March 22, 2020
Happy Sunday! As I sit in prayer this morning, I hold each one of you in my Heart of Hearts…and I Am grateful. How blessed I Am to have such a beautiful and loving Spiritual Family…and a growing number of readers checking out my posts. How grateful I Am for your support and willingness to stay connected. I offer you my heartfelt prayers of Peace as we move into this Joy-filled day.
Last night, as I prepared to put my computer to bed for the evening, I received an email from a friend, asking me a question: “I know you don’t believe in getting sick from germs, and I’m interested in knowing what you do believe about viruses like this one.” This is a common misunderstanding…through their own filters, people hear that I don’t believe in the effects of biological processes. Nothing is further from the truth. Of course, living in the physical world, we are subject to all kinds of physical effects. And so I took this question into dreamland and woke up with these responses. I thought they might be helpful, or at least interesting to my readers this morning as I write about Divine Order in Action.
Now to answer her question… it is not that I don’t believe in germs, or in getting sick from them. This happens to people all the time. And from time to time, when I’m not aligned and taking care of myself, it happens to me. What I believe about getting sick from germs is that whether or not I get sick (show outward symptoms rather than simply building my immune system) has more to do with my state of mind, my level of fear, my expectations and beliefs, and my ability to stand in what I believe and expect to be true. The great Spiritual Teachers of the ages, as well as Wholistic Health Practitioners today, agree that the body follows the mind. I believe that this happens without exception.
For example, if I am filling my time and attention with the negative energies carried by fatalistic news stories, listening to the doom-filled conversations of my neighbors, and I begin to become fearful myself…allowing myself to be caught up in the panic and fear…I am much more likely to experience the negative effects of the germs that are present in my environment and in my body . I have stepped into, and given permission, for Race Consciousness to carry me along in this respect.
On the other hand, if I maintain my connection to Spirit, acknowledging that the virus is God in form, here to help me in some way…that Divine Order is always unfolding…if I maintain healthy Spiritual Practices, mental practices, and the physical practices that make sense to my belief system and are respectful of others, according to their beliefs, Spiritual Law supports me in staying healthy. I have not made the virus an enemy to be feared, but a teacher to be respected and learned from. What each of us learns varies according to what we are ready to learn, and this is as it should be. No one lesson is better or worse, higher or lower…simply human and spiritual evolution happening as each one of us.
I agree with what Alanna Shaikh (in her YouTube video Corona Virus-19) is saying about the state of the world, our abuse of the planet, and the inequity of the medical systems…all problems that encourage new viruses and other challenges to call us to pay attention. As one human on the planet, I do what I can. For today, I prepare to share my morning message. Later today, I will send out this video with some of the content of this email. I have to speak out from my heart…and I realize that if I speak in a voice that cannot be heard…well, that doesn’t help either. It’s a fine line.
As I sit with my Practice this morning, I Am led to this prayer…a Chinook Psalter (or hymn) called Vernal Equinox.
Everywhere is the green of new growth,
The amazing sight of the renewal of the earth.
We watch the grass once again emerging from the ground.
We notice the bright green atop the dark green on the pine, the fir, the hemlock, the spruce, the cedar.
The alder is already in leaf.
The old plum trees still blossom, leaf and give forth fruit.
The locust is late as always.
Everywhere and always the song of the birds…bees raiding the orchard, racoon prowling at nightfall, the earthworm tunneling the garden, chickens and rabbits pecking and nibbling, the goats tugging to reach new delights…all are the ubiquitous energies of life.
O Lord,
May we today be touched by the grace, fascinated and moved by this your creation, energized by the power of new growth at work in your world.
May we move beyond viewing this life only through a frame but – touch it and be touched by it, know it and be known by it, love it and be loved by it.
May our bodies, our minds, our spirits, learn a new rhythm paced by the rhythmic pulse of the whole created order.
May spring come to us, be in us, and recreate life in us.
May we forge a new friendship with the natural world and discover a new affinity with beauty, with life, and with the Cosmic Christ in whom all things were created in heaven and on earth, visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities…for all things were created through him and for him.
In his name.
Amen (And So It Is)
May this prayer bring you joy…may it touch your heart and remind you that new life is always unfolding, Divine Order is always present, and there is beauty to be found in every moment. May your day be filled with Grace and Harmony…a true Sabbath.
May you all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may you know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…