*SOMAS = the Science of Mind and Spirit
Good morning, Beloveds.
As always, I hold you in Prayer this morning, knowing that Grace infuses your day…that your every moment is showered with blessings.
Yesterday we began our first Mystic Heart Foundational Course, Prayer and Meditation. Our conversation has been spirited to say the least. I am so enjoying the process of growing together with Spiritual Family…what a blessing! Some great questions have arisen, and as I was sharing my responses with the class, it occurred to me that this information might be helpful to others, as well. And as I haven’t sent out a blog in quite a while, here you go!
For those who are in the beginning stages of the journey into New Thought, or for those who have been studying a long time but are open to learning more, I have created a generalized summary of the continuum known as Science of Mind and Spirit (SOMAS). I have found that there is a common misunderstanding that this philosophy is all about manifesting stuff. And that is where is begins for many people, but there is much more to it. Its founder, Ernest Holmes, was a metaphysician and a mystic. And so, this philosophy/religion offers growth opportunities and spiritual development for anyone at any stage of the spiritual journey.
Something that is important to remember…Science of Mind and Spirit, like any other religion/philosophy/theology, has a wide spectrum. As we begin studying it, we must begin at one end, the beginner’s level, teaches us to look at our thought patterns and habits to see where they may be serving us and where they may be undermining us. We practice self-reflection from the standpoint that we are the Divine in form…one way that God expresses…and so the Power of the Divine moves through us. It holds that whatever we choose to change, we have the Power to change. It looks at our words as indicators or expressions of our thoughts and encourages us to change any language that indicates doubt, limitation, or other negative patterns. To do this, we use the Primer Level of Affirmative Prayer, otherwise known as Spiritual Mind Treatment.
At this stage, we also learn about the Creative Process, and how by the Power of Spiritual Law, we are creating our life’s circumstances and conditions by attracting, allowing, or promoting certain people and circumstances into our experience. As we begin to understand the beginning level of The Law of Attraction, we start to see how things came to be the way they are. We take responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions, and for some of the conditions is our lives.
We may come to Science of Mind and Spirit feeling very much the victim…things in life happen TO me. We call this Victim Consciousness and consider it the first stage of Spiritual Evolution. This early level of SOMAS has the potential to move us from the Victim Stage into the second stage…things in life happen BY MEANS OF ME.
Once the student has made strides toward the re-wiring of negative thought patterns, she moves into the next level of Study and Practice. At this level of Science of Mind and Spirit, we begin taking a deeper look at the Qualities of Spirit…Love, Life, Light, Peace, Power, Beauty, Joy, Integrity, Harmony, Justice, Freedom, etc. We acknowledge these Qualities as inherent to all of Creation, and begin to look for signs that they exist in us, and in the others who are part of our lives. We begin with those who are easy to be with, and move to those who we might consider an enemy or opponent. In this stage, we also learn more about the Creative Process and how by the Power of Spiritual Law, we are creating our experience of life’s conditions and circumstances. We begin to accept that while we cannot always change our outer circumstances, we are 100% responsible for how we receive and experience them.
As we come to understanding the intermediate level of The Law of Attraction, we start to see that it is really a Law of Radiation…that with our intentions, motivations, expectations, and faith, we determine what can become possible in our lives. What we bring into our lives is a direct reflection of what we give out. One way I like to say it is that what I get is not determined by what I want, but by what I AM. We come to see that while Spirit is Infinite and offers Possibility with no limits, our own mind-sets determine how much Good can come our way. We take responsibility for our intentions, motivations, expectations, and faith , and begin the process of deep change, not so much in the outer conditions, but in our inner being.
This level of Science of Mind and Spirit usually finds the student at the second stage of spiritual development, BY MEANS OF ME, and offers study and Practice that will move him or her to the third stage of Spiritual Evolution…things happen by GOD MOVING THROUGH ME. In other words, I become the conduit through which Spirit works.
At some point, this process becomes automatic and we are ready to approach the deep Mysticism of Science of Mind and Spirit. Our meditation turns to contemplation of the Divine Itself, and to letting go altogether of our thoughts, words, actions, intentions, motivations, and expectations. We are simply grounded in Faith that God is All That Is, that I Am one with That…and then we let go and allow the experience of the Divine to become real in our experience. Our meditation Practice carries over into our lives, bringing a sense of poise and equanimity to our experiences and relationships. We become much less attached to outcomes; we let go of the illusion that we control our lives; and we become at peace with what is in every moment.
This level of Science of Mind and Spirit usually finds the student at the third stage of spiritual development...things happen THROUGH ME, and moves her toward the deep experience that things happen AS GOD ITSELF, IN FORM, WORKS AS ME, and as all of creation (stage four). Once we begin this as a regular Practice…sitting in the Silence of Spirit…Science of Mind and Spirit is exactly like the Mystical Path of any of the world’s religions that put God first (whether we call It God, or the Way, or Buddha Nature, or Nature Herself).
It is important to remember that each of us moves from one stage of Spiritual Development to another, up and down the spectrum, every day. We may function at different levels in varying circumstances or areas of life, or depending on how much sleep we have had, or what we had for breakfast, or whether or not our body feels well. This is a fluid process…the Dance of Spirit in form.
The Science of Mind and Spirit is taught as a Scientific Method for Spiritual Practice, much like the path of Yoga, only minus the Guru relationship. It can be used scientifically and tested as for its efficacy, at least in its beginning stages. Once the student moves into the mystical union stage, she no longer requires proof.
I hope that this has been informative and helpful in some way. I look forward to my next post, and to being together again soon in Community.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, you are stronger and wiser than you know.
May we all look to the Light…be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive! And…
May we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day, as Infinite Intelligence continues to pour Its blessings upon our world.