Soul Communion

Soul Communion            9/13/2020

 As you settle your body into a relaxed, comfortable position, I invite you to take a deep breath… and release it fully…  Imagine breathing in the Presence of Spirit… and completely letting go of all tension as you exhale…  There is nothing you need to do or think about… just be totally present – fully inhabit your body here and now…  Now, focus your attention on your heart area…  See it filled with Unconditional Love…


As you ease into your center, embracing the very core of your being, you encounter that part of you that was never born… and that will never die…  This is the part of you that is completely Pure, Whole, and Sacred… the Divine Spark that is your Soul…

God, in Its Infinite Wisdom and Love, created us in the Image and Likeness of Perfection…  The Spiritual Attributes of Life, Love, Wisdom, Peace, Power, Beauty and Joy are inherent within us…  They are the very framework of our Soul…

Our contemplation of these qualities within us is our Holy Communion with God…  As we move into the Silence, we embrace our Immortal Soul…


Gratitude wells up from deep within our hearts and Souls as we give thanks for this time of Blessed Communion…  Thank you, Divine Mother…  Thank you, Holy Father, for bestowing your Sacred Gifts upon us… for endowing us with your Spiritual Qualities…  And for all the blessings of this magnificent Life…


Please affirm with me that our thoughts, words, and actions align with our deepest spiritual identity, and that we each are inspired daily to give full expression to the gifts given us.  The light of our souls shines brightly as we express powerful spiritual qualities in the world.


I invite you now gently to return your awareness to your surroundings … notice the sounds both inside and outside … become aware of your Beloved Community surrounding and supporting you.  In just a few moments, we will begin our Celebration.

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