A New Heaven and A New Earth

A New Heaven and A New Earth, Sunday Morning Meditation – 7/12/2020

I invite you now to take a deep breath… release it, relax your body, and allow it to be still… Fully open your heart, soul, body and mind and welcome the Presence of Spirit into your meditation…  God is already fully present – right here, right now – ready to fill you with Love, Joy, Truth, Beauty and the Life Divine…  Allow this Holy Presence to fully inhabit you…  It is your true nature – who and what you really are – your Highest Self…  Surrender to It now…


We are taught that the universe is evolving in perfect order, according to the Love and Law of Spirit, regardless of appearances…  But how do we respond appropriately to chaotic times?  What is God calling forth from us in this situation?  Perhaps we are being called to a greater faith…  Maybe we are being invited to create a new way of being when the world reopens…  Could this time be the gestation period for the birth of a more loving and compassionate way of life?  Is this yet another opportunity for us to create Heaven on Earth?  So, I ask of Divine Wisdom, “What is my part in this co-creative process?  What is being called forth from me now?”  Please join me, as we take our questions into the Silence…


I give abundant thanks for this blessed communion with Spirit and with our Beloved Community…  I deeply appreciate the Divine creative ability we have to imagine a world free from suffering, pain and greed…  Thank you, God, for the inspiration and guidance we need to rebuild our society on Divine Principles…  As we envision the New Heaven and the New Earth, Spirit moves through us and as us to bring it into fruition – into form and into our experience.

Please affirm with me that our thoughts, words, and actions align with our deepest spiritual identity, and that we each are inspired daily to give full expression to the gifts given us.  The light of our souls shines brightly as we express powerful spiritual qualities in the world.


I invite you now gently to return your awareness to your surroundings … notice the sounds both inside and outside … become aware of your Beloved Community surrounding and supporting you.  In just a few moments, we will begin our Celebration.

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