God’s Purpose

In my quiet moments, my prayer is that each of us are filled with the Healing and Comforting Power of Spirit…that we are aware of Its Loving Presence and find Peace in our knowing. This morning, as I read from my eclectic selections, there is a phrase calling for further...

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The Music of the Spheres

As I sit in meditation and prayer, I feel the presence of all who may be reaching out, seeking to feel the comforting feeling of Oneness, knowing our Connection in Spirit. May each of us find the Peace we are seeking. I awakened this morning with the phrase The Music...

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Time to Re-Align…

I sit this morning in a later-than-usual quiet contemplation and prayer. Inspired by Unity’s Daily Word, “I freely choose where to place my energy today.” I am moving toward allowing my days to ebb and flow more naturally, filled with a healthy and balanced selection of activities, while still supporting...

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