As I sit this morning, I pray that you experience the Joy of living today, and that you engage in activities that you Love. These qualities…Joy and Love…are the Truth of my being and of yours, now and always. My message is brief this morning, intended to move you in the direction of what feeds your soul, to cause you to ask yourself, “What do I want to invest my time in on this beautiful Spring day? What would bring me the greatest Joy? What would I absolutely Love to do today” Time is all we have…we must invest wisely.
Let’s spend just a moment looking at what it means to experience Joy. It is easy to confuse Joy with happiness; they are not the same thing. Happiness is an emotional state – it is a feeling that comes and goes with passing conditions. When something happens that pleases me, I am happy. When I experience a situation that doesn’t meet my expectations, that happiness fades. Joy is an inherent quality that lives deep within us, in that profound place of connection with God in all of its many expressions. So, when I look for the Divine in another person or activity, I experience Joy. When I recognize every moment for what it is…an opportunity to connect with my own Divinity…I experience Joy. I can connect with my ever-present Joy in any moment that I choose. And yes, this leaves me feeling happy!
And what about Love? Ernest Holmes tells us that “Love is the central flame of the universe, nay, the very fire itself. It is written that God is Love, and that we are His expressed likeness, the image of the Eternal Being. Love is self-givingness through creation, the impartation of the Divine through the human. Love is an essence, an atmosphere, which defies analysis, as does Life Itself. It is that which IS and cannot be explained: it is common to all people, to all animal life, and evident in the response of plants to those who love them. Love reigns supreme over all. The essence of love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul and proclaims the Spirit. Only love knows love, and love knows only love. Words cannot express its depths or meaning.” And Unity’s cofounder Charles Fillmore wrote: “Love is the great harmonizer and healer…love will bring your own to you, adjust all misunderstandings, and make your life and your affairs healthy, happy, harmonious, and free.”
By these definitions, Love sounds like the perfect medicine for a global healing to take place, the perfect antidote for whatever dis-ease may be expressing, right here and now. I invite you to join me in these affirmations from Unity’s One Humanity, Many Stories, to increase the vibrations of Love and Joy that are moving through the atmosphere.
I still my thoughts and allow God’s unwavering, ever-present Joy to uplift and inspire me. God and I ae one, and I Am filled with happiness. I take time to stop and enjoy all that life has to offer. I give thanks for simple, everyday happenings that bring joyous feelings and responses. For all life’s joy, I Am grateful.
I Am a radiating center of Divine Love, mighty to attract my Good and to radiate Good to others. God’s love fills my life with Good, and I Am blessed with Joy, happiness, and satisfying relationships. I Am aware of God’s abundant Love flowing in and through every aspect of my life.
And I invite you to experience a Joy-filled day, doing only what you Love, that which brings you into alignment with your True Self. Love is why we’re here; it is what we are. And Joy is our natural state when we are allowing ourselves to be centered in Love.
May you all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may you know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…