This has been a slow-moving, Grace-filled, sunshiny day…so far, so good. The cool breezy day calls me to look out my living room window, and to be still. Yesterday morning’s reading from Unity’s Daily Word is still with me. “In the stillness, I listen.” I continue to allow this affirmation to permeate my heart and mind as I sit in prayer and meditation, holding each one of you in the Loving and Peaceful Presence of God.
What is it that creates stillness? Is it simply the absence of sound and motion? Is it merely a physical condition? No. There are times when I am sitting in complete silence, and remaining perfectly still in my chair, and there is anything but stillness. The check-list of what didn’t get done yesterday…the to-do list for later today, and this week… wondering where my cat spent the night and hoping he is okay…imagining our first in-person church service when the Sanctuary at Home order is lifted…thinking about my friend and her family worries…and on and on it goes. Sometimes there is no peace, no stillness, in my monkey mind. And when there is so much internal chatter, there is no way to hear Spirit’s Guidance.
And so, I ask again – what is it that creates stillness? For me, stillness is a sense of peace within. It means that I have consciously chosen to let go of all that has come before, allowing it to drift into the category of finished business. And I have made the conscious decision to let the future unfold in its own time, and of its own accord. This means choosing not to worry about situations or conditions that have already been, or that may or may not happen in the future…and that I have no control over. Stillness is not about anything outside of me. It is an environment that I create on the inside, and that I carry with me, so that no matter the clamor going on around me, I can move through it in Grace and Stillness.
I know that in current conditions, with all that is happening in the world, stillness can seem illusive. So, I would like to send a few suggestions for how to find the stillness amidst the movement of daily life.
- Stay in the Present Moment. We cannot change the past and we cannot foresee the future, the only time we have control over at any given moment is now.
- Get In Touch with Your Senses. Notice the textures under your fingertips, give your complete attention to tasting your food without distractions. Consciously focus on the beauty in the world, smell the freshly cut grass, fully listen to the conversations you are having.
- Invest in the Things You Love Wholeheartedly – Sing along with a song you love. Sing it with joy, passion, and a smile on your face. Paint a picture. Dig in the dirt. Dance…walk in nature…pet your dog…bake cookies…but do what you love with your full attention.
- Pause…Take a Moment at the Beginning of Your Actions. Embrace what you are doing at any given moment. This will help to bring you into the present. Breathe, relax, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder.
- Consciously Place your Faith in Divine Order. I am reminded by my reading of Richard Rohr’s contemplation this morning, that “All will be well, all will be well, and all manner of things shall be well”. (Julian of Norwich)
I hope that you find these reminders helpful, and that your day unfolds with a sense of deep stillness, whatever you may choose to do.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…