Mystic Heart Spiritual Center has resumed our food ministry. We have long held that God can only make things better in the human world by working through humans. It is up to us to be the heart, hands, and feet of the Divine in our community.
It started with a simple question that Rev. Diana asked a vendor at the Saturday Farmers’ Market in Redding: “What do you do with the very ripe produce you don’t sell?” The answer shocked her: “We throw it away.” Her immediate thought was, “Not if I can help it!”
Last season, we saved well over a ton of fresh, organic produce from the waste heap, which was instead delivered to the Good News Rescue Mission to help feed those experiencing homelessness. Thanks so much to all who have contributed their time, love, and effort to make this ministry such a great success!
Also, thanks to David and Cathy Aiken, Mystic Heart is collecting non-perishables to be delivered monthly to the Mission. If you’d like to contribute, there is a box located in Suite H for the collection of food. Thanks, David and Cathy, for offering yet another opportunity to make a difference!
The process is simple. Every Saturday at noon, as the farmers are packing up their booths, we collect fresh, organic produce from the participating farmers, load it into vehicles, and transport it to the Good News Rescue Mission, just around the corner. If you are interested in helping to collect and transport organic produce from the Farmers’ Market to the Mission on Saturdays at noon, please click here to sign up online, or contact Rev. Diana at to get on the calendar, or you can scroll down past the pictures of participating farmers and fill in the contact form – we’ll be in touch!
Participating Farmers
We want to give a big shout out to these organic farmers who are generously contributing to the Mystic Heart Food Ministry:

Dhillon Farms out of Olivehurst has been one of our most generous donors. Gurmeet Dhillon, owner of Dhillon Farm, provides the Redding Saturday Farmers’ Market with lots of mouthwatering fruits and vegetables! Drop by and say thanks – and buy some great organic produce while you’re there!

Red Gate Ranch of Red Bluff is a regular contributor – and they practice regenerative farming! This picture shows their organic beef selection, but they have great organic pork, sausages and produce as well. The Red Gate Ranch vegetable CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program will not only provide you with nearly year-round, locally grown, nutrient dense food, it is also a powerful investment in your health, your community, our environment, and our local economy. See their website for more information.

Bee’s Produce comes all the way from Sutter, CA to participate in the Redding Farmers’ Market. They always have a wide selection of fresh, organic produce on hand.
Epperson Family Farm
See if you resonate with the Eppersons’ philosophy:
We don’t “own” the land. We are stewards of the land God gave us for a time. It is our intention to leave the soil and forest in a better condition than we found them, harvesting both in a sustainable manner, leaving them unspoiled and uncontaminated for future generations. With pure water, air and soil, it is our goal to provide produce of a superior quality and nutritional value. In order to avoid contamination by genetically engineered organisms we are increasingly growing our soil stock and avoiding all hybrids. This is because we are concerned about your health, our health, and the health of the environment for generations to come.
Philosophy and mission statement, Epperson Family Farm
Sustainable Farmers of Quality Organic Produce Since 1972
Thank you, Theresa, for your generous donations and for your stewardship of our dear Mother Earth!

Troxell’s Big Red Orchard
Gerald Troxell will help you figure out which apple will work best for your particular appetite, or for what cooking plans you have in mind. They’ve got all the popular varieties. Head out Highway 299 east from Redding for about 34 miles. Just past the Montgomery Creek School on the right, you’ll find Troxell’s Big Red Orchard. That’s the place to go to buy fresh apples. 19269 Montgomery Valley Drive.
We encourage you to support these generous farmers who are helping us create the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible1. You get the freshest, healthiest possible locally grown food, plus your food dollars stay local! Just as organic farming sustains the local micro-ecology, shopping locally sustains our micro-economic climate.
Our long-term goal is to realize heaven on earth. Please fill out the form below if you would like to help us in this phase of our endeavor to create A World That Works For All2.