As I sit quietly, I am so grateful for this day and all that it holds. You are with me in my prayer and meditation, as I know Radiant Health and Wholeness of mind, body and spirit for each of us. I am moved to share an aha! that came this morning. It is something that I have known before, or at least had an awareness of, but had forgotten. Does that ever happen for you? Well, here’s my great revelation.
I can’t do everything, all the time. And I shouldn’t even try. While in Spiritual Practice it is better to simply be than to do, the active part of life works more effectively when I do something. But when the something feels overwhelming, I sometimes do nothing, or busy myself with distractions. Yep, that’s it. Maybe some of you can identify…
Here’s how this came to me. I had once again realized that it had been a week since I had written. I took this into contemplation, asking for clarity. Why have I not been writing? I love to share my thoughts with you…they are a natural outpouring from my quiet time in the morning. The word time floated through. When Spirit sends a word, I always respond with ‘please say more’. Next I received you spend too much time. Once again, ‘please say more.’ After some back and forth, what I finally heard was you think that everything you do has to be long and complicated, a big production. Keep it simple. Do less, more often. I know this must seem obvious to you, but apparently I had forgotten that life can be simple. Even as a Minister. Even as someone who loves to teach, lead community activities, play music, cook, study, meditate, write, garden, walk, and…you get the idea.
As I spent time looking at my patterns of making life complicated, and asking for illumination as to what motivates this habit, I was given what I most needed to hear: From the time you were a small child, you felt that you needed to earn your parents’ love. They were young and distracted and not sure how to be attentive parents. You learned to do more and more to try to get their attention and praise. It didn’t work. This habit no longer serves you or anyone else. It isn’t what is called for now.
Completing my process of inquiry, I asked, “What are the blessings?” I was reminded that I have learned how to focus, how to set an intention and see it through. And when something needs doing, I know how to get ‘er done. and “What is mine to do now?” Be still…let it go…keep it simple…be yourself. You are loved just as you are.
That’s what I offer you today. Whatever story makes itself known in your life, I encourage you to ask Infinite Wisdom to speak. Ask what or why…invite Spirit to say more. Whatever your experience has been, look for the blessings. And most of all, be still…let it go…keep it simple…be yourself. You are loved just as you are.
May we all be well…stay in touch…know our unity…and thrive!
And may we know the Absolute Beauty and Wonder of this Grace-filled, once-in-a lifetime day…