Welcome to 2021! This sounds a little bit strange to me, but also refreshing…a chance to begin again. The past year has had its share of challenges, as well as its gifts. My prayer is that each of us remembers the blessings and continues to notice the miracles that are forever occurring all around us. Right here and now, I invite you to join me in releasing all that has transpired in 2020, trusting that seen through the eyes of Spirit, it has served its purpose…to wake each of us up to what is being called forth in the coming year. May we let go of fear and step into faith…faith in ourselves to practice discernment, choose wisely, and act for the Good of the Whole; faith in one another to live from our compassionate and loving hearts; and faith in God, trusting that Infinite Intelligence and Divine Order is always at work…no exceptions.
You may think that the Christmas Season is behind us, but did you know that today is the 8th Day of Christmas? Epiphany (the day that the wise men in the book of Matthew finally beheld the Chris Child) is on January 6th, and officially marks the end of Christmas on the liturgical calendar. The word epiphany, from its Greek roots, means to reveal. And so, we can see why the Christian calendar of feasts and celebrations might have given this name to such a miraculous happening. In the story, magi (priests, and likely astronomers) from the East have been travelling for 12 days, following a very bright star that is shining over Bethlehem. There has been a prophecy since days of old that a new ruler would be born in the City of David, and believing that this might be the birth that would fulfill the prophecy, they set out on their journey, bearing gifts for the new king. Remember that this king was supposed to be a political king…not a spiritual leader.
What does all this mean to us in 2021? If we look at the story through a metaphysical lens, we might pull out a deeper meaning, one that is useful in guiding us along our Spiritual path. What if Christmas Day represents the birth of Christ Consciousness in, through and as humanity? Does this mean that every person on the planet is suddenly enlightened? I can only speak for myself. Knowing the Christ Potential lives in me and is seeking to be revealed does not mean that I always think, speak, and act from that place. Of course, that is my desire, but I have found that it takes Practice. Life is a journey. Each of us is evolving and changing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The 12 Days of Christmas serve to remind us that the revealing of the Christ on earth is up to each one of us. The potential is already there; the journey is about taking the steps necessary to finally bring the potential into form and experience in the world…to actually see the Christ Child.
It is told that the magi came bearing gifts…gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These may have been given in the story because they were very valuable items…the family did not have the resources to raise such a king as the prophecy predicted. Joseph was a carpenter and likely did not earn kingly wages. But what about turning once again to the lens of symbolism? What might these gifts represent? One interpretation is that we, too, are to offer our gifts to the Source of all that is, in gratitude for Life Itself. Gold represents purity. In order to allow our Christ Light to shine, we offer our gift of willingness to maintain an alignment with Spirit, with what is Right and True. Frankincense is a type of incense; the rising of its smoke represents our prayers being lifted to the heavens. So, in order to support ourselves in revealing the Christ within, we offer the gift of an active prayer life. And myrrh was used to embalm the body when it was laid to rest. Might this remind us to offer the gift of surrender, letting go of the need to control…letting go of what no longer serves, and laying it to rest so that a Higher Ideal might be reached?
I invite you to join me in continuing the celebration of Christmas for just a little bit longer. We may be finished with our gift giving for 2020, but perhaps Christmas has its own gifts to offer as we step Peacefully, Joyfully, and Lovingly into 2021.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, the Christ Light shines within you.
May we be well…know our unity…and thrive! And…
May we know the Absolutely miraculous nature of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day!