Welcome Home to Your Mystic Heart!

Location & Mail Address:
Mystic Heart Spiritual Center
3613 Bechelli Lane
Redding, California 96002
Phone: (530) 605-3936
Prayer Line: (530) 605-3982

We are holding Sunday Morning Services and weekday classes at the Gathering Place,  3613 Bechelli Lane, Redding, CA 96002. Our Junior Mystics program for children is available once a month during Sunday Services (usually on the first Sunday of the month). If you would like your children to attend in person, please fill out the Junior Mystics RSVP reservation form (second form below) ahead of time, so that we know what ages to prepare for. Meanwhile we are offering classes, workshops and Sunday Services online via Zoom as well as in person.

You may make donations on this website or mail your check to the PO Box above. Our telephone number is (530) 605-3936 – if we don’t answer please leave a brief message and we’ll get back to you.

Or you may get in touch with us using the email form below:

Contact Mystic Heart
General contact form.
Junior Mystics RSVP
Yes, we want to make our Junior Mystics reservations for the next Family Sunday! Here is our information:
Please set your cell phone to vibrate during the service, in case we need to text you about your child.
Selected Value: 1
Please let us know how many kids to expect, so that we can ensure appropriate staffing.
Please let us know the age of each child you will be bringing so that we have age-appropriate materials for them.
Please let us know any other important information to help us care for your children, specifically, food allergies, sensitivities, special needs, etc. The more we know about your children, the better we can serve them!