I wish you a beautiful Palm Sunday. My prayer this morning is that each of us recognizes and celebrates the Christ Consciousness that is forever seeking expression. There is no need to wait…I allow the Presence of the Divine to shine in, through and AS my life now.
I am taken this morning by today’s reading from Unity’s Fasting and Feasting 2020. Author James Dillet Freeman is speaking of the Master Teacher Yeshua as “the One who showed us what we all might be.” The point is that Jesus did not tell us what we should do or how we should do it…he simply lived his life according to his own Faith, Love, Joy and Wholeness. He served as an example of what is possible for each one of us as we center our lives in Truth. He did not hold himself as different or separate…somehow more special. He said that we “will do even greater things than these.” (John 14:12)
When I look at the story of the resurrection of Jesus as a literal story, there may be some difficulty in accepting that it can be true. My human mind want to tell me that dead means dead. But as spiritual evolution happens within me and as me, I begin to see death as merely a transmutation of Life from one state to another…a transformation from this present level of existence to whatever comes next in the journey of my soul. At this stage of development, resurrection takes on a new meaning. I can recognize each and every day, each and every moment, as an opportunity for resurrection, for being born anew.
I have had an interesting insight…that perhaps forgiveness and resurrection are basically the same thing. At the very least, forgiveness is required for resurrection to occur. Forgiveness, or giving forward, is that which allows me to let go of all that has been and step into the Now Moment. It is a practice, a way of being, a releasing of all judgment and of all that occurred today, and giving it to God, so that I can move fully into each new day with a clean slate and a pure heart. There is a reason that the final words spoken by the Yeshua were, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Without such a state of forgiveness, he could not have been born again.
Researching the etymology of resurrection tells me that re means again or anew; sur means above or beyond; rect means to make right or straight; and tion means the act of. So, resurrection means the act of coming into Alignment, again, in a greater way than ever before. It means being more Loving than ever before, more Joyful than ever before…more Generous, Compassionate, Forgiving, and Peaceful. It means experiencing more Beauty, more Harmony, and more Power than ever before. It means shining my Light in a greater way than I have ever known. That’s what the resurrection of Jesus is here to teach Me.
In his book, 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith says that, “It will never suffice to parrot the Truth…belief and realization are not synonymous.” He is pointing to the understanding that I cannot simply say that God is All That Is. In order to experience the resurrection as a daily occurrence in my life, I must know this Truth as my on-going experience. I must understand the workings of Spiritual Principles and use them consciously for my benefit…flowing with the river rather than swimming against the stream. And I must come to perceive the Presence of Love, as God expressing, in everyone and everything.
I invite you to join me in entering the Jerusalem of your own consciousness…entering the Peace and the Wholeness that is yours by Divine Birthright. Rev. Michael reminds us that, “The fact is that you have no other choice because eventually (each of us) must wake up.” So why not now? Why not today? As we approach the coming of Easter Sunday, and the experience of resurrection in our own lives, let us affirm: “I know, and I know that I know, that the unconditional, Divine Love of the Spirit is the incomparable Grace of my life.” I rise ever-higher, on the wings of Grace, surpassing every experience of Love, Peace, Beauty, and Truth that I have ever known before. All things are made new in my life, here and now, and in every moment. With heartfelt gratitude, I release myself to the Power and Presence of God. Thy Will be done in me…And so it is…Amen!
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…