What Is An Interfaith Community?
An Interfaith Community is a collection of individuals who are dedicated to loving themselves, one another, and the universe. At Mystic Heart, we experience the wonders of who we are individually and collectively as a group. We welcome all faith paths, philosophical points of view, and ways of life that acknowledge and honor the Divine, and support and uplift the growth and evolution of the planet and its beings.
Our community is modeled after the concept of the Beloved Community, created by Josiah Royce, further developed by Rev. Howard Thurman and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and as presented by Rev. Jim Lockard in Creating the Beloved Community. It is a place where purpose and passion meet, where we practice and become the persons we desire to be and support others in their efforts to do the same. (Summarized from Creating the Beloved Community by Jim Lockard)
Membership Agreements
- We agree to always be respectful, compassionate, loving, honest, and authentic in our thoughts, words, actions, and communications. In doing so, we create a safe loving, and supportive environment in which complete transparency is the norm, vulnerability is honored, and where people are free to evolve physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.
- We agree to take personal responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions at all times. In doing so, we create a loving environment where spiritually mature individuals promote peace, joy, and celebration in all that we do.
- We agree to reverently seek Spirit’s Guidance when resolving conflict. In doing so, we trust that Love is leading the way and that Peace prevails.
- We agree that we are consciously choosing to create a Spiritual Family. In doing so, we are creating a space in which to belong , a place to call Home.
- We agree to welcome all who come, gracefully honoring each individual as a unique child of God; we accept all faith paths and levels of awareness as a sacred part of the Spiritual Journey. In doing so, we attract a vibrant group of diverse members who practice this teaching to live in the consciousness of Oneness each and every day.
- We agree to respect one another’s personal space. In doing so, we create a comfortable community experience in which everyone feels safe and honored.
- We agree to live from a consciousness of Wholeness and Abundance. In doing so, we create personal lives and a Spiritual Home that are radiantly healthy and free from limitations of every kind.