True Faith is Alive

True Faith is Alive

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Rev. Diana Johnson, with Sherri Dotter, RScP, & Chris Johnson, RScP.

Video Chapter Index

0:00 Taizé Clicking on a chapter link will play the segment in a new YouTube tab. Your link to this page will remain open in this tab, but the video will play in the new window. Clicking on the Play arrow in the video screen above will play both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation on this page. To make the picture bigger, you may click the full screen icon in the lower right corner: View Fullscreen To cast the video to your Smart TV, click the Play on TV button: Cast to TV. Also, we now have Closed Captioning available! To access Closed Captions, start the video and click on the CC icon next to the gear in the lower right of the video screen: View Captions
20:38 Guided Meditation
46:40 Conscious Conversation


Rev. Diana – We follow the sound of the bell inward…         3 Bells

Sherri – Opening Prayer

Rev. Diana – Good morning. If you’re new with us here this morning, my name is Rev. Diana Johnson, and I am the Pastor and Spiritual Director of Mystic Heart Spiritual Center. We are an Independent Interfaith Community that teaches Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality. We open our doors in welcome, trusting that you will be led to the  Guidance and Wisdom of your own Mystic Heart. We begin our Taizé with Musical Prayer.

Rev. Diana & Chris – Taizé Chants

  • Welcome Home to Your Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • Come Holy Spirit Come , written by Daniel Kopp and Sarah Liberman

Rev. DianaWe take a moment to move into the stillness of this moment…allowing attention to rest on the breath…letting everything else go…feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the privilege of being alive…of experiencing life on this beautiful planet…of coming together with Spiritual Family in prayer and meditation, in Joy and Celebration.

And now allowing awareness to move away from the breath, grounding even more deeply into the silence, into the timeless nature of your being…right here, right now…feeling your Oneness with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe…and acknowledging your Oneness with the global community…

Sensing a web of consciousness that surrounds and infuses the planet, each of us a radiant point of Light in that web…knowing that all beings carry the Divine Spark…every human, every creature, every plant…part of the web…every rock and grain of sand, every drop of water, infused with God’s Radiant Light…extending still further into the cosmos, the wind, the clouds, the stars, the planets…one Light, one Life.

Acknowledging our connection with all of life, our collective Work here is empowered…Our collective prayer and meditation leave an imprint of Peace, of Love, of Grace, on the world, on the cosmos, for all time…transformation is under way…Wholeness is being revealed.

This month, our contemplations are centered in Touching the Living Christ.

By our coming together each week, sharing in prayer and meditation, we are practicing a Living Faith…acknowledging that True Faith is Alive.

What is faith? Some might say that it is what we believe in…It is that which, in our heart of hearts, we accept as true.

Human beings are faithful creatures. It has been said that each of us has 100% faith in every moment…that we have all the faith we will ever have, or ever need. It is not that some have more faith than others…it is that we place our faith in different things.

I can place my faith in the Abundance of Life, living as though my needs are always met. Or I can live as though there is never enough. I can place my faith in blessings…every cloud has a silver lining…or I can live in expectation that if something can go wrong, it will. I might have faith in the idea that life is a collection of lessons to be learned…difficulties to be overcome…or a beautiful gift, meant to be enjoyed and savored.

What we have faith in has been largely determined by our life experiences. There is no right or wrong in where we place our faith. But it is important to realize that where we place our faith determines our experience of life. This is sometimes called the Law of Faith…a spiritual law, forever working, exempting no one from its effects. This means that it behooves us to become aware of where we are placing our faith, and consciously redirecting it when it is working counter to our desired outcome.

As self-reflective beings, we are at choice in every moment to redirect our faith. We can look at both positive and negative circumstances in our lives and ask, “What must I be placing my faith in, for this to be in my life?” Listen with sincere curiosity, and the soul will speak.

In the book of Mark, Jesus says to a young woman, “thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole.” He repeats himself when approached by a blind man wishing to be healed: “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” And his sight was returned. He is clear that it is not his power, but the Power of deep and complete faith active in those whom he served, that brought healing. The same is true today, in our own lives. It is our faith that determines the level of Wholeness that we experience.

Faith, when practiced consciously, is a powerful and active force for Good. True Faith is Alive! Try placing faith in the inherent Love and Intelligence working through you and all creation…trust that whatever happens serves a Higher Good, no matter the appearance. As you live in the light of such conscious and enduring Faith, you are Touching the Living Christ…your perception and experience of the world is transformed.

Chris –  Guided Meditation

Faith is defined as loyalty, belief, and trust in someone or something… especially when there can be no concrete evidence or proof… Things that are Alive grow and evolve, change, respond to stimuli, and adapt to their environment… Living Faith, then, is not merely a static set of beliefs, but a dynamic and emergent Spiritual process…

We vitalize our faith by becoming involved in its evolution… by being aware of our habitual thought and feeling patterns… and by investing our mental and emotional energy in more and more life-affirming ways… When worry intrudes, we may counter it with an affirmation or visualization of what we desire…

This is what Rabbi Yeshua meant when he taught us to “judge not by appearances…”[1] When we limit our faith to what we have seen in the past, we get more of the same… Living Faith looks not at what has been… it looks to what might be… it opens up a space for something new… It recognizes that Divine Creation is still in action…

In his Pensées or Thoughts, Blaise Pascal wrote, “In faith, there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t…”[2] Our choice is clear… Do we choose to believe that the universe is hostile and antagonistic, or that it is friendly and benevolent?…

In our three minutes of shared, silent contemplation this morning, I invite you to explore your faith deeply… to acknowledge your affirmative thought and emotional habits… and to look for any lingering negativity… worry… fear… despair… When you find a negative pattern, create an affirmation that you can use to interrupt it… to shift your attention away from what you don’t want, and toward your ideal outcome… With practice and attention, the negative pattern will begin to trigger your affirmation automatically…

Silence – 3:00

Heavenly Father… Divine Mother… thank you for this time of shared communion and contemplation… Thank you for creating us with 100% faith… and with the spiritual authority to direct our faith positively… Thank you for blessing us with this Beloved Community… May we never forget who and whose we are…

Blaise Pascal also wrote this beautiful definition of faith… “The heart has its reasons, whereof reason knows nothing. We feel it in a thousand things. It is the heart which knows God, and not the reason. This, then, is absolute faith: God felt in the heart…”[3]

As our Taizé gathering continues, we keep our hearts and minds open to Rev. Diana’s inspired message… we allow Spiritual Truth to take root in our heart and to inform our Living Faith… and to remind us that True Faith Is Alive


In his book, Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman offers some thought-provoking interpretations of what faith is. We take a moment of silence to contemplate each one.

“Faith is the Divine Order that pervades all things, the Light behind your eyes, the Loving and Mysterious Intelligence that emanates from the center of creation.”

“Faith is assuming that you always make the right decision.”

“Faith means living with uncertainty – feeling your way through life, letting your heart guide you like a lantern in the dark.”

“Faith involves the willingness to stretch yourself, make mistakes and learn from them – to trust the process of your life.”

“There is no absolute security, except in absolute faith.”

Closing Prayer

One Source, One Power, One Essence, One Substance, One Process, One Infinite Intelligence, One Life…

Here and now, I ground my Faith in the One.

I give thanks for the awareness that I am a perfectly imperfect, intentional expression of One Life, bringing my own unique step to the dance.

I Am as God intended me to be…mine is to know and express myself fully.

Mine is to live by Faith, not by sight…to consciously Practice living in the Light of Faith, and to shine that Light, that others may find their own.

Mine is to trust in the Goodness of Life, the Perfection of the Journey, and the Beauty and Generosity of my fellow travelers.

Mine is to accept all that has been given with Grace, Gratitude and Humility.

Thank you, Spirit, for this amazing day…for the privilege of being alive and well and in Service.

Thank you for my Spiritual Family, for the beautiful space to gather in, and for the next perfect place for our community to call Home.

I offer prayers of Grace-filled letting go, as Randy Thompson makes the journey from this life to the next.

I offer prayers of Peace, Comfort, and the most Amazing Grace to the Thompson family, trusting in God’s Powerful Presence to see them through this difficult time with Courage and Strength.

We offer this musical prayer as a reminder to make every day count, to tell the people in our lives how much we love them…to Hold Onto Each Other.

Musical Meditation – Hold Onto Each Other, by Karl Anthony

Trusting in the power of prayer, I rest now, assured that it has done its Good Work. Knowing that each prayer is answered even before it is spoken, I let go and let God. As together we say, And so it is! Amen!

We gently return our awareness to our bodies, maybe wiggling our fingers, or gently massaging the face…moving the feet…becoming aware of our senses and the sounds in the room…and then opening the eyes and taking in whatever is before you.

Feel free to look around and say good morning to everyone who is here celebrating with you this morning.

This is your Spiritual Family…one of your support systems. These are some of the people who care about you and are there for you.

Rev. Diana – Love Offering

As we close our Taizé Meditation, we offer the opportunity for you to share  your financial good in support of the work we do in the world. If you’re joining us online, you can find a Donate Button and our mailing address at We thank you in advance for your gifts. We acknowledge and give thanks for the infinite abundance of Spirit.

Please enjoy this beautiful reminder to Stay Awake…I couldn’t resist😊

Offertory Music Video – Stay Awake, by CC Heller

Rev. Diana – Blessing for the Offering

Feel free to grab a cup of something warm next door and meet us back at 10:30 for a Conscious Conversation. We’ll bless you on your way with

Rev. Diana & Chris – Taizé Closing Song

  • A Soul’s Blessing, written by Chris Johnson

Conscious Conversation

Sherri – Opening Prayer

Rev. Diana – Good morning… and welcome, or welcome back…and welcome to those joining online. If you’re new with us here this morning… my name is Rev. Diana Johnson, and I am the Pastor here at Mystic Heart. We are an Independent Interfaith Community that teaches Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality. We open our doors in welcome, trusting that you will be led to the  Guidance and Wisdom of your own Mystic Heart.

Opening Music

  • Welcome to the Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • One Big Family, written by Robin Hackett & Gary Lynn Floyd
  • I Hear the Music Down in My Soul (live)

So let’s take a creative journey…calling upon the full power of both mind and heart…engaging the body…and joining with one another in the imaginal realm, in service to the creation of a Love-Soaked World.

See and feel with me now, a world in which all beings live from their Highest Potential…from Kindness, Generosity, Peace, Compassion, Joy, and Beauty.

In this world of our creation, all people honor, respect, and care for one another, for all of the life forms that share this beautiful planet with us, and for Mother Earth Herself.

We remember that we are connected to all of Life… that we are dependent on the planet to sustain us, and on one another.

By aligning every thought, word, and action with our Vision, we are creating a world in which all people are well-fed… have the safety and comfort of home and a deep sense of purpose and belonging…a world in which health, education, and healthy relationships are supported by social systems grounded in Integrity, Compassion and Wholeness.

Valuing every being for its  uniqueness… we practice living truly Authentic lives where vulnerability is celebrated… there is no need to defend or protect. The work we are doing within ourselves shows up as a world free of hatred and violence.

We recognize and appreciate the abundance that surrounds us… greed is a thing of the past, generosity is the norm, and all beings gratefully receive all that is needed to live physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fulfilling lives.

The planet and its beings thrive like never before as we recognize the  sacred in everyone and everything…we walk in reverence, humility, and gratitude for all that we have been given.

We are creating a new world moment by moment, aligning our actions with our Vision, living these changes first in our own lives, with our families, friends, and neighbors. One neighborhood, one community at a time, a new world is being born. In this process of profound change, this Beloved Community stands as an open and welcoming place for all who seek support, belonging, Family.

By the power of our deep faith and inspired action, this prayer is acted upon, answered even as it is spoken, for Spirit knows our heart’s desire and intent. In full expectation of its Graceful unfolding, and with the deepest humility and gratitude, we release our Word to the Creative Power and Intelligence that I call God… to the One that gets it done…       And so it is!…      Amen!

Bringing awareness back to the body, to the senses, to the room, and to the amazing beings who share this space with us this morning…look around to say good morning to your Spiritual Family.

Our theme this month is Touching the Living Christ, and the topic of Conversation today is True Faith is Alive.

This morning during Taizé, we spent time reflecting on faith…what it is, how it works, why it’s so important to know where we’re placing our faith. We said that each of us has 100% faith, all the faith we’ll ever have, all the faith we’ll ever need.

How would you define faith?

(living as if something is true; embodied belief)

Do you believe it’s true that we all have 100% faith, all the time?

What do I mean by that?

So, the difference between my faith and yours is about where I place my faith.

What are some of the less-than-helpful places we direct our faith?

(not enough; Murphy’s Law; things never go my way; there’s always too much month left at the end of the money)

What would be a better use of our faith?

(the abundance of Spirit, and of this abundant earth; my needs are always met; I Am loved; I Am never alone)

How do we go about using our Power of Faith in more Life-Affirming ways? (begin with self-reflection, self-inquiry; looking at outer circumstances as pointers to where our faith is directed; take notice of the words we use, and purposefully change them to more life-affirming sentiments; Meditation; Prayer; Journaling and study)

During Taizé, Chris used a quote from 17th century mathematician and scientist, Blaise Pascal. He said this:

“In faith, there is enough Light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.” Blaise Pascal

What did he mean? (The Law of Faith works the same whether we have faith in Light or darkness, in Good or evil; our power of our faith will draw equally the object of our faith, whether we believe it or not)

Ernest Holmes put it this way: “Ignorance of the law will excuse no one from its effects.” And this is true of any Natural Laws, whether we think of them as physical, mental, or spiritual.

Is there anything that wants or needs to be spoken before we close in prayer?

Let’s close in prayer…

One Source, One Life…drawing on the One Power we call God…

Living as One individualized expression of Spirit…

In Faith that my every breath is given freely, until the very last…

In Faith that I Am forever Guided and Guarded…

I Am never alone, one with All That Is.

In Faith that my every need is always met with Grace…

We take a moment to bless those who are affected by fire…may they stand strong, be safe, and find comfort.

We bless those who are affected by illness…may Wholeness be revealed.

We bless those who are facing apparent lack…may their faith in abundance be strong.

We bless those who are facing loss…may their hearts know Peace.

We bless Randy Thompson, that his letting go be Graceful as he makes the journey from this life to the next.

We send blessings of Peace, Comfort, and the most Amazing Grace to the Thompson family, trusting in God’s Powerful Presence to see them through this difficult time with Courage and Strength.

Thank you, Spirit, for this amazing day…for the privilege of being alive and well and in Service.

Thank you for my Spiritual Family, for the beautiful space to gather in, and for the next perfect place for our community to call Home.

We give thanks for this amazing life, and all of the blessings that are constantly showered down upon us, and around us.…those gifts that seem graceful and easy…and those circumstances that grow us in patience, resilience, character, and Love…for we know that Grace comes in many forms.

In gratitude, faith, and humility, I release my Word to the Loving and Lawful Presence that I call God, in full faith that my prayer is answered even before it is spoken. It is done…And so it is! Amen!

Take a moment to allow your awareness to return to your body, to this space, to this beautiful gathering…welcome back.

Diana – Love Offering

I invite you to join in the celebration of the work we are doing in the world by sharing of your financial Good, should you choose to.

If you are at home, you can go to to use our Donate Button or to find our mailing address.

We also have a Gracious Giving Program for those who would like to make a heartfelt monthly commitment of support so that we can more effectively budget and plan for our growth.

Offertory Music Video: Lean on Me, written by Bill Withers, performed by Music Travel Love

Sherri – Blessing for the Offering

Sherri – Invitations

  • The Mystic Heart Book Club is meeting on Tuesday from 3-5 pm. Whether you’ve read the book or not, join us…we’ll be watching the movie Conversations With God and eating popcorn 😊
  • Fast Track to Wellness is taking a two-week break. We’ll see you back on August 22nd.

Mark Your Calendars…

  • Metaphysical Bible Study will return on Thursday, August 22nd from 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Join Prayer Practitioner Chris Johnson for a metaphysical romp through the book of Revelation!
  • A Survey of the Christian Bible begins on Wednesday, September 4th from 2 – 5 pm, and runs 15 weeks, ending on December 11th with a week off for Thanksgiving. Join Rev. Diana as we explore the culture, history, metaphor, and symbolism behind one of the most influential collections of stories in the western world. Contact Rev. Diana to register in advance.
  • Emotional Intelligence and the Power of Positive Prayer: Join Rev. Diana on Thursday evenings from 6-9 pm, beginning September 5th for a 10-week deep dive into the world of the emotions, how they work, why they’re sometimes triggered, and how we can use affirmative prayer to move toward greater Harmony and Wholeness. Contact Rev. Diana to register in advance.

There is more information available in the August Bulletin and on our website.

Information Cards if new people

Prayer Requests: I am available after service for prayer, or fill out a prayer card and I will get your request to our Prayer Team for daily prayer – We invite everyone to help us make a private space for prayer here in the Sanctuary by joining us next door for lunch

Rev. Diana & Chris – Closing Song

  • Love Be With You, written by Lainey Bernstein, RScP & Gary Lynn Floyd


[1] John 7:24

[2] Blaise Pascal, Pensées

[3] Ibid.Divider

©2024 Mystic Heart Spiritual Center, All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to duplicate for non-commercial educational use only.
All rights to music performed remain with the copyright owners.
Diana Johnson’s music is © by Barefoot Angel Publishing, ASCAP.
Chris Johnson’s music is © by SeaJay Music & Publishing, ASCAP.

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