Human Mind, God Mind
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Rev. Diana Johnson, with Chris Johnson, RScP.
Video Chapter Index
0:00 | Taizé | Clicking on a chapter link will play the segment in a new YouTube tab. Your link to this page will remain open in this tab, but the video will play in the new window. Clicking on the Play arrow in the video screen above will play both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation on this page. To make the picture bigger, you may click the full screen icon in the lower right corner: To cast the video to your Smart TV, click the Play on TV button: . Also, we now have Closed Captioning available! To access Closed Captions, start the video and click on the CC icon next to the gear in the lower right of the video screen: |
26:24 | Guided Meditation with Chris Johnson | |
47:24 | Conscious Conversation |
Call to Awareness – 3 Bells
Lucinda – Opening Prayer
- Welcome Home to Your Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
Rev. Diana – Introduction…Good morning and welcome
- May You Find Peace in Your Body, by Charley Thweatt
Rev. Diana
We begin our meditative journey this morning by closing our eyes and settling into this space…becoming aware of the breath…we cultivate the ability to allow our breath to anchor us…deeply rooted in the present. The past has come to completion. The future has yet to be created. And in the sacred moment of here and now, we enter into ritual…we form and hold a powerful Vision.
Together, we envision a web of Consciousness surrounding and infusing the earth…we see and feel ourselves to be a point of radiant Light in that web…and we recognize every human as a spark of Divinity.
We expand our Vision to include every creature, every plant, every rock, and grain of sand…the soil…the water…the clouds and wind…the heavenly bodies…all aglow with the Light of Spirit. I feel and know that my Light is enmeshed with yours, and with all of Creation.
Sensing our interconnectedness, we acknowledge our role as caretakers…in Sacred Service to one another…to all life forms…and to the planet that sustains us all.
Grounded in our Oneness, we center our awareness in this month’s theme, Honoring the Sacred, and we move in the direction of acknowledging the One Mind as Human Mind, God Mind.
We begin every Taizé, and every Affirmative Prayer, with the recognition that there is only One Source, One Life, One Thing going on here, and that One Thing is God emanating and expressing Itself as all of creation. We believe…in One Power, God Power…in One Life, God’s Life…in One Mind, God Mind. And yet, each of us has an individual capacity for thought, analysis, and choice. Each of us has a human mind.
We might call the One Mind Consciousness or Awareness; you may know It as the Universal Intelligence that runs in, and through, and expresses AS all that is. You might understand It to be the Field of Infinite Potential. You might call It God, Spirit, Creator, any number of other names. But words can never define the Infinite.
As Lao Tzu spoke in ancient times, “The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be defined is not the unchanging name.”
In our modern era, Dr. Larry Dossey offers his scientific language… “the One Mind (is) the overarching, inclusive dimension to which all the mental components of all individual minds belong.”
But let’s consider the perspective of Unity Minister Linda Martella Whitsett. She directs us to the first three words in the Hebrew Torah:
In the beginning, God. In the beginning, Good. God/Good is in the beginning – the origin of every vision, of every hope and dream. In the beginning, One Mind…the headwaters of a river are the starting point or source, just as the source of all ideas is One Mind, out of which all ideas flow.
(Divine Audacity)
Rather than ‘In the beginning’, I have also heard it translated ‘In beginnings’…God.
One Source, One Life, One Mind…
SILENCE – one minute
There is something about the idea of One Mind that challenges us. If all ideas stem from One Mind, does that mean that harmful or negative thoughts have their roots in that same Mind…in God Mind? This is where the human mind comes in.
Each of us has a set of filters…thoughts, beliefs, opinions, experiences…that color the lens through which ideas flow, causing us to misinterpret the ideas in the One Mind. A spiritual quality or idea might be Wholeness…the body is made for healing and heals naturally…but my beliefs and experiences change my perception, so my body is at the mercy of my environment. For example, an idea in the Mind of God might be Absolute Abundance. There may even be evidence in Nature to support this idea. But my filters cause my perception to be “there is never enough of what I need.”
This is the human mind at work. The human mind is made up of the conscious mind…that which we are aware of…and the subconscious mind…that which we are unaware of. 95% of the time, we are acting from our subconscious, not realizing why things happen the way they do.
What a blessing to know that we can choose to encourage our human mind to move in the direction of alignment with the One Mind. As soon as we become aware that we are at choice, we can choose to redirect our mistaken thinking to what we know as True. We can become aware of the stories that have been running us and let them go…trade them in for new, more empowering stories.
Musical Meditation – Everything New, by Daniel Nahmod
SILENCE – 1 minute
We use the Power of Imagination to create our life’s experiences. Whether we are aware we are doing it or not makes no difference. The pictures we form in our human minds are creative.
Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett shares her thoughts:
With our conceiving power, we catch an idea – which is to say we make it our own, filtering it through our human consciousness. The character of the consciousness determines the quality of its imaginings. A fearful consciousness imagines the worst, drawing upon personal experience and a collective consciousness of fear for ideas. A fearful consciousness can bring about actual, physical symptoms as well.
It is helpful to know that we are equally as capable of imagining the best as the worst. In fact, imagining the best is an innate evolutionary drive that becomes easier with practice. We can practice conceiving of harmony when undergoing challenges…we can conceive of our loved one’s wholeness…during his or her illness…our conceiving power is unlimited.
(Divine Audacity)
Chris – Guided Meditation
Spirit, Divine Wisdom, Infinite Intelligence, Absolute Awareness, the Unified Field… all these labels are our feeble, human attempts to describe the Great Mystery, the essence of all of Creation… The nicknames – God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha Mind, Christ Consciousness, all allude obliquely to the One Source… the No Thing at the heart of all things…
Whatever that Source is – let’s call it God for convenience – it expresses in, though, and as everything – including us… And although Divine Beingness is all that we are, we are not all that God is… Human beings are finite, and can only express Spirit in limited ways… Our love, intelligence, and power are constrained by our embodiment of these Divine traits…
Our “human mind” is simply our use of Divine Mind… But just as our sight is limited to the electromagnetic frequencies that our eyes can perceive, and our hearing is restricted to a narrow range of sound frequencies, our intelligence is but a fraction of the Mind of God… Our Spiritual Practices expand our ability to access more Divine Intelligence…
The purpose of this meditation is to strengthen our ability to access more of this Cosmic Consciousness… to make of ourSelves a vehicle through which Divine Love, Life, Peace, Beauty, and Truth find their way into our world… to be the hands, feet, and Voice of God bringing comfort and compassion to humankind… to manifest Heaven on Earth…
As we move into the Sacred Silence, consider this: … The Spirit that dwells within us is the Almighty God that created All That Is… The Infinite is not just out there… it is within us as well… Inner Space is unlimited also… As we turn our attention inward, let us explore new domains… new possibilities… new inspirations… Let us ask, “What is being called forth from me right now? … What does the world need now that only I can provide? … What is the most powerful and effective use of this Divine Life that is living through me?” …
Silence – 3:00
Allowing the music to gently bring our awareness back into this time and place, we allow our gratitude to flow forth freely… Grateful for this Sacred Life… for this time of Blessed Communion together… and for the inspiration and encouragement to express more of our Divine Qualities… Thank you, God, for everyone and everything…
I invite you to know with me now that Spirit is moving powerfully through each of us, and through our Beloved Community… Individually and collectively, we are a powerful spiritual influence on our world… As we evolve in consciousness, the benefits of our growth ripple out, blessing the entire world…
As Rev. Diana continues her message, we allow her Inspired words to find their Divine Home in our heart of hearts… the Word of God entering the Holy Temple… expanding our Human Mind into a greater expression of God Mind…
Rev. Diana
Going back to the Hebrew Scripture,
…God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
(Genesis 1:26)
Notice that in this verse of the Jewish Creation Mythology, God refers to themselves in the plural…one interpretation of ‘our image and likeness’ might be ‘with all of the qualities of Spirit inherently given…of the same Essence…the same Substance…’
Given dominion over the fish and birds and livestock and every creeping thing. We note the difference between dominion, or self-mastery, and domination, physical control over another. Symbolically, animals represent our thoughts…birds and fish, those thoughts that align with Spiritual Awareness or God qualities…Freedom, Abundance, and Infinite Possibility; the livestock, those thoughts that are in line with material consciousness; and the creeping things…those thoughts that would best be transformed into something more life-affirming.
From Genesis Chapter 2:
Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.”
(Genesis 2:19)
We were given the power to label things, to give them names. And whatever we name them, that is what they become in our experience. We have the power to create our experience according to our perception, according to our Word.
Join me as we close in Affirmative Prayer…
Knowing that there is only One Life, One Heart, One Mind…and I call that One God…expressing Themselves as all of Creation…(finish prayer)
Rev. Diana – Invitation for the Offering
It is time for us to close our Taizé Meditation. As we do, we offer the opportunity for you to share of your financial good in support of the work we do should you choose to do so. If you’re joining us online, you can find a Donate Button and our mailing address at And we thank you in advance for your gifts.
Offertory Music
- Down in My Soul, written by Jan Garrett, JD Martin, & Ester Nicholson
Rev. Diana – Blessing for the Offering
Announce Coffee, Introduce next segment
We are working on sponsoring our second acre of farmland to be regenerated by farmers with the support of Farmer’s Footprint. All coffee and food donations today will help in purchasing our second acre.
Closing Song
- A Soul’s Blessing, written by Chris Johnson
Conscious Conversations
Call to Awareness – 3 Bells
Lucinda – Opening Prayer –
Rev. Diana – Welcome…if you’re new with us here this morning…
Opening Music
- Welcome to the Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
- One Big Family, written by Robin Hackett & Gary Lynn Floyd
- Chant – God is My Source, written by Karen Drucker
Rev. Diana
Take a moment to feel the presence of God in your body…close your eyes and hold out your hands so that they’re not touching anything. How do you know your hands are there if you can’t see them? You can feel them, can’t you? Do you notice that when you focus on your hands, there is an energy there…you can feel it…it is the Presence of God, the Presence of Life moving through your body. Now join me in Sacred Ritual as we embody our Connection with Spirit…feel your feet rooted to the earth, feel the energy moving up through your feet, flowing through your body.
Feel the Power of Creation moving through you as together, we hold our Vision of a Love-Soaked World, where Peace, Joy, Abundance, Generosity, Justice, and Freedom are the living principles that guide every life…where all humans practice loving kindness and Compassion, and care for our planet as the Sacred Home that she is.
We are creating a world where all needs are met…where all beings have plenty of nourishing food, the safety of a warm and comfortable home… medical care, education, healthy relationships, right livelihood, creative contribution, and a sense of belonging…
A world in which all beings are valued for their inherent Goodness and Light…where the Peace we cultivate within shows up as a world free of hatred or violence.
We are creating a world that knows no greed, where there is abundance in simply having enough…where every being deserves and receives all that is needed for a full, rich, and contented life.
In this new world of our creation, every member of the human family serves as a conscious vessel through which God’s blessings flow. Like the prophet Nehemiah, “We are doing a good work and we cannot come down”… we will not lower our Vision. Knowing with our whole hearts that such a world is not only possible, but inevitable, we take the necessary steps toward its creation. We call it forth from the realm of Infinite Possibility, knowing that it is taking form, right here and now, as we hold, sense, and speak our Powerful Vision. We align our actions to support and nurture its Graceful unfolding. And we give thanks, letting it be. And so it is! Amen!
Hang on to that energy for just a moment…our prayer and Visioning cranks it up a notch or two. Imagine how good that must be for your physical body…and the human mind. What if you spent time with that Vision every day? Maybe you do…
This morning our topic has been Human Mind, Divine Mind. During Taizé, we spent time contemplating the creative power of our human minds and how many times we are unconsciously creating as we move through the world. And we talked about the One Mind, God Mind, and how we can use our human mind to guide us to Higher Ground, back into alignment with the Truth of Who We Are.
Are you ready for some listening, reflection, and Conscious Conversation? I’m going to change things up a little bit and start by sharing some short readings. I invite you to listen, take them in, pay attention to what comes into your mind, and then I’ll ask you a question. Okay?
“Life has a way of getting our attention. For the longest time, I didn’t want change. Now change wanted me…I had come to the end of one way of being. But I hadn’t found a new way forward.”
What is the first thing that comes to mind?
Is that your human mind, or the Divine Mind speaking?
How do you know?
How did you feel?
If your human mind reacted first, how might Divine Mind have responded?
“It took your whole life to get you here, so now what? What’s calling you?”
What is the first thing that comes to mind?
Is that your human mind, or the Divine Mind speaking?
How do you know?
How did you feel?
If your human mind reacted first, how might Divine Mind have responded?
How does the human mind tend to speak to us? What does it sound like?
(Personality-based, ego-based; concerned for its human self, protective; self-centered; what’s in it for me? thoughts moving through the brain)
How does the Divine Mind tend to speak to us? What does it sound like?
(More global, concerned about the good of the whole; how can I help? cooperative; comes sometimes through intuition or insight)
Let’s switch gears a little bit…I’ll bring it back around, I promise.
What is transformation?
(Transformation is organic, natural, and inevitable; a continual process of moving to a new stage that transcends and includes the old – What does that mean? Keeping what serves you in moving beyond where you are now. Real transformation means getting to know your default story and loosening your grip on it; transformation is a choice)
As we’re forced by life into change, how can we ensure that for all our effort, we are truly making a transformation, and not just changing appearances?
(Our beliefs and behaviors change; we don’t have to try to be different – we just ARE different)
Are there some tools or practices that might be helpful in making real transformation?
(Mindfulness – paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally; seeing things as they are, not as we prefer them to be; not taking sides in the push-pull of the mind; it enhances self-awareness, both internal and external; and self-awareness is the key to transformation)
Self-awareness leads to self-regulation, insight, compassion, empathy, and insight…all of which lead to greater wisdom. And all of these things are already inside you. You have everything you need to successfully navigate any amount of change, any kind of transformation, if only you can learn to differentiate between the human mind and Divine Mind…
Moment by moment…catching yourself when the human mind has taken control.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
Do not let the senses control you…do not allow the material world to determine who you will become but move beyond your current form by changing whatever beliefs do not serve you so that they align more closely with the Divine Mind…with what some might call God’s Will.
Closing Prayer
Let’s support one another in living lives of Graceful Transformation. Please hold these words as your own prayer of affirmation:
There is only one Infinite Presence, One Divine Mind, expressing Itself as me. Though I appear as an individual, with my own human mind, I know that in Truth, my mind is an expression of the One Mind. As an emanation of the One Source, made in Their image and likeness, I have all that I will ever need to gracefully move from one stage of life to the next. Who I am becoming, I already Am…and always have been, at a soul level. I accept that each stage of transformation is simply the act of allowing all that is here to serve me, to move through me. In this Holy Moment, I set the intention to open, expand, grow, and transform…allowing Spirit’s Energy to move through me, allowing Divine Mind to fill me. I feel, and know, my Oneness with the Power moving through all things, and It is the Power to transform. And as I Am changed, so is everything changed. I leave my positive imprint on the future of humanity and our world.
Thank you, God, for the awareness to consciously co-create with You…to wisely use my human mind to align myself with Your Infinite Wisdom.
With a deep sense of gratitude for this Life, this community, and for all the gifts of this and every day, I release this prayer, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that is has been answered. I let go and let God…And so it is! Amen!
Rev Diana – Affirmation for the Offering
Each Sunday, we invite you to join in the celebration of the work we are doing in the world by sharing of your financial Good, should you choose to.
If you are at home, you can go to to use our Donate Button or to find our mailing address.
We also have a Gracious Giving Program for those who would like to make a heartfelt monthly commitment of support so that we can more effectively plan for our growth. You can find more information on our website.
As we move into this time of giving, hold these words close to your heart and know how much we appreciate your gifts:
As I awaken to the God within me and all around me, I see Abundance everywhere I look. I consciously step into that flow of Abundance by this act of giving. I offer this gift freely in the spirit of Love, blessing and sending it forth to heal and prosper. It is evidence of my deep faith. It does good work in the world and blesses all of Creation. I give from a consciousness of Abundance! And so it is! Amen!
Offertory Music
- Inside, Outside, by Keb Mo with Daryl Hall
Lucinda – Blessing for the offering
Lucinda – Invitations
- Tuesdays, 3-5 pm – Michael Bordeaux’s Book Club is reading Breakfast With Buddha by Roland Merullo. Drop-ins welcome.
- Thursdays, 3 – 5 pm, Metaphysical Bible Study with Prayer Practitioner, Chris Johnson. Drop-ins welcome.
- You Can’t Take It With You – Shasta College Performing Arts Theater, Friday, October 21st at 7:00 pm. It’s gonna’ be a blast! Tickets: $15 are available today! No-host dinner at 5:00. Contact Rev. Diana for more information.
- 2nd Annual Spring Retreat at Coram Ranch in Shasta Lake, April 20-23, 2023. A non-refundable deposit of $100/adult is required by November 1st to guarantee your space. Additional payments can be made as you’re able. Payment in full is due by April 1, 2023.
As always, more details are in your bulletin and on our website.
Lucinda – Now this, just in…
Regenerative Agriculture Video, by Jimi Eisenstein
We are working on sponsoring our second acre of farmland to be regenerated by farmers with the support of Farmer’s Footprint. All coffee and food donations today will help in purchasing our second acre.
Closing Song
- Love Be With You, written by Lainey Bernstein, RScP & Gary Lynn Floyd