Thanksgiving Blessing

Rev. Diana’s Blessing for the Shasta Interfaith Online Thanksgiving Service

From Old City Hall             Sunday, November 22, 2020

Click here to view the entire Shasta Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.


Settling into the stillness…allowing my awareness to move into the present moment…

Taking a couple of slow, deep breaths, relaxing into an open-hearted state, where Gratefulness is the dominant tone…feeling into the gathering of this Interfaith Community.

Moving into the flow of prayer, seeing with the inner eye, sense with me now a global web of consciousness, each of us a point of Light, all connected across the planet, all beings who in this moment, might be sitting in Sacred Practice,  acknowledging the Presence of the Divine…feeling our collective intention…deep Communion with that which is bigger than we are…feeling the impulse to grow and evolve that’s awakening within us.

There is a Great Fullness in our Connection.

I speak my Word, knowing it as the Truth for each one of us…

Turning to the One and only Source, I know that Its Presence, Power, Intelligence, and Wisdom are what I Am…and in allowing it to inform my thoughts, words, and actions in the world, there is a Great Fullness.

Recognizing that both Joy and challenge serve to evolve my soul, Gratefulness is my natural response to Life. I mindfully acknowledge and give thanks for all of it.

As I ground myself whole-heartedly in Gratitude, I am showered with blessings…ever-growing, always multiplied…and in living from this Great-Fullness, I serve as a beneficial presence on the planet; as I Am lifted up, so are we all lifted…for truly, we are One.

As I lean into the Radiant Light, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, Powerful Presence, and Limitless Love that is God, I cannot be led astray; for it is by God’s Grand Design, It’s Loving and Lawful Presence, Its infallible Action and unbounded Love, that Life unfolds.

And so, as part of a global web of gratitude, I give thanks for the presence of mind that allows me to live each moment fully and mindfully. I acknowledge the Goodness of Life…and I consciously stand in the flow of God’s Grace.

In deep faith that Divine Order guides the cosmos and all of Creation, I release this prayer…to continue its Good Work…and knowing it is done, I let it be. And so it is. Amen!

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