Beloved Community

In prayer this morning, I find a deep sense of gratitude for my Spiritual Community…those who are intimately involved with Mystic Heart, and those who are connected via technology, reading messages, attending Zoom classes, and reaching out through email from time to time. All of you are Beloveds…all connected…all part...

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This has been a slow-moving, Grace-filled, sunshiny day…so far, so good. The cool breezy day calls me to look out my living room window, and to be still. Yesterday morning’s reading from Unity’s Daily Word is still with me. “In the stillness, I listen.” I continue to allow this affirmation...

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Signs of Progress

I sit this morning, looking out the window into my back yard. It is very green right now, the breeze is blowing, and a light rain is falling. I give thanks for all of it, and for my warm and comfortable home, where I can find Sanctuary. I feel the...

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