Mystic Heart Spiritual Center is
 an Independent Interfaith Community

led by Rev. Diana L. Johnson, IM, RScM

We Are One!

Mystic Heart is a welcoming and accepting Spiritual Community that supports, promotes, and celebrates your growth in body, mind, and spirit. We are an Independent Interfaith Community,  where people of all ages, races, creeds, ethnicities, sexualities, and abilities come together, not as groups separated by their differences, but as human beings celebrated for their individuality. We welcome all faith paths, philosophical points of view, and ways of life that acknowledge and honor the Divine, and support and uplift the growth and evolution of the planet and its beings. We see Evolution and Creation as two aspects of one process that is forever moving life forward, and we understand that each of us is an integral part of that process, leaving our direct imprint on the evolution of humanity.

July Message from the Rev…

 Rev. Diana L. JohnsonLiving Buddha, Living Christ… this is the title of a wonderful book by Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, and it is the overarching theme for our Meditation and Conversation in the month of July. Moving through the pages of the book, its author leads us again and again, with his firm but gentle hand, from theory to practice. Nhat Hanh writes, “Discussing God is not the best use of our energy. If we touch the Holy Spirit, we touch God not as a concept, but as a living reality.” This is what our Sunday Gatherings will offer…Meditation, Prayer, and Conversation that will lead you to know the Presence as a felt experience AND to call it into action in your life and in the world.

Why is the call to action so important? Isn’t it enough that I meditate, study, and pray? Looking at conditions in our world, there is no better time than now to call forth this powerful energy, this cosmic force that we are calling Living Buddha, Living Christ. Our planet and its beings are depending on every person to discover and develop the gifts that are uniquely ours. It is through our hands, feet, hearts and voices that positive change will be made. It is by our coming to see the Light of Spirit in the mundane, in the horizontal or material plane, that we learn to experience God as a constant companion in the Vertical or Absolute sense

July’s theme, Living Buddha, Living Christ, takes us on a deep dive into our True Nature…spiritual beings having a non-stop human experience. It asks us to look at what holds us back. It invites us to bring awareness to our actions in the world, and to make every day  a day of Service to the Whole. And it asks us to draw on the Intelligence and Discernment of our Inner Guidance as we find the Middle Way.

July Themeliving-buddha-living-christLiving Buddha, Living Christ

Join us each week for a time of shared Meditation, Prayer, Conversation, and Fellowship. Find the love and support of Spiritual Family. And bring a friend… we have a lot of love to share.

  • July   7th:    If Not Now, When?
  • July 14th:    Seeing the Way, Taking the Path
  • July 21st:    Re-Rooting: Touching the Living Buddha
  • July 28th:   The Middle Path (Sherri Dotter, RScP)

There are always new opportunities for growth, Service, and sharing in Beloved Community at Mystic Heart. Check our website,, for upcoming events. And if you like what we’re up to, be sure to spread the word.               

Love and Light,

Rev. Diana


We are located at:

The Gathering Place: 3609 Bechelli Lane, Suites H & I in Redding, CA

Mailing Address: 3613 Bechelli Lane, Redding, California 96002

Office Phone: (530) 605-3936

Prayer Line: (530) 605-3982



June Bulletin

Download the June Bulletin


More Coming Events

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