I am called to deep gratitude this morning as I feel each one of you in prayer. I am so grateful for the ongoing connection and support as we move through this compelling time. As I consciously choose to be grateful for all that is occurring, knowing that it is unfolding in Divine Order, I take on a curious attitude – where is this leading us? Where is it taking us as a global community? And what is it that I am being directed to learn, question, or change about the way I have been living?
My contemplation this morning, and really, for the past week is this: what is essential? What does the word mean, and what is its purpose in this experience we are currently living? It turns out that it comes from a Latin root, essentia, from esse, which means ‘be’. The suffix tial means pertaining to, or having the quality or characteristic of. So essential means pertaining to being.
Society has decided which services and businesses are essential, or required for our being. I have heard questions about whether what we are experiencing is necessary, about the accuracy of the information in the media, and a plethora of other questions and observations. I am not writing to plumb the depths of those material and mental rabbit holes. Spiritual Law tells me that if it is happening, it is necessary – I don’t need to know why, but rather to watch with curiosity. It also directs me to look within myself for what is essential in my life. This is a question we are called to, and given the time to consider as we move through this unprecedented time in our global history.
On the physical plane, clean water for drinking, clean air for breathing, nutritious food in relatively small amounts, and shelter to keep my body safe from the elements are the essentials. In the mental/emotional realm, feelings of positive self-esteem and worthiness, and loving human interaction or connection are essential in my life. I also find a sense of contribution to be essential to my well-being. On a spiritual level, I need to know that I Am part of something much bigger than myself and do the daily work to feel connected to It. That’s it…the rest is details.
As I take the time to really look at what is essential, I see my life being different at the other end of COVID-19. In the past, I have allowed myself to become distracted by world events, by the apparent conditions in the lives of others, and by my perceptions and opinions about all that is happening. While I remain apprised of whatever information seems pertinent to daily living as I move through these changing times, I spend even less time taking part in the distractions. Some of this has been mandated – there are fewer distractions available at this time. I feel as though I Am being Called back to the essentials, and that the use of this word is on purpose. I Am being Called to pay attention to the longings of my soul.
In his book The Way of Silence, Brother David Steindl-Rast (a 94-year-old Benedictine monk who is still writing and teaching, and who is one of my all-time favorite teachers) says this: “Oversaturation of our senses tends to dim our alertness. A deluge of sense impressions tends to distract the heart from single-minded attention. This gives me a new appreciation for the hermitage, a fresh understanding of what solitude is all about. The hermit – the hermit in each of us – does not run away from the world, but seeks that Still Point within, where the heartbeat of the world can be heard.”
This is one of the things we had experienced – and may still be experiencing if we are exposing ourselves to the overwhelming number of media sources that are available. It feels to me like I am being Called to calm the deluge, to give myself and my heart permission to return to the essentials. In doing so, I do not run away from the world, pretending that conditions are not as they are. Rather, I seek the Still Point within, the only place that I can recognize the Truth that lies beyond the facts…the only place that I can offer my single-minded attention to anything or anyone…and the only place that I can know for myself, for my body, mind, heart and soul, what is essential.
May we all come to know the essence of who we are and why we’re here.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our Unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…