As I sit this morning, I hold each of you in silent prayer, knowing only the fullness of Radiant Health and Wholeness as the Truth of your being. I know that each of us is a perfect and intentional expression of the Divine, irreplaceable in the grand scheme, and offering the best of who we are as we walk this Spiritual Journey called Life.
Often, as I sit in silence in the mornings, bits of past conversations float through my awareness. Initially, it is my practice to simply observe as they appear and disappear, giving them no particular meaning, with a sense of non-attachment. But when the same bits reappear, time after time, I find myself drawn back to them during my journaling time. And that is what happened today.
In my past, I have been one who steers clear of politics. I do not mean that I don’t take part in our system of government…of course, I engage in responsible voting during election cycles, voting with my dollars for what I support, and other such practices. What I mean by I steer clear of politics is that I don’t care to get sucked into the personality-ridden disagreements that can emerge within organized groups when their participants unskillfully submit, and even argue for, their opinions. I believe that this definition of politics is what keeps many people from getting more involved in organizations. It is enough for us to navigate our own lives without adding the drama that can be linked to such relationships.
But I would like to offer a different perspective on politics. Politics derives from the Greek word for the typical human society, polis, the city. This word suggests something small and manageable, of dealing with people whom one knows personally and is continually involved with, perhaps for an entire lifetime. It suggests real human contact, and concrete relationships and circumstances that touch us where we live. So, underneath all of the complicated and questionable rhetoric, true politics is about the conduct of living, breathing, human-to-human relations.
Politics, then, is the art of living together in human society. Taken in the general sense, politics is “practically inescapable, for even the hermit has a human consciousness shaped by memories, emotions, and concepts born of the interactions with other people. Indeed, it is not possible to be truly human apart from the web of human social connections. Life, for any species, is a matter of interacting with the environment, and for the human species the largest part of that environment consists of human-made artifacts and human beings themselves.” (The Holy Thursday Revolution, Dr. Beatrice Bruteau)
Why do I find myself writing about this today? Perhaps it is to propose a new way of viewing politics and human organizations. What is an organization? It is an organized body of people with a particular purpose, a common goal, or a like-minded way of living and of viewing the world. And what of the word organ, the root of organization? It’s Greek derivation means a tool or instrument. So, an organization is really a group of people, working toward a common cause, as an instrument of change. And the meaning imbedded in politics points to our interaction with people and organizations that support and impact our lives directly.
As I watch all that is unfolding in our world today, I make the most of every opportunity to continually grow into my Highest Self so that I may enter into respectful conversation with my follow humans. Conversation implies both generous listening and open and honest dialogue. In this way, I willingly engage in, rather than steering clear of, the politics. I work to co-create an organization that can offer safe and supportive opportunities for others to do their own spiritual and personal growth. Together, as we hold our common vision, set about fulfilling our mission, and engaging with our purpose, we do our part to make the world a safer, more peaceful and compassionate place. The ripples go on and on…and in the process, each of us finds a sense of fulfillment and belonging which gives our lives meaning.
Politics is about human connection…and organizations are instruments of transformation. Who knew?
May these musings offer a new perspective and a bit of contemplation…
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…