Advent Series #10
Looking out my living room window into my backyard, I am greeted by another beautiful, sunny December day. The birds are singing, the squirrels are running through the branches of the oaks, and there’s not a cloud in the sky. If not for the barren trees and shrubs, one would almost think it was spring. Please take time to enjoy the many pleasures of this amazing 10th day of Advent. My prayer this morning is that each of us seeks and finds the Joy and Peace of Spirit in every aspect of this Grace-filled day.
As I spent time in contemplation this morning, still focused on the quality of Peace, a phrase floated through and led me to ponder. The phrase was peaceful expectation. It occurs to me that as I move through this period of patient waiting, for that which is unfolding, it would be of great benefit to hold an attitude of peaceful expectation of All-Good. It is so easy to get caught up in the challenging circumstances of life. If I’m not mindful, it can almost feel like I’m waiting for the next shoe to drop…you know, what next? But allowing myself to follow such lines of thought is not helpful. It can only lead me to more of what I don’t want to experience.
In his fanciful, yet Truth-telling tale The Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman reminds us that “The Law of Expectation reminds you of your inherent power to shape your life through the images and expectations you create…even as we address the issues that cry out for help, it seems wisest to focus on positive outcomes and on our human potential. The Law of Expectation teaches that what we focus on expands; fighting problems only strengthens them by giving them energy.”
I needed that reminder. So, what can I do to put this Law to work in my favor as I move through my day? I begin by expecting that God is working for my Good. Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” What does this mean in meta-speak? Well, my interpretation goes something like this. Metaphysically, Love is a complete self-givingness, a consistent willingness to express oneself in new and more loving, compassionate, beautiful, joyful, and powerful ways. Just as Spirit is forever giving of Itself in, through and as every corner of creation, so do I commit to expressing more and more of myself, of my True Nature. As I consistently live from a state of willingness to change, grow, and evolve, I come into closer alignment with my Divine Nature. I am acting in the image and likeness of God…my purpose on earth is being fulfilled.
Another thing I can do is to take notice of the many, many blessings that are already present in my life. With a peaceful mind and a joyful heart, I give thanks for the many, many gifts of Spirit that support my journey. I look for the Good, and I peacefully expect more Good to come my way. I can take this beyond my own home, as well. I can experience gratitude for all the Good that is happening in the world. I can seek out that Good, rather than spending unnecessary time and energy engaging with negative news. And I can consciously live from an attitude of peaceful expectation that more Good in unfolding in every moment…that all that is occurring will ultimately work for the Good. I can ask to be shown how, and peacefully expect that in time, an answer will come.
Finally, I can anchor myself in a prayer of peaceful expectation…a prayer that allow me to experience and express my deep faith in God, and in the Loving and Lawful workings of Infinite Intelligence. Like the prophet Isaiah, I can know that “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever.” In other words, those things that are created live according to the cycle of life. They are born, they grow and change, and ultimately the physical form decays and is transformed into new life…Life continues on. The Creative Principle Itself is forever at work. Through heartfelt prayer, I build my faith in Life Itself, trusting that It is forever evolving, becoming Its next-yet-to-be by means of me, by means of this world. I consciously place my faith…I patiently wait, in peaceful expectation…and right before my eyes, in small ways and in big, my world is transformed.
Where will you put the Practice of peaceful expectation to work in your life today?
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
May we each live from our Radiant Light…be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And…may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day, as Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon our world.