mental, and spiritual law is operating and speaking to us in our lives, we can act with wisdom; when we listen to Spirit’s Guidance and Communication, we will know what is ours to do and be able to do it with mastery and poise.

I love the word poise. It is not used much in our time. Poise blends the qualities of Power of Peace. When I am poised, I am allowing God to work through me; Its Power gives me strength and courage, and Its Peace brings a sense of serenity. Guided by my daily practice of reading from Fasting and Feasting 2020, I choose to feast on Serenity. I am moved to share the following passage from Rev. Ric Schumacher: “Serenity is not sticking our heads in the sand to avoid difficulties; it does not come when we view life through rose-colored glasses; it is not denying the things that occur in daily living. Serenity is peace in the face of conflict. It is the spiritual, mental, and emotional equilibrium that arises when we balance the need for acceptance with the need to act and bring about change.” It goes on to say, “We have minds filled with wisdom and hearts overflowing with love. Out of the union of wisdom and love – the marriage of mind and heart – is born perfect serenity. God-given serenity empowers us to accept those things that are out of our control. It gives us strength and courage to act in ways that bless all concerned.”

As I bring this message to a close, I offer a prayer by Alan Cohen…one that speaks to listening for Wisdom to guide us, and to the ever-presence of Love, of our Unity, and of the Good that is always unfolding.

Beloved God,

Show me the truth about this.

I now surrender all fears, doubts, and judgments, and invite the light of perfect consciousness to illuminate my path.

Pure love is present here and now, as God lives in every person I meet.

I send love and appreciation to all my associates, knowing with perfect confidence that he or she is guided by the same Great Spirit that guides me.

I am not separate from my brothers and sisters, but one with them.

I trust that my highest good is unfolding before me, and I accept the very best that love and life have to offer.

I am worthy of living in the kingdom of Heaven, even as I walk the earth. I claim it now.

Thank you, God, for loving me infinitely, and opening all doors for the highest good of all concerned. I receive Your love, and magnify it.

And so it is. Amen.

May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!

And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…

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