The Path to Insight

The Path to Insight

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Rev. Diana Johnson, with Chris Netto, RScP, Chris Johnson, RScP, and musician Dalton Fitzgerald

Video Chapter Index

0:00 Taizé Clicking on a chapter link will play the segment in a new YouTube tab. Your link to this page will remain open in this tab, but the video will play in the new window. Clicking on the Play arrow in the video screen above will play both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation on this page. To make the picture bigger, you may click the full screen icon in the lower right corner: View Fullscreen To cast the video to your Smart TV, click the Play on TV button: Cast to TV. Also, we now have Closed Captioning available! To access Closed Captions, start the video and click on the CC icon next to the gear in the lower right of the video screen: View Captions
22:26 Guided Meditation
50:07 Conscious Conversation


Invitation of the Bell – 3 Bells

Chris N – Opening Prayer

Rev. Diana – Happy New Year, and welcome…if you’re new with us here this morning… my name is Rev. Diana Johnson. I invite you to join me in musical prayer as we begin our time of Taizé Meditation.

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Taizé Chants

  • Welcome Home to Your Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • In the Stillness, written by Karen Drucker

Rev. DianaIn the stillness of this moment, we breathe…allowing that to be enough…with full awareness of this moment…content to simply be who we are, where we are…nothing that needs doing…nowhere else to be. Just being here…now. We bring our awareness to our connection with all of Life. There is an illusion of separateness, as we are individualized expressions of the One Source…each of us bringing forth a unique version of Spirit in form. But the word individual gives us away…it means not able to be dividedindivisible…inherently part of One Whole, an intrinsic thread in the fabric of life.

We are connected to our fellow humans, and to all other creatures by the very breath that gives us life…we are animated by the same water…we are vitalized by the nutrients that come from the soil that grows our food…all of which is nourished by one sun…there are no lines of separation…no barriers…there is nothing to separate us from Life. Each of us is a Life in process…every creature, plant, rock and grain of sand…every drop of water…all that exists, no matter how large or small is an intricate and irreplaceable part of Spirit. The Earth Herself is God taken form. Feel yourself planted firmly in the earth…grounded in Her Loving and Supportive Energy. Take a moment to breathe in that deep sense of connection…

…Breathing in, I receive the Life that connects all beings, all of Creation. Breathing out, I give back to Life. I serve as a conduit for Life to take form.

As a human expression, I Am given the priceless gift of self-reflective consciousness, the ability to make choices. My responsibility is to make them wisely…to care for my brothers and sisters, human and otherwise…to care for the Sacred Mother as she gives of her nourishment…to make an honorable and noble contribution to Life Itself, doing no harm, and aiding in the transformation that is happening in our world.

We approach the New Year with the suggestion that we are always viewing our lives Through the Lens of Story…that our lives are the stories we are writing through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. This month, we contemplate the statement written more than any other in the Hebrew/Christian Scriptures…Be Not Afraid. And this morning, as we approach the 12th Day of Christmas, or Epiphany…the alleged day that the Wise Men reached the baby Jesus, we contemplate The Path to Insight.

This word has made it into our common language…Epiphany. We might say, “I’ve had an epiphany”…a sudden insight or revelation. But does an insight come out of nowhere? Does it really come from nothing? Or is there a Path to Insight? A process, whether visible or not, whether consciously or blindly followed?

Let us consider the possibility that one of the purposes of our lives is to experience Insight…to gain Wisdom…and that the path to Wisdom is really made up of two parallel strands. One is Self-Inquiry, the other is Relationship….and both are necessary to the process of gaining Insight. When we attempt to make our Journey, forever surrounded by others, we might mistake their wants and desires, their preferences, beliefs and opinions, for our own. We might miss out on the opportunity to discover who we really are, and what makes our hearts happy and our souls sing.

When, on the other hand, we choose to make the Journey alone, mistakenly believing that we are self-sufficient…not needing others, depending on no one…concerned first, and maybe only, for our own welfare…our own preferences…we miss the opportunity to see ourselves reflected back through the eyes of another…we miss the chance to offer the gifts we are here to share with the world…we are denied the nourishing experience of being in Service, and in taking part in the cycle of Giving and Receiving.

Both Self-Inquiry and Relationship are necessary to a fulfilling life, and to The Path to Insight…the path to greater Wisdom…the path to Truth.

We understand what it means to be in relationship…it means two or more beings or things interacting, engaging with one another, related to one another in some way. But what is Self-Inquiry?

Spiritual Teacher Rupert Spira suggests that

Everybody has the feeling of ‘being myself’, but not everybody knows their self clearly. In most cases the feeling of ‘being myself’ is so thoroughly mixed with the content of experience – that is, our thoughts, images, feelings, sensations, perceptions, activities and relationships – that our knowledge of our self is veiled or obscured, or only partially known. As a result of this veiling or forgetting of our essential self or nature, the peace and happiness that is inherent in our self – or rather that is our self – becomes obscured, and as a result, a great search begins.

This search takes us on a journey in which we try to find peace and happiness in the world outside of us. When we find that this approach has failed us repeatedly, we may turn to a religious path, seeking the same fulfillment through more refined means. But sooner or later, this search may also fail us.

At some point we have an insight…it becomes clear that the peace and happiness for which we are seeking cannot be derived from anything the world has to offer, however refined it may be. As a result of this understanding, we begin to investigate our self, the one place that has yet to be explored. This turning around of the mind, away from the content of experience, in which it previously sought happiness, towards its own essential nature, is the first step on The Path to Insight, and is the essence of self-enquiry. It is also the highest form of meditation or prayer.

Chris J –  Guided Meditation

Tomorrow is Epiphany… the Twelfth Day of Christmas… celebrating the day the Wise Men visited the baby Yeshua… The author of the Christmas story in the Gospel of Matthew tells us that they followed a bright star… one they had never seen before… not knowing where it would take them… how long they might journey… or what they might find at the journey’s end…

They came bearing gifts… Gold, which symbolizes purity and spiritual wisdom… frankincense, signifying holiness and spiritual transformation… and myrrh, an aromatic resin that denotes the attracting power of Love, Peace, and Bliss… Used as an embalming ointment, myrrh also denotes the eternality of Spirit, and the impermanence of the physical world…

This story may also be understood as a metaphor for the Path to Insight… The Wise Men represent our highest knowing… our Divine Thoughts… our inspiration to follow the Star, or Spirit’s guidance… Our courage, purity of intent and willingness to be transformed by our experience are God’s provisions for the journey… We begin our adventure with a great leap of Faith…

The Magi of old had to overcome obstacles on their trip… to work their way around mountains or cliffs… to find a safe place to cross a river… and then they had to rechart their course… Like them, we also have to make several adjustments along the way… any number of things may take us off track… we get lost… and we must find the Star again…

Cultivating the Spiritual Gift of Insight requires commitment… we must fully surrender anything and everything that interferes with our spiritual evolution… without ever knowing the outcome… As we enter into our three minutes of shared, Silent Contemplation this morning, I invite you to follow the Star of your intuition… leading you deep within… into the Holy Temple of your heart… where the Christ… the Infant Messiah is being born again and again… as you

Silence – 3:00

Holy Mother… Divine Father… thank you for this time of blessed inspiration… for this communion with you and with my Spiritual Siblings in Beloved Community… and for the Star of Divine Guidance that shows us the way… May we always remember that the Messiah… the Christ… dwells within us… and as us…

Like the Wise Men, each of us has unique gifts to bring… gifts that only we can give… and if any one of us holds our gifts back, the entire world is diminished… the Universe is incomplete… Give of yourself freely and wholeheartedly… the world yearns for your love and light…

As Rev. Diana continues with our Taizé meditation this morning, we receive her inspired teaching… as it makes our Guiding Star shine ever brighter… leading us further and further along the Path to Insight

Rev. Diana

On The Path to Insight, we might begin with a question: ‘What is the essential nature of myself?’ (pause)

‘What is it that knows or is aware of my experience?’ (Pause)

‘Who am I really?’ (Pause)

Such questions lead the mind on an inward-facing path, away from the objects of experience…thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions…and towards the very essence of the mind…towards awareness itself…towards the I that I Am.

Self-Inquiry gives us a taste of the Peace and happiness that are our essential nature. Now the Life’s Journey becomes about establishing ourselves there…allowing every aspect of our life to be informed and permeated by Contentment. The further we travel, the more we come to know ourself for who it truly is. A love of self is born…not the self-love that is self-absorbed, but rather a sense of being safe and comfortable in one’s own skin…accepting of every aspect of the self…a deep trust in the innate Goodness of the self, and of Life. There grows a Self-Centeredness…not a fascination and focus on the egoic self, but rather a grounding in the Higher Self. We can feel the difference…this is a Self-Love that arises out of Self-Knowledge. Because once you truly know yourself, you can see that you are, and have always been, loveable.

The best news of all is that this process of Self-Inquiry can be graceful…it can be easy…if we let it be.

Let’s close in prayer.

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Musical Meditation

  • Let It Be Easy, written by Diana & Chris Johnson

Rev. Diana – We bring our awareness back to this space, and to our Community. As you feel ready, look around and really see those beautiful souls who are gathered here with you this morning.

Love Offering

As we close our Taizé Meditation, we offer the opportunity for you to share  your financial good in support of the work we do in the world. If you’re joining us online, you can find a Donate Button and our mailing address at We are an independent, self-supporting organization, and your financial gifts are what make it possible for us to do our work and provide  this beautiful and safe space to gather.

As we honor the Spiritual Practice of Circulation, we remind you to Let Your Light Shine.

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Offertory Music

  • Let My Light Shine, written by Diana Johnson

Rev. Diana – Blessing for the Offering

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Taizé Closing Song

  • A Soul’s Blessing, written by Chris Johnson

Conscious Conversation

Chris N – Opening Prayer

Rev. Diana – Welcome, and thank you for joining us on this first Sunday of the New Year. If you’re new with us here this morning… my name is Rev. Diana Johnson, and I am the Pastor and Spiritual Director of Mystical Heart Spiritual Center. We are an Independent Interfaith Community that teaches Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality. It is my sincere hope that something you hear this morning will lead you back to the Wisdom and Guidance of your own Mystic Heart.

Let’s get our Conversation started by joining our voices in song and giving our bodies a chance to wake up!

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Opening Music

  • Welcome to the Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • One Big Family, written by Robin Hackett & Gary Lynn Floyd
  • The Silent Awakening, written by Tina Malia

Rev. Diana – Let’s take a moment to consciously engage the body in the Sacred Practice of Visioning for a Love-Soaked World. Take a deep breath…feeling the Presence of Life moving through…and let it go. One more time…and release.

Using your Inner Vision, see and feel with me now, a world in which all humans are living from their Highest Selves, their deepest Wisdom, their most generous and Loving nature…honoring and caring for one another, for all creatures, and for our beautiful planet…

…a world where all needs are met…where all beings have plenty of nourishing food…warm, comfortable, and affordable housing…a sense of safety and belonging…where mental/physical health, education, and healthy relationships are ensured by social systems grounded in Integrity and Wholeness…where all beings work and play at what feeds their soul and are well compensated for their Service…

This is a world in which all beings are valued and respected for their inherent Goodness…where authenticity and vulnerability are not only welcome, but celebrated…where the Peace we cultivate within shows up as a world free of hatred or violence.

Feel and know with me now, a world without greed, where generosity is the norm…where every being receives all that is needed for a full and contented life.

By the Power of our collective intention, powerful imagining, and inspired action we are writing a new story…we are creating a world that works for all beings. We pay no mind to appearances, knowing that transformation is underway here and now. And so we walk in gratitude, respect, reverence, and humility,  acknowledging the  sacred in everyone and everything…

It is through our hands, feet, hearts, and voices that positive change is happening as we align our actions with our Vision, living these changes in our own lives, with our families, friends, and neighbors. This Community stands as an open and welcoming place for all who seek support, belonging, and a sense of Family…it redefines Church as a place of Self-Discovery, as we are Guided to the Truth that lies within.

By the power of our deep Knowing, clear Vision, and inspired Action, this prayer is acted upon, answered even as it is spoken. In full acceptance of its Reality,  and with the deepest humility and gratitude, we release our Word to the One, letting it go, and letting it be…And so it is!…Amen!

Let’s take a moment to bask in that creative and powerful energy…look around to say good morning to your Spiritual Family.

I’m using the stories that make up our history, our culture, and our personal lives as a guide for how to set up the next year’s meditations and Conversations. If you were with us at Taizé          this morning, you know that our year’s theme is Through the Lens of Story; our monthly theme for January is Be Not Afraid; and our topic of reflection this morning has been The Path to Insight.

During Taizé, we said that the path to Wisdom is really made up of two parallel strands. One is Self-Inquiry, the other is Relationship….and both are necessary to the process of gaining Insight.

What does that mean?

(to truly know ourselves, we need to have a balance between self-reflection and engagement with the world)

What do we gain from being in relationship?

(we see aspects of ourselves reflected back to us due to the Law of Attraction; we have opportunities to offer our gifts, to serve)

What is Self-Inquiry?

(looking within, asking questions such as ‘who am I, really, beyond my thoughts, feelings, words, roles, and actions? Who am I at my essence?)

And what do we gain by self-reflection and Self-Inquiry?

(we can find our way past the busyness of the mind to the Peace, Happiness, and Joy that are at our essence)

How does this week’s topic, Be Not Afraid, tie into this path to insight that we’re talking about?

(our upbringing or experiences in life may have created a sense of fear in us…fear of being in authentic relationship with others, fear of being our authentic selves in the world, fear of getting still and looking within)

We know that as human beings, we can either be grounded in fear or in faith, in fear or in love. The two cannot coexist.

So if we’re living our lives grounded in fear, how does that get in our way?

(missed opportunities, narrow vision, negative effects on our mental, emotional, and physical health, etc.)

Let’s make a shift…I’d like to talk about a Spiritual Principle and how it effects our Path to Insight. It’s a principle that is often understood only at its most basic level. That principle is the Law of Attraction.

What is the Law of Attraction? How does it work?

(manifesting what you want to experience in your life; what we give attention to has the tendency to show up in our lives)

I’d like to suggest that the Law of Attraction is so much more than that…that it is really how the world and everything in it is created. There’s nothing inherently wrong with making conscious use of this powerful principle…notice I said conscious use.

What might that look like?

(being aware of our desires and directing our thoughts, words, and actions toward the achieving of those desires; we all have desires – all of creation arises from desire)

Can there be a problem with using the Law in this way?

(the fulfillment of desire brings either fulfillment or suffering; what if what we desire turns out to bring unintended suffering? Do we always know what the outcomes will be?)

Let’s dive a little deeper…we said that all of creation begins with desire, so having a desire is not the problem. But what if we approached the use of the Law of Attraction with a bit of Self-Inquiry? What if we noticed the desire, and then asked, ‘To whom is this sense of desire arising?’ Who is the I that has the desire? Is it the small, egoic I, or the I That I Am? Is it my human desire, or is it my Higher Self leading me on?

How do we know?

(do we feel driven to make it happen just the way we want it, or can we notice the desire and then release it to do what it does? Do we hold fear around the outcome? Can we accept the outcome that is wanting to unfold?)

Is there anything else that wants to be spoken right now?

Closing Prayer –

Join me in knowing this Truth for yourself as I speak it aloud:

(Extemporaneous prayer)

Thank you so much for joining me here today. We’re going to bring this part of the morning to a close, but before we do, we’d like to…

Love Offering

…invite you to join in the celebration of the work we are doing in the world by sharing of your financial Good, should you choose to. If you are at home, you can go to to use our Donate Button or to find our mailing address.

We are an independent, self-supporting organization, and your financial gifts are what make it possible for us to do our work and provide this beautiful and safe space to gather. We thank you in advance for your generous hearts. We acknowledge and give thanks for the Infinite Abundance of Spirit moving through you.

As we engage in the Sacred Practice of Circulation, we’re going to share one more song as a reminder to take into your week.

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Offertory Music

  • Look for the Good, written by Jason Mraz

Chris N– Blessing for the Offering

Chris N – Invitations

  • The Mystic Heart Book Club will be returning this coming Tuesday, January 7th at 3 pm.
  • Fast Track to Wellness and Metaphysical Bible are returning this Thursday, January 9th.
  • 12 Days of Kindness please check the back room to get more gift bags and sweatshirts to hand out.

New Classes Coming Up…

  • Emotional Intelligence & Prayer, (10 weeks) beginning Wednesday, January 15, 10:00am – 1:00 pm.
  • Metaphysical, Allegorical Bible Survey, (15 weeks) beginning Wednesday, January 15, 2:00 – 5:00 pm.
  • Shadow and Story, (10 weeks) beginning Thursday, January 16, 6:00 – 9:00 pm.
  • Contact Rev. Diana for more information about upcoming classed. There is a description on the table near the bulletins.
  • Connecting the Hoop, Saturday, January 18th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Invite April up to talk about it.)
  • Namaste Café, Mystic Heart’s first positive open-mic night, is happening on January 31st from 6:30-9:00 pm.

There is more information available in the January Bulletin and on our website. There will be a New Year’s Bulletin out next week.

Information Cards only if new people

Prayer Requests: I am available after service for prayer, in our beautiful Prayer Room or fill out a prayer card and I will get your request to our Prayer Team for daily prayer.

Rev. Diana, Chris J, & Dalton – Closing Song

  • Love Be With You, written by Lainey Bernstein, RScP. And Gary Lynn Floyd


©2025 Mystic Heart Spiritual Center, All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to duplicate for non-commercial educational use only.
All rights to music performed remain with the copyright owners.
Diana Johnson’s music is © by Barefoot Angel Publishing, ASCAP.
Chris Johnson’s music is © by SeaJay Music & Publishing, ASCAP.

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