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Let It Be Easy

I am holding each one of you close as I move through my morning prayer and meditation…knowing only Wholeness, Peace, and Contentment for you and yours.

In my contemplation this morning, I realized that there has been something following me for the past few days; what do we mean when we say something is easy? For whatever reason, Spirit has me contemplating this question today.

Over the past week, I have heard a number of people say, in passing, that some activity was chosen because it was easy. I have, many times, asked people to consider (when dealing with a challenge), “What would it look like and feel like if it was easy?” I have even written a song called Let It Be Easy. But as I reflect, it seems to me that there are different meanings for easy. And the meaning it carries reflects our deeper motivation. Is it always best to let it be easy?

First, what are some of the different ways that easy might be defined? Merriam-Webster defines it this way: “Causing or involving little difficulty or discomfort; requiring or indicating little effort, thought, or reflection; not severe; not steep or abrupt; not difficult to endure or undergo. The word ease goes back to an Old French root meaning comfortable or tranquil. At first glance, it makes sense that we would choose the easy route. Why make things more complicated than they need to be, right? The thing is that somewhere deep inside, I know that the easiest thing in the moment is not always the best choice for the long run.

Sometimes when I am taking the path of least resistance, it is for the Highest Good. The friction I am experiencing is trying to redirect me; it is saying, “No, not this way. Go that way.” But at other times my resistance is based on my being comfortable with what is (not necessarily happy, but comfortable), even when I know I need to change. Stepping out beyond the boundary of what has been is not the easiest path, but it may be the right path…the one that aligns me most closely with my Divinity and prepares me to express It in a greater way than ever before. Okay, let’s be honest…sometimes when I am taking the easy way out, I am in avoidance of having to put forth the effort that will grow me into my Next-Yet-To-Be. And I don’t know about you, but I am always painfully aware when this is happening in my life; what I have come to know is that I can’t stay in this place forever.

I have discovered that the one thing I can do to make the process of change easier and more Grace-filled is to let go of my need to control the outcome…surrender…let go and let God. I can practice an active willingness to move into the unknown with a sense of curiosity about what Spirit has in Mind, and an openness to the Infinite Possibility that is ever available. I once read that faith is the place between the leap and the landing. When I practice consciously directing my faith to a trusting that all is unfolding as it should, and that “all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well” (Julian of Norwich), I am Guided to the perfect outcome, the one that brings the most Good to the Whole, no matter what the appearance. And it doesn’t often look like I thought it would!

Returning to the lyrics of my song, and the message they contain, letting it be easy isn’t pointing to doing what takes the least effort or reflection; rather, it means willingly making whatever growth or change is being called for, from a place of such deep faith and surrender that the flow of God’s infinite Grace has room to swoop in and carry me…and it will, if I let it. There is never an absence of Grace, if only I can allow it to fill my life.

In closing, I want to share the lyrics of this song with you. Please forgive the use of masculine pronouns. This stems from my childhood faith and is not meant to exclude the feminine aspect of God.

Let It Be Easy

The Love of God is here in every breath we take, It fills us up with love and inspiration

It fills us and surrounds us, meets our every need. It is our shining light and our salvation

The Power of God is here in every thought we think, It gives us strength and offers us direction.

If I make the choice to listen for His Voice,

And let His Wisdom guide me through my deepest reflection…

Let it be easy, let it be easy, relax, let go, and trust, the way is easy

Let your heart’s desire be ignited by the fire, your life is in God’s hands

He’ll make the way easy. Oh, let it be easy.

So as the day is done, I bow my head to prayto know that God’s the Truth of all Creation.

As the Beauty of the stars shine on you and me, suddenly I know no separation.

I rest from all the cares and worries of the dayand know that in the darkness I’m protected.

I feel His loving Grace caress my smiling face,

And deep within my soul I know we’ve always been connected…

Let it be easy, let it be easy, relax, let go, and trust, the way is easy

Let your heart’s desire be ignited by the fire, your life is in God’s hands

He’ll make the way easy. Oh, let it be easy.


May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!

And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…

Rev. Diana

End Note

  1. Let It Be Easy, written by Diana Johnson, © 2020 Barefoot Angel Publishing, ASCAP

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