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Patience and Peace are Mine!

As I sit in prayer this morning, I find that my mind wanders. As I still my body and slow my breathing, my monkey mind chatters on…it is excited to be offering Taize later this morning and it wants to be sure that everything is perfect. And my heart is open and engaged, as well. It wants to offer loving support to my Spiritual Family. And I breathe more deeply and let go…I surrender to what will be, to what is in this moment.

It seems to me that we, as a human family, are being called to greater patience and stillness. Even after nearly 30 years of devoted Practice, I find myself wanting things to be different…and now, if you please! As I look to our immediate future, and to the likelihood that we will not be gathering in person for our first Easter Sunday as a church community, I am saddened…and I want things to be different. As I look ahead to this morning’s service, it is easy for me to allow my mind to wander to thoughts of  “it’s not fair…we are just getting started…less than a year since we began…blah, blah, blah…poor me…blah, blah, blah…poor us…” I pray that it is only me who is experiencing such thoughts and feelings.

What I know to be true is that these thoughts and feelings are normal, but that if I allow them to carry me away, I am not contributing to the growth and expansion of consciousness that is being called forth from the human family at this time. And so I look deep within to find what is mine to do as I move into this blessed day…this gift of God…

I Am…I believe we are all…being called to greater patience. In his book, Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore tells us that “Patience is a state of mind that holds the world from the harmony of the Christ Mind, a freedom from personal thinking. It is an attitude of mind characterized by poise, calmness, and a quiet restful trust, especially in the face of trying conditions.” In order to become more patient, I must develop two qualities: a greater sense of Love and Gratitude (especially for what is in this moment) and a larger Vision of life. I must come to acknowledge on a moment-by-moment basis that it is not about me…at least not only about me. I must become aware of and celebrate the Greater Good unfolding, not just in my life, but on a global level.

And so today, I consciously practice Patience as a quality of God, and as I do, I feel a greater sense of self-control. I gain in my ability to direct my thoughts, words, and actions in ways that support God’s Highest Ideal. I trust and know that all is occurring in Divine Order. My faith in the Rightness of what is allows me to find a deeper Peace…to come to a more profound Stillness, and in that Stillness I find my connection with the Divine.

As I move into my day, I use this affirmation to ground me in Spirit: “The serene, calm, trustful Spirit now accomplishes all the desires of my heart. I rest in peace.” (Charles Fillmore, Keep a True Lent)

May you all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!

And may you know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…

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