It is so good to be writing again. Whether or not time allows me to share reflections, please know that I hold each of you in prayer every morning. As I step into a new day, I know Radiant Health and Wholeness of body, mind, and spirit for each of us. I know that each is carried by the Graceful arms of the Divine as we surrender to the Beauty and Delight of this amazing day.
It’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through February. It seems that the groundhog saw its shadow this year, so we may have a bit more winter ahead of us. Funny how the pagan celebration of Imbolc has been adopted in American culture as Groundhog Day. This shift in tradition happened when the Germans who immigrated to the U.S. in the 18th and 19th centuries brought traditions from their homeland that were loosely related to early Celtic rituals that celebrated the return of the sun, or the light. Does it seem strange that every time we learn the history and meaning behind a holiday, there is Light involved? It really shouldn’t…whether we are speaking about the physical world, the mental, or the spiritual, Light is at the heart of existence. Just for fun, I’d like to share a bit about this ancient tradition, and then look at how we can use it to enhance our experience of Life, and of Spirit, today.
Falling midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, February 2 is a significant day in several ancient and modern traditions. Pre-Christian Celtic cultures celebrated this time of year by holding ceremonies to bless the spring planting. This festival known as Imbolc is a melting pot mixture of Celtic, Roman, and Christian traditions, as well as some from the Asian continent. It is said to be a time to honor the Mother Goddess, and is dedicated to the goddess Brigid, patroness of healing, creative inspiration, reproductive fertility, fire, poetry, and the phases of the moon. Celebrations of this festival feature the lighting of candles representing warmth, purification, and guidance out of the darkness of winter.
In the fourth century, early Christians borrowed the traditions of Imbolc as they celebrated the presentation of Jesus at the holy temple in Jerusalem, and the purification of the Virgin Mother 40 days after the birth of a boy, as per Jewish tradition. This story is told in the book of Luke in the Christian Bible. As Christianity spread through Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Imbolc evolved into Candlemas, a Catholic celebration commemorating the presentation of the Light of the World, Jesus. It became a time of feasting and ritual blessing of the church’s candles…again, representing the Light. Even in our modern day, February 2 marks the last day of the Season of Epiphany on the Liturgical Calendar. Christmas is finally over!
So, why am I telling you about Candlemas today? Let’s just say that after spending the months of December and January in silent contemplation and reflection, asking for Guidance…asking to be shown what is seeking to be born in your life at this time, it is time to take that inspiration and bring it to life. Here’s where we make it practical…we ignite a new flame of intention, or relight one that may have temporarily gone out.
Did you ever wonder where the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions came from? It is tied into our holy-day ritual. It has actually become a part of our Race Consciousness, although I am finding people more hesitant to make resolutions than when I was younger. I can understand why…because it seems like we lose our motivation before January is over! I know it took me until February this year to settle on what I wanted to change about my experience of life in 2021, and to make a firm commitment, complete with a plan of action.
What is a resolution? The first modern definition in the dictionary is, “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” What is really interesting is that the root of this word actually means “to loosen, or release.” So a resolution, by its original meaning, is more about letting go than making a firm decision. It seems to me that the New Year is an ideal time to let go of what no longer serves us. The process we can use to do this letting go is the conscious setting of intentions. In case you’re interested, the root of the word intention means the process of extending inward. So, setting an intention could be thought of as using my inner wisdom and inner strength to make and maintain a resolution…to permanently let go of something that doesn’t serve me. And in letting go, emptying myself just a little bit, making room for something new to take form.
Why is it important to set intentions? I would like to suggest that we are always setting intentions, either consciously and specifically, or by refusing to set intentions…out of the fear that they won’t come true…usually based in past experience. But if we refuse to set our own intentions, it’s like telling the Universe to have its way with us – anything goes. This opens us up to a life of apparent chaos, unexpected and undesirable situations and conditions. It’s kind of like saying, “Yeah, Whatever…” to God.
In New Thought traditions, we know that our thoughts create our experiences. Author Lynne McTaggart has done extensive research about the power of intention. She says that, “…thought does shape reality, but much depends on how skillfully the thinker can use their intention.” So setting intentions goes beyond just improving the quality of my thoughts. It is being clear what I want my life to look and feel like…and allowing my Inner Power and Wisdom to lead me as I take one step forward at a time. If I’m going to set intentions for this New Year, and I’m aware that I haven’t been successful in the past with follow-through, it’s important for me to look at that. What has gotten in my way?
Maybe I don’t believe I have what it takes… I don’t deserve to have good things in my life…I’m stuck in a current situation that doesn’t allow the time, money, or energy required. These are the stories we tell ourselves. And it’s likely that these stories were told to us as we grew up, either by our families, teachers, or culture in general. And we took them on for ourselves.
In her book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, author Debbie Ford says this:
Every human being is born with a healthy emotional system. We love and accept ourselves when we are born…we dwell in the fullness of our being, living in the moment and expressing ourselves freely. As we grow older we begin to learn from the people around us. They tell us how to act, when to eat, when to sleep, and we begin to make distinctions. We learn which behaviors bring us acceptance and which bring us rejection…we learn to trust people around us or to fear them. We learn consistency or inconsistency. All of this distracts us from living in the moment and keeps us from expressing ourselves freely. We need to revisit the experience of our innocence that allows us to accept all of who we are at every moment.
That said, I have some good news for you… all of these things you have come to believe about yourself? They’re just stories. Stories are made up…not real…made up by authors. And who is the author of my story? I am. The same is true for you. So, what if I’m not happy with my story? I change it. I use my thoughts, imaginings, and intentions to create my experiences. I keep my eye on where I’m going, I stay open to Guidance and flexible when Spirit has a different route than I expected, and I maintain my Faith in the Goodness of Life. More on this in the days to come…
For now, I invite you to look at how the story of your life in 2021 will be different than in 2020. What are your hopes and dreams? What do you want more of? What are you tired of experiencing and how will you change it? As we move toward the season of Lent, I will be guiding you through some specific ideas and practices. For today, the gardener in me says, “It’s a little too early to be planting seeds yet…no need to rush anything…take your time choosing which ones you want to plant this spring.”
I look forward to our journey together. May it be fruitful.
Know that today and always, I am here to support you.
Know that today and always, the Christ Light shines within you.
May we be well…know our unity…and thrive! And…
May we know the Absolutely miraculous nature of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day!