Putting It All Together
Along the spiritual path we hear and use terms such as my higher Self, my human or egoic self, my feminine aspects, my male attributes, my conscious mind, my subconscious, and so many others that it starts to feel a little crowded in here! How do I get all these different parts of me moving in the same direction?
It’s important to keep in mind that these terms don’t refer to different minds or separate selves, but are meant to describe certain mental or spiritual orientations. We may focus on a particular aspect of our consciousness in order to bring it into better balance or alignment. And that can be very useful. But then we need to re-member ourSelf.
Last month’s beautiful Taizé chant from Rev. Rev. Melissa Phillippe, I Am Remembering, reminds us who we really are. Re-membering is the opposite of dis-membering. After we look deeply into one piece, we need to reassemble the puzzle into a cohesive picture, so our wholeness – our holiness – can be seen. This is Divine Union – re-membering that we are One with ourSelf, One with all of Creation, and One with our Creator.