Start With a Reset

Start With a Reset…           Sunday, May 2, 2021 Taizé

Rev. Diana Johnson, with Prayer Practitioner Lucinda Alton, RScP, and Chris Johnson, RScP, leading the meditation.

Call to Awareness – 3 Bells

Opening Prayer – Lucinda will set the intention to open heart and mind, welcoming whatever is to be awakened today.

Introduction – Rev. Diana

Good morning. My name is Rev. Diana Johnson, Pastor and Spiritual Director of Mystic Heart Spiritual Center. I begin today by welcoming you Home to our Beloved Community, and Home to your own Mystic Heart.

I invite you now to let go of all that has come before this moment…fully arriving in this moment. Take a deep breath, gently closing your eyes as you exhale, and allow your body to relax…let your mind relax…allow yourself to settle into the Presence that lives within you…where Spirit dwells and awaits your into the stillness so that the Still Small Voice might make Itself known as we invite Its participation…now take a moment to ground yourself…imagine that there is a root that extends from the base of your spine down into the earth… connecting you to the Sacred Mother, offering you stability and connection. In this state of connection with Life, allow yourself to be held and carried by the experience of Taizé…feel the words and music wash over you as you drop down into the depths of your soul…

Chant – Dropping Down by Karen Drucker

Rev. Diana

This year’s overarching theme is Connection. During the month of May we take a look at being Care-full, Not Cautious.  Today’s meditative journey will invite each of us to Start with a Reset as we move toward living a fuller, richer, more spiritually connected life. Join me in taking another deep breath in, as you remain rooted to the earth, feeling the Presence of New Life entering your being…and then breathing out, and allowing anything that is not Life-enhancing to be released back into the atmosphere where it is transformed…Breathing in Vibrant Energy and holding it or a moment as it builds Power, and then sending that Energy out into the world on the outbreath, creating an atmosphere of Love, Peace, and Wholeness, both within and without…Taking another moment to follow the breath as it settles into its own natural flow, and then slows just a bit… and now allowing your awareness to move away from the breath, trusting in the constancy of Spirit as it breathes your body…grounding even more deeply into the silence, into the eternal nature of your being, where you feel and know your Oneness with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe. Together, we attune ourselves to the high vibration we are co-creating with the Infinite…take a moment to feel the Vibration of Spirit in your body. (Pause)

There is a Power, greater than anything we can imagine, and that Power moves through us, through all of Creation…we recognize and honor the same Power in everyone and everything. As one by one, each of us acknowledges and learns to consciously direct that Power for Good, our lives and the life of our planet will be transformed. There will no longer be confusion between Power and force. Author David R. Hawkins tells us, “Force is limited, whereas Power is unlimited. Force is divisive and weakens, whereas Power unifies. Power attracts, whereas force repels. Power serves others, whereas force is self-serving.”

We take a moment to sense the Spiritual Power that connects us…to feel the Oneness of our global community…to see with the mind’s eye a web of consciousness that covers the planet, each of us a Powerful point of Light…surrounded, infused, and enlivened by the Presence of the Divine. (Pause) As we now bring all beings, all of creation, into the web, we see that there are no spaces between us…our web has become one continuous field Consciousness, each of us an individualized expression…no beginning, no ending…we feel it extending out beyond our beautiful planet, into the cosmos, infinitely expanding…all one.

As we come together this morning, we share a heartfelt intention…to spend time, as community, in deep communion with that which is beyond time and space, beyond definition and description…from deep within, we feel the impulse to grow and evolve. As we are always growing and evolving, we choose to grow consciously.

As we acknowledge our connection with all of life, our collective Work here is empowered…

Our collective prayer and meditation leave a positive imprint on the world, on the cosmos, for all time…transformation is under way…Wholeness is being revealed.

I begin our contemplation today with a quote from Dr. Erin Yu-Juin McMorrow in her book Grounded.

“As our systems and external reality shift and transform, we are finding our way home. To do our good work in the world, we must understand that we belong here. That our value is inherent as a living part of the universe. That we don’t have to earn our value outside of ourselves. We have been running on fear only because we have forgotten who we are. When we take back our power, we take back the narrative and change the game for humanity. If our money or house suddenly disappear, who are we? If our social status suddenly shifts, or a relationship or job ends, who are we? What are we staking our identity and worthiness in?”

“In remembering who we are and our place in the universe, we remember that our power, our value, our worthiness is our birthright. By incarnating, like every other entity, we are born whole. The creative life force of the universe flows through us and every other part of the universe. Death is simply transformation, a changing of forms. As we remember this simple truth, humanity is passing through a collective death and rebirth. The way forward is to remember who we are and step back into our power as sovereign beings. The systems of destruction don’t stand a chance against the internal light, love, and life force within each of us.”

SILENCE – 2 Minutes – Bell

Rev. Diana

All that is happening in our world is calling us to begin again…to Start with a Reset. During the past year, we have been given the time to slow down and to reflect on our lives, and on all that is unfolding around the globe. It seems that, as a society, we are being invited to question, and perhaps reset some of our social interactions and policies. Some of us may be resetting our individual spending habits, choosing to support local businesses and farmers. We may be resetting our schedules, making time for activities and relationships that nourish us. We may be resetting the kinds of entertainment we engage in, or the amount of screen time we allow ourselves.

We may be resetting the kinds and quality of food that we feed our bodies; or resetting our Spiritual Practices or Community.

What I know is that it takes time, attention, reflection, patience, and courage to make such changes, both individually and collectively. Author Mark Nepo writes:

“It takes courage to settle below all that’s expected of us so we can finally touch into what is innately ours. This doesn’t mean we can’t learn from others or that there aren’t traditions worth carrying forward. But settling below all we’ve been taught, below all that’s planned for us, allows us to touch life directly without undue influence. From that direct knowing, we can choose authentically what to bring forward because it genuinely speaks to us, rather than what rises our of reflex, or obligation. This is being faithful to our true inheritance.”

This is what was taught by the masters, sages, and prophets of every tradition…Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Gandhi, Krishnamurti, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela. We are always at choice, in every moment. Every choice has a consequence, every cause has an effect. The choices we make matter. As we consciously choose to live differently, even to think and believe differently, we are leaving our imprint on human nature, and on the evolution of the cosmos. We are never stuck in our current circumstance…in this world of Infinite Potential, there is always another way.

Musical Meditation– There’s Another Way by JD Martin & Jan Garrett

Rev. Diana

Once upon a time, there were two sailors who were shipwrecked on a small island. After the shock wore off, they began to imagine life from this point on. Charlie was inclined to do only what was necessary to survive. Otherwise, he simply waited. One day, Danny got frustrated and asked him, “What are you waiting for? No one is coming.” Charlie thought for a bit, then replied, “I’m just waiting. ‘m not going to do anything meaningless anymore.” Danny shook his head and went about the island looking for sharp stones to use as tools, and fallen trees to build with. As he dumped what he was gathering, Charlie asked him, “What are you doing?” Danny said, “This is how I wait, by building.”

These two represent our being and doing, and how they often argue with each other; though we need both to make sense of where we land.

In our lives, it takes both being and doing to find fulfillment and purpose. As we Start by Resetting, let us take the time to simply be. And then, may we have the courage and integrity to listen deeply, and from this inner Wisdom and Guidance, reset our doing.

Two ways that we might reset our doing, ways that often go unnoticed, or unquestioned…listen deeply as Spirit reveals anything you need to know at this time.

The first one begins with a question…What stories do you find yourself repeating, to yourself and others? Our stories define us. Be care-full, even certain, that your stories are reflecting and creating what is True in your heart, and what you wish to be experiencing in your life.

And now the second…Are there places in your life where your thoughts, words, and actions are not in alignment with the life you truly desire? These can be very subtle…we see them in others, but not in ourselves.

As within, so without. Our lives express our cognitive dissonance.

“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7:14) The spiritual path has been called the razor’s edge…walking it takes a lifetime of commitment. Time for a reset.

Divine One…reveal in me now and in every moment any place that my thoughts, words, or actions might be out of alignment with my heart’s desire, my soul’s purpose, and my deepest Knowing…

SILENCE – 2 Minutes – Bell

Chris – Meditation

Centered in contemplation with Spirit and our Beloved Community, we bring ourSelves fully into this moment…      completely inhabiting the sacred here and the holy now…  This moment is where we engage God… and where God unites with us…  This is a unique moment in eternity… and Eternity is fully present in this moment…

We are here by Divine Appointment… called by Spirit to re-connect with our Source…  Are we prepared for this meeting? … Have we cleared a space, not only in our calendar, but also in our consciousness? … If we invite God in, will there be room? … We cannot receive the Divine Gifts of Love, Peace, and Inspiration if we have nowhere to put them…

Let us take a moment to consider our receptivity…  Have we made room within our consciousness for new awareness? … Will we be able to receive genuinely new inspiration, or will it be filtered through what we think we already know? … Can we “stop knowing” long enough to truly hear something new? …

Shoshin is the Zen term for Beginner’s Mind…  It denotes a special openness and eagerness to learn, without preconceptions…  This is a clear and wide-open space for us to receive radically new revelations – if we are prepared to receive them…  Moving into the Silence, let us ask Spirit, “How can I restore my Beginner’s Mind? … What more can I do to reset my receptivity?”

Silence – 5:00

Still in this place of wide-open receptivity, we let our hearts be filled with gratitude…  We give thanks for the eternal fountain of Inspiration that keeps pouring itSelf out to us from Heaven…  Spirit keeps bestowing Wisdom upon us regardless of our capacity to receive – Love, Joy, and Peace are always available to us for the asking…

Thank you, God, for everything…

Please affirm with me that our thoughts, words, and actions align with our deepest spiritual intention, and that we are all inspired daily to give full expression to the gifts given us.  The light of our souls shines brightly as we express powerful spiritual qualities in the world.

Having cleared a space to receive our Divine Inspiration, we accept it as it flows through Rev. Diana’s words this morning…  We invite her message to inspire us anew, as we reset our Beginner’s Mind and hear with new ears…

Rev. Diana – Invitation to Practice

Author Larayia Gaston invites us into further questioning. She says that:

“we don’t have to take the stories we tell as givens. We can ask ourselves, ‘Are the stories we tell ourselves true? Are they supporting the kind of world we want to live in and the way in which we want to show up in the world?’ We can replace old stories with new, more accurate, more empowering, and more loving ones if more truthful, more empowered, and more loving is the kind of people we want to be.”

She goes on to say,

“There’s always room for expanding our way of thinking beyond our past experiences. There’s always room for growth. There’s always room for better and more empowering choices. Deep down I think we all know there’s more we can do. Not to save the world – that’s not a job any one person needs to take on – but to save our own hearts and to save our own souls.”

Right here, in this sacred moment, I know and accept the Truth…that there is only one Life, one Power, one Presence, one Intelligence… there’s only one of us here. I Am a perfect and intentional Expression of the Divine, and so I have everything required to ask the big questions, and to hear what is mine to do. I have the capacity to Start with a Reset…to better align myself with a higher Knowing and way of Being…to live my life with a deep sense of Integrity so that my inner and outer experiences are congruent. In this knowing, I commit to being Care-full…mindful…in how I live my life. …to being the most loving and peaceful expression of generosity and service that I can be. I call on the Power, Intelligence, and Wisdom of Spirit to guide my steps. I listen deeply and I say YES! I trust and accept that God’s fullness and completeness unfolds as a Grace-full flow of Divine Blessing, even as It Calls me to higher and higher ground through daily Practice and Communion. As I answer the Call, I grow into a more complete and fully-expressed version of myself…a more perfect emanation of Spirit…I fully embody and live from this Truth.

And so, grateful for this realization, I have absolute Faith that my Powerful Word is moving into form and experience right now for each one listening; I release it fully and completely to the Loving and Lawful Presence…It is done. And so it is. Amen!

Musical Meditation – Starting with Me by Jan Garrett & JD Martin (5 min)

Rev. Diana – Moving into Celebration

Let’s take a moment, with eyes still closed, for our Joyful Practice of Envisioning a Love-Soaked World, a world impacted and transformed by all of the good we are doing, individually and collectively…really see it with me…a world that is peaceful, joyful, and kind…where Divine Mother is in perfect balance, respected and nurtured by all beings…where everyone has plenty of nourishing food to eat, a warm and comfortable home, medical care, opportunities for education and creative contribution, and a sense of belonging…a world in which every being is valued for his or her inherent Goodness and Beauty…a world created by our willingness to practice Radical Love and Compassion, Integrity, Forgiveness, Kindness, and Generosity. Let this Vision become crystal clear in your heart and mind. Feel it resonating within you and all around you. Trust and Know that God is bigger than any apparent lack or limitation…that all things are possible in Spirit.

Do you feel it raising your vibration? Now hold onto that Vision…feel it happening…and let it bring a smile to your face as you gently bring your awareness back to your body…to your senses…to the atmosphere in the room. As you feel ready, allow your eyes to gently open and take in whatever is before you.

Holding a shared Vision is a powerful prayer. Thank you for joining me in this Vision every week. We are building our belief…we are building our Faith.

Please join me in affirming…Our Vision is moving into formWe are writing a new story…We are doing it here…We are doing it now…And so it is!

In the final few minutes of our gathering, we practice Gratitude and Joyful Expression as a way of celebrating one another in Community. We are so grateful for, and blessed by, this loving and committed Spiritual Community.

I like to share a little bit each week, for those who may be joining us for the first time, about who we are and what we’re about. Mystic Heart is a group of individuals who are seeking to be the Love and the Peace that we desire for all beings…learning to be the change we wish to see in the world. It is an Independent Spiritual Center that is self-governed by Community Agreements, which means it is free to grow and change according to the needs and desires of its members and friends.

It welcomes all who are drawn to be here. It is open to all faith paths, philosophical points of view, and ways of life that acknowledge and honor the Divine, and support and uplift the growth and evolution of the planet and its beings. We see Evolution and Creation as two aspects of one process that is forever moving life toward its next yet to be, and we understand that each of us is an integral part of that process, leaving our direct imprint on the evolution of humanity.

We are a community of Spiritual Independents. We draw from the New Thought and Transcendentalist philosophies; the teachings of the Rabbi Jesus and other evolved Masters; and the Perennial and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions of ancient times. On the cutting edge of Spirituality for the 21st century, we are exploring the philosophies of living visionaries, bringing evolutionary spirituality and mysticism into our studies and prayer life. We recognize and celebrate the common Truths that connect all Wisdom traditions; from these we draw principles and practices that are free of dogma and serve as tools for our modern lives.

We haven’t looked at our Purpose for Being in a while…we are here to:

  • to live physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually empowered lives…
  • to bring our most authentic selves in service to others…
  • to honor and experience the Divinity of all beings…
  • to experience the miraculous nature of our world and everything in it…
  • to recognize and live from our Unity…
  • to practice Love in order to bring Peace to our world.

AND…we love to have fun. Celebration is a vital part of our Spiritual Practice. We understand that by celebrating the Good in our lives, we bring more of it into our experience. I celebrate your choice to be here and your willingness to be present for this gathering of Beloved Community. It is in community that we come to know who we are.

Rev. Diana – Blessing for the Offering

Each Sunday, we offer you the opportunity to share your financial Good, in support of the Work we are doing in the world. You can go to to use our Donate Button or to find our mailing address.

We also have a Gracious Giving Program for those who would like to make a heartfelt monthly commitment of support so that we can more effectively plan for our growth and our monthly spending. I would be happy to give you more information.

As we move into this time of giving, please feel the Truth of these words, and know how much we appreciate your gifts:

As I awaken to the God within me and all around me, I see Abundance everywhere I look. I consciously step into that flow of Abundance by this act of giving. I bless this gift, sending it forth to heal and prosper. It is evidence of my deep faith. It does good work in the world and blesses all of Creation. I give from a consciousness of Abundance! And so it is! Amen!

Don’t hesitate to Stand Up… and dance!

Offertory Video – Stand Up by JD Martin and Jan Garrett (5 – start at 5:19)

Rev. Diana – Closing Gratitude and Benediction

Lucinda, Prayer Practitioner: Brief Invitations

  • Tuesdays – March 30, 3:00-5:00 pm – Deep Spirit by Christian de Quincey – an on-going book club facilitated by Michael Bordeaux.
  • Thursdays, 3:00-5:00 pm – Metaphysical Bible, an on-going circle.
  • Also on Thursdays, Chris Netto is offering Tai Chi via Zoom. Please contact Chris at for more information.


  • May 15, 10 am – 4 pm – Praying in Color…Spring Garden Party! A prayerful and playful day of Creativity and Celebration with Ellie Thompson and Rev. Diana. Spend time in community on the 3rd Saturday, due to Mother’s Day. This month’s Praying in Color with be in-person only, in an outdoor setting. Suggested donation: $40 – Any donation gratefully accepted. Please RSVP for your ‘Planning Ahead List’ and so that we can plan enough materials and food. 😊
  • May 22, 10 am – 5 pm – Mystic OAKS Adventure to Hat Creek SETI Observatory and Potluck Picnic. Please RSVP for more information.
  • Planning Ahead:
  • June 5, 10 am – 1 pm, Mystic Morning Brew with Prayer Practitioner Lucinda Alton…yours truly!

Planning Ahead:

Friday, June 11th from 6:00-9:00 pm – The State of the Heart Annual Gathering, outdoors in the Johnson Backyard. This is the Mystic Heart version of the Annual Members Meeting.

  • First hour – Updates as to how our community is thriving, plans for growth, opportunities for input.
  • Second hour – Barbecue and potluck.
  • Third hour – Music by in2it!

All are welcome, families with children, too! RSVP will be required. More details will be sent as responses are received.

Sunday Taizé Meditation Experience, 10 am each week.

Keep your eye on our newsletter. Check our website,, for more information and for all of our Zoom links.

We want to share what we have with others, so please invite folks to check out our website. The power of invitation is one of the ways we grow our community.

Closing Song: Love Be with You, written by Lainey Bernstein, RScP, & Gary Lynn Floyd

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