I call forth each one of you and your precious family members as I move into prayer this morning. I know for each one the Perfection of all that is unfolding and the Grace and Comfort of God’s Infinite Presence.
I have been told that an effective and compassionate Minister can hold all of what is occurring in the world, and in the lives of all who directly share their human experience, with love and understanding; and still, carry and offer hope to those who are hurting, empathy to those feeling sorrow, and joy to those in celebration. As I sit this morning, I begin to experience what this means. The word minister, from its Latin roots, means servant. In a sense, we are all ministers. In our intimate connections with one another and to our world, we are called to serve.
One of the most powerful ways I have been called to serve is through prayer. My sincere hope and invitation is that you will join me. Rev. Wayne Muller , in Learning to Pray, says, “As prayer guides us inward, we are led into deep communion with everyone who has ever prayed…our prayers reverberate through the very fabric of life. When we pray, even as we lift up our own deep needs and yearnings, we also pray for grace, joy, and the alleviation of suffering for all beings. Prayer honors deep, unseen connections that place us in kinship with all beings.”
We are, in fact and in Truth, One. We are interconnected in every sense of the word. The idea that any human being lives a life independent of others is an illusion, perhaps brought about by the infinite number of individualized expressions of the One Life that populate the earth. But each is completely dependent on the others, which together make up the One Whole. And so, as we offer our loving thoughts, intentions, and actions in prayer, we send a current of hope and healing energy that vibrates throughout. As we become peaceful, we bring greater harmony to all. As we find greater balance within ourselves, we contribute to the natural sense of justice at the heart of all that is. And as we embrace our uniqueness as individual expressions of God, whether as individuals, ethnicities, cultures, or nations, we help to reveal a lasting Peace to our world.
We are in the midst of great change. As we move through each passing day, I pray that we remember that cycles of life, seasons of change, are a completely natural part of God’s Divine Order. “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecc. 3:11) As we experience this beautiful spring, we are blessed with an opportunity for change that is far greater than any I have seen in my lifetime. Beyond the annual transition from Winter to Spring, we are being invited to wake up to a more joyful, connected, and sustainable way for humans to live in harmony with one another, the earth, and all her creatures. We are being reminded that hope springs eternal, that “hope is not intended to be an extraordinary infusion, but an abiding state of being. We lose sight of the invitation—and in fact, our responsibility, as stewards of creation—to develop a conscious and permanent connection to this wellspring. We miss the call to become a vessel, to become a chalice into which this divine energy can pour; a lamp through which it can shine. . .” (Cynthia Bourgeault, Mystical Hope: Trusting in the Mercy of God)
In our living this amazing day, I pray that we maintain hope as our abiding state of being, that we not become jaded or express cynicism regarding anything in our world, but instead think, speak, and act from that eternal wellspring that allows our inherent Joy to come forth. May we, amidst whatever challenges are presented, remember the peace and beauty of home, family, and neighbors. May we find solace and comfort in simple meals, gardens, taking walks…in simply being present. May we claim our Wholeness and remember our Oneness. And may we and our beloved Mother move Gracefully into a truly new season.
As I close for today, I would like to share a beautiful prayer written by Pat Mathes Cane, founder of Capacitar International.
We join with the Earth
and with each other,
With our ancestors and
all beings of the future,
to bring new life to the land,
to recreate the human community,
to provide justice and peace,
to remember our children,
to remember who we are…
We join together
as many and diverse expressions
of one loving Mystery,
for the healing of the Earth
and the renewal of all Life.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…